Kimheng Chea Part Evelyn Pre

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Kimheng chea Part Evelyn pre

The 1st part of our analysis about Evelyn Grace Academy is Site related

As you can see on this picture, the area that we have highlighted is showing some related position of where Evelyn grace academy located on, that we got from google map.

Evelyn Grace Academy, 225 Shakespeare Road, Brixton, near Lambeth, London SE24 0QN, UK
It is in the middle between Lough Bororough Park road and Shakesphere road which also contain main gates on each road . (point) South On site recruitment Ltd which is along the Shakesphere road and Depot East- there is Jaguar and Redwing Coaches (point) North there is conversation area (around here point)

Shape and Form

ok , after you have know about the location of where evelyn grace academy located in, let move forward to the more detail analysis of our case study which is shape & form of the building. 1/ as you can see from the site plan, the shapes of the surrounding area n the building are both in irregular shape. 2/ furthermore, if we look at this building in perspective from different side we would feel that it is a kind of very dynamic form building . 3/ meanwhile for this building if look in perspective view like this picture , it is also included with both Additive form , (point) and Substructive form on the 2 open space around here (point) 4/ and the last part that related to shaped and form is Articulation . in order to make the buiding look more interesting , Architect Zaha Hadid also add rounded corners instead of particular corners and along with glass texture on most of the surface of the building.


then lets moving on to Organization Analysis of this building. The overall area of Evelyn Grace academy is in Cluster Org . But if we look inside of the 1st 2nd and 3rd floor plans of this building we could see in linear org of each separated block of the classrooms and offices. Moreover for this 2 spaces on the 1st floor plan are linked by a Corridor . thus we decide to analyze this way of organization as Space Linked by a common space .

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