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love noL Lo

a man and woman esLabllsh love buL Lhey dlffer so much from Lhe womans moLher dld noL approve of
Lhelr relaLlonshlp

one day Lhey boLh meL ln a garden so beauLlful and romanLlc woman also can noL forgeL LhaL wonderful
day for Lhem boLh nexL day Lhe man came home Lhe woman Lo Lake her away and Lhe woman wenL
and meL her on Lhe balcony of hls house Lhe moLher came Lo dlsallow and pull Lhe woman Lo go back
lnLo hls room Lhen Lhe woman can only be looked aL plcLures of her and her lover buL when he looked
aL lL Lhe moLher came and selzed and Lore Lhe phoLo 1he nexL day he meL her and lnvlLed her Lo go Lo
Lhe lake Lhrough Lhe womans bedroom wlndow Lhen Lhey boLh saL down and en[oyed Lhe beauLlful
aLmosphere as Lake plcLures and afLer LhaL Lhey surround Lhe lake when Lhe woman ls hls reLurn home
Lhe moLher had lnLended her Lo maLch her wlLh anoLher man buL she had refused an arranged marrlage
of hls parenLs Lhen
kaslh Lak sampal
seorang prla dan wanlLa men[alln kaslh Lapl mereka banyak memlllkl perbedaan sehlngga lbu darl
wanlLa LersebuL pun Lldak meresLul hubungan mereka

pada suaLu harl mereka berdua pun berLemu dl suaLu Laman yang lndah dan romanLls sehlngga sl wanlLa
pun Lldak dapaL melupakan harl yang lndah unLuk mereka berdua keesokan harlnya sl prla pun daLang
kerumah sl wanlLa LersebuL unLuk menga[ak nya pergl dan sl wanlLa pun menemul nya dl aLas balkon
rumah nya sang lbu pun daLang unLuk melarang dan menarlk sl wanlLa agar masuk lagl kedalam kamar
nya lalu sl wanlLa lLu hanya blsa memandangl foLo la dan kekaslh nya sa[a LeLapl dl saaL dla
memandangl foLo lLu sang lbu pun daLang lalu merebuL dan merobek foLo LersebuL keesokan harlnya
prla LersebuL menemul wanlLa lLu dan menga[ak nya pergl ke danau melalul [endela kamar sl wanlLa
LersebuL lalu mereka berdua pun duduk dan menlkmaLl suasana yang lndah sambll berfoLofoLo dan
seLelah lLu mereka mengellllngl danau LersebuL keLlka sl wanlLa LersebuL pulang kerumah nya sang lbu
pun bernlaL nya lngln men[odohkan nya dengan lakllakl laln LeLapl wanlLa lLu menolak per[odohan
orang Luanya LersebuL kemudlan sambll menangls wanlLa lLu masuk kedalam kamar nya dan
memandangl foLo la dan kekaslh nya keesokan harl nya wanlLa lLu daLang menemul prla LersebuL sambll
berkaLa sayang maafkan aku hubungan klLa Lerlalu sullL unLuk dl Leruskan karena orang Lua ku Lldak
meresLul hubungan klLalalu sl prla pun men[awab kenapa orang Lua kamu Lldak meresLul hubungan
klLa? apa karna sLaLus soslal ku? lalu wanlLa LersebuL memeluk prla LersebuL dengan sangaL eraL
LeLapl LlbaLlba prla LersebuL baLuk sambll mengeluarkan darah yang amaL banyak lalu sl wanlLa
LersebuL Lerke[uL mellhaL kekaslh nya seperLl lLu kemudlan dla berLerlak sambll menangls
kemudlan wanlLa lLu membawa nya ke rumah saklL LerdekaL unLuk menyelamaLkan kekaslh nya
LersebuL LeLapl dl saaL dla menangls dl samplng kekaslh nya lLu LlbaLlba sang lbu pun daLang dan
memaksa wanlLa lLu unLuk pulang kerumah dengan rauL wa[ah yang marah sang lbu pun men[aLuhkan
boLol lnfusan nya akhlrnya sl prla pun Lak LerselamaL kan nyawa nya aklbaL kemarahan sang lbu sl
wanlLa LersebuL
cried the woman into his room and looked at pictures oI her and her lover. its the next day she
came to see the man, saying "I'm sorry dear, our relationship is too diIIicult to continue because
my parents did not approve oI our relationship", and then he replied "why do your parents do not
approve oI our relationship? Why,because My social status? "then the woman hugged the man
with very closely.

but, suddenly, pulling the man coughing blood very much. then the woman was surprised to see
her lover like that. then she screamed and cried.
then she took him to a nearby hospital to rescue her lover is. but when she cried in her lover's
side, the mother suddenly came and Iorced her to come home. with an angry look on his Iace she
had dropped her bottle inIusan. Iinally the man's liIe was not his anger caused by the
mother oI the woman is.
dan seLelah lLu wanlLa lLu LeLap ber[an[l unLuk Lldak melupakan kekaslh nya
and afLer LhaL she remalned promlse noL Lo forgeL her lover

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