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SAP BusinessObjects Explorer Installation, Deployment and Administration Guide SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.



2009 SAP BusinessObjects. All rights reserved. SAP BusinessObjects and its logos, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, SAP BusinessObjects Rapid Mart, SAP BusinessObjects Data Insight, SAP BusinessObjects Desktop Intelligence, SAP BusinessObjects Rapid Marts, SAP BusinessObjects Watchlist Security, SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence, and Xcelsius are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects, an SAP company and/or affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and/or other countries. All other names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. 2009-06-06


Chapter 1

About this guide...................................................................................7

Chapter 2

Overview...............................................................................................9 SAP BusinessObjects Explorer fundamentals for administrators................9 Supported data providers..........................................................................10 How SAP BusinessObjects Explorer works with SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise..................................................................................................11 The backend servers.................................................................................11 The SAP BusinessObjects Explorer user population................................12

Chapter 3

Deployment Architecture..................................................................15 Supported platforms..................................................................................15 SAP BusinessObjects Explorer deployment scenarios.............................15 Deploying SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for improved Information Space exploration.................................................................................................17 Deploying SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for improved indexing.............18 Deploying SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, accelerated version for SAP NetWeaver BW..........................................................................................19 Implementing a complex distributed deployment scenario........................20

Chapter 4

Installation..........................................................................................23 Installation pre-requisites...........................................................................23 Installation package contents....................................................................25 Installation procedures...............................................................................26 Installing SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on Microsoft Windows..............26


Installing SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on IBM AIX...............................30 Installing SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on Linux SUSE.........................31 Deploying the WAR files manually.............................................................33 Post installation configuration ...................................................................36 Configuring SAP BusinessObjects Explorer to work with SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator..........................................................................................37 Standardizing font usage across your deployment....................................40 WebSphere policy configuration with Java 2 security...............................44 Verifying your installation...........................................................................44 Logging on.................................................................................................45 Logging on with SAP authentication..........................................................46 Uninstalling SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on Microsoft Windows.........47 Uninstalling SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on UNIX...............................48 Chapter 5 Security...............................................................................................51 Reverse proxies.........................................................................................51 Firewall port usage for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer.............................51 Configuring firewall ports...........................................................................52 Authentication methods.............................................................................53 Configuring SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for SAP authentication.........54 Single Sign On...........................................................................................56 Activating Single Sign On..........................................................................56 SSO for WinAD authentication using Vintela.............................................59 SSO for WinAD using Kerberos.................................................................60 SSO for LDAP authentication using SiteMinder........................................61 Enabling Trusted Authentication................................................................63 Allocating rights to users and groups........................................................66 Explorer user rights per user profile..........................................................68 Chapter 6 Administration....................................................................................73 Starting and stopping the backend servers...............................................73 Customizing the web application server settings.......................................73 Explorer Web Application settings.............................................................73 Configuring the server settings..................................................................76


Configuring the path for Information Space indexes.................................77 Configuring the session timeout period.....................................................79 Configuring the request timeout limit.........................................................80 Increasing virtual memory on the Explorer servers...................................80 Configuring the number of Corba threads.................................................83 Configuring the bookmark validity period..................................................85 Configuring the workload update setting for load balancing......................86 Logging methods.......................................................................................87 Configuring the Explorer server log files....................................................88 Web application logging.............................................................................90 Indexing best practices..............................................................................90 Appendix A Index More Information................................................................................93 97


About this guide

About this guide

This guide is for administrators of who wish to deploy SAP BusinessObjects Explorer and perform administration tasks specific to the application. End-user information on how to use SAP BusinessObjects Explorer to analyze corporate business intelligence data is provided in the Help.

For an overview of the information resources dedicated to deployments of SAP BusinessObjects Explorer with SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator, refer to the Master Guide for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, accelerated version for SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse at:

About this guide



SAP BusinessObjects Explorer fundamentals for administrators

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer is an innovative search and explore tool that allows business users to find and analyze corporate data on the fly, without needing to build reports or format charts. In order to understand how SAP BusinessObjects Explorer consumes your corporate data and system resources you will need to familiarize yourself with some key terms.
Information Spaces

An Information Space is a collection of objects mapped to data for a specific business operation or activity. SAP BusinessObjects Explorer users type in key words related to the business question they wish to analyze, in order to retrieve the Information Space(s) that contain the relevant data. Power users, with the Space Creator user profile, create the Information Spaces on top of corporate data providers.

In order to prepare Information Spaces for consumption by the Explorer search and charting engines, Information Spaces need to be indexed when they are created. Information Space indexes can be run manually or scheduled to run at a time of your choice to manage the load on your system with maximum efficiency. When the Indexing process is run, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer generates an index associated to the objects contained in the Information Space.

Indexing consumes relatively large resources. If your deployment requires indexes to be run frequently, SAP recommends you deploy multiple Explorer indexing servers on your SAP BusinessObjects Explorer cluster.



Facets organize the information available within an Information Space. A facet contains the list of values available for each of the objects included in the Information Space. For example, a facet called "Vehicle" could include values such as "Car", "Bicycle", "Motorbike", "Truck", and so on.
Related Topics

Supported data providers on page 10 Explorer user rights per user profile on page 68 Deploying SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for improved indexing on page 18

Supported data providers

Information Spaces can leverage data via the following corporate data providers: BusinessObjects universes

Refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Designer's Guide and the Using SAP BW in Universe Designer guide on the SAP BusinessObjects tab at: NetWeaver Business Warehouse Accelerator indexes enabled for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer

Refer to the SAP NetWeaver Library at: "". These data providers can leverage data from operational applications, data warehouses, Relational DataBase Management Systems (RDBMS) and OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP) sources.



How SAP BusinessObjects Explorer works with SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer is an add-on to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI. The servers, Information Spaces and users are managed by the BusinessObjects Enterprise Central Management Server (CMS) and Central Management Console (CMC).

You cannot audit the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer servers.

The backend servers

When you install SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, the following servers are added to the BusinessObjects Enterprise Central Configuration Manager (CCM) and Central Management Console (CMC): Explorer Master Server



Manages all of the Explorer servers (that is, the Explorer Indexing Server, Explorer Search Server and Explorer Exploration Server). Explorer Indexing Server Provides and manages the indexing of Information Space data and metadata. Explorer Search Server Processes search queries and returns search results. Explorer Exploration Server Provides and manages the Information Space exploration and analysis capabilities including search on data, filtering and aggregation. Each Explorer server manages its own index.
Related Topics

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer deployment scenarios on page 15

The SAP BusinessObjects Explorer user population

The SAP BusinessObjects Explorer user population includes the following profiles:
Space Explorers

Space Explorers make up the majority of the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer user population. Their interactions with the application consist of searching for Information Spaces, navigating and analyzing the data within those Information Spaces and saving Information Spaces to other file formats. These users sometimes export Information Spaces to other applications to analyze the data further.
Space Creators

Space Creators make up a small percentage of the total SAP BusinessObjects Explorer user population. They understand the underlying data structures in the data providers consumed by the application and understand the business



concerns of their Space Explorer collaborators. With this knowledge, Space Creators can build Information Spaces that contain contextually related sets of data, and so provide Space Explorers with a complete picture for a given business query. Your system requirements and sizing parameters will depend on the percentage of Space Explorers and Space Creators across your SAP BusinessObjects Explorer deployment.

Administrators are responsible for scheduling Information Space indexing, so that the load on the system can be kept to a minimum during peak usage times. In addition, administrators can manage SAP BusinessObjects Explorer user rights and change the server settings.
More Information:

For information on sizing your system according to the usage patterns of the users across your deployment, refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer XI 3.1 Service Pack 1 Sizing guide available at:
Related Topics

Explorer user rights per user profile on page 68




Deployment Architecture

Deployment Architecture

Supported platforms
For detailed information on supported operating systems and web application servers, refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer XI 3.1 Service Pack 1 Supported Platforms document in the "Articles" section at: SAP Community Network.

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer deployment scenarios

The deployment architecture you choose for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer will depend on the size of your deployment, the types of actions your users most frequently perform when they use the software and the performance and reliability requirements of your business intelligence infrastructure. The Explorer servers can be installed on one or several machines with one or several instances of a server installed on each machine, to share the workload of your deployment.
Increasing Performance

You can opt to install SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on the same server as SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI or on dedicated machines. Installing SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on dedicated machines results in better performance. You need to install a Server Intelligence Agent (SIA) on each Explorer server machine that does not include an SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI installation. The SIA component is available from the BusinessObjects Enterprise installer when you deploy the BusinessObjects Enterprise Server Components module. When you deploy a Explorer server on a machine that does not have an SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI installation, Explorer connects to another


Deployment Architecture

BusinessObjects Central Manager Server (CMS) on a separate machine on your network. You can modify this via the CMC at any time.

If failover is a key requirement, you can deploy more than one Explorer Master Server to manage the other Explorer servers. The Master Servers work together to maintain the consistency of critical data.
Load balancing

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer supports the clustering of your web application server. Hardware or software load balancers can be used as the entry-point for the web application servers to ensure that the processing is evenly distributed among servers.

For information about load balancing for SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise, refer to the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide XI 3.1 available on the "SAP BusinessObjects" tab at: For information about which hardware load balancers SAP supports for BusinessObjects Enterprise, refer to the BusinessObjects Explorer XI 3.1 Service Pack 1 Supported Platforms document in the "Articles" section at: SAP Community Network.
Related Topics

Implementing a complex distributed deployment scenario on page 20 Deploying SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for improved indexing on page 18 Deploying SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for improved Information Space exploration on page 17 Configuring the workload update setting for load balancing on page 86


Deployment Architecture

Deploying SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for improved Information Space exploration

If the main activity of your user population is exploration, then it is recommended you deploy SAP BusinessObjects Explorer in a cluster with additional Explorer servers to ensure maximum performance when your users navigate Information Spaces.

Deploying a high-end machine to the cluster improves the performance and lowers any server restraints.
Related Topics

The SAP BusinessObjects Explorer user population on page 12


Deployment Architecture

Deploying SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for improved indexing

The indexing of Information Spaces is dependent upon: the number of Explorer servers deployed and how they are deployed the hardware (CPU, memory, hard disk) used for Explorer servers the Java Virtual Machine heap If you wish to improve the performance of indexing, then ensure the following: Install the primary Explorer Master Server, Explorer Indexing Server, Explorer Search Server, and Explorer Exploration Server on the machine where SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise is installed. Install additional Explorer Indexing Servers on separate machines ensuring that they are directed to the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. The indexing load is shared across the indexing servers.

The number of servers required is dependent on the number of users expected to use SAP BusinessObjects Explorer. For example, if you expect a high number of users indexing the large Information Spaces at


Deployment Architecture

the same time (an extreme scenario), then an additional server is required. Indexing many Information Spaces has an impact on explorers while they are exploring. It is recommended you schedule Information Spaces for indexing when there is less activity, such as over night.

It is good practice to install a Explorer Search Server and a Explorer Exploration Server on the additional machines. This allows those machines to share the load of searching and exploration when there is no indexing in progress.

Related Topics

Indexing best practices on page 90

Deploying SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, accelerated version for SAP NetWeaver BW

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, accelerated version for SAP NetWeaver BW allows you to deploy SAP BusinessObjects Explorer with SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse Accelerator (BW Accelerator) and SAP NetWeaver BW. In this deployment scenario, end users can create and explore Information Spaces based on BW Accelerator indexes, which leverage the data in InfoCubes. The following diagrams present possible deployment scenarios for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, accelerated version for SAP NetWeaver BW:

For more information about SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator, see the Technical Operations Manual for BI Accelerator available on the SAP Community Network (SDN) at:


Deployment Architecture

Implementing a complex distributed deployment scenario


Deployment Architecture

You can deploy SAP BusinessObjects Explorer in a distributed scenario over multiple nodes, using firewalls and reverse proxies for your security to set up a complex environment that ensures security and failover.


Deployment Architecture




Installation pre-requisites
For a detailed list of supported environments and hardware requirements, consult the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer XI 3.1 Supported Platforms document available on the SAP Community at: in the "Articles" section. This document includes specific version and patch-level requirements for web application servers, web browsers, and operating systems.
Pre-requisites for all installations of SAP BusinessObjects Explorer

SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 must be installed and configured correctly before you install SAP BusinessObjects Explorer XI 3.1.

See the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Installation and Configuration Guide at:

If you have an existing installation of SAP BusinessObjects Polestar XI 3.1, you need to uninstall this version before you install SAP BusinessObjects Explorer XI 3.1. Some files need to be removed manually before you install the new version. For details on which files you need to remove, see the Uninstalling SAP BusinessObjects Explorer sections for Windows or UNIX, listed in Related Topics, below. It is highly recommended you back up the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer WAR files, before you start the uninstallation procedure. The following BusinessObjects servers are required for the application to run correctly: Central Management Server (CMS) Web Intelligence Processing Server Output File Repository Server



Input File Repository Server A web application server is also required. Before you begin to deploy SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, ensure the following: You have administrative access to the designated machine for installation. The machine that SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 is installed on is operating and is accessible on the network. A BusinessObjects Enterprise SIA is installed on any machine that hosts Explorer servers. You have the CMS details of the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 installation. For example, the CMS name, port, and user credentials.
Additional pre-requisites for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, accelerated version for SAP NetWeaver BW

If your deployment includes SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator and you want to use SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, accelerated version for SAP NetWeaver BW to analyze data from InfoCubes, you need to install the SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator driver for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer. The driver is included in the installation package. Before you install the driver, the following applications need to be deployed and accessible on your network: SAP NetWeaver EhP1 SP2 Needs to include SAP Netweaver BW 7.0.1 SP2.

See the Installation Guide SAP Enhancement Package Installation SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator 7.0

See the Update Guide SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator 7.0 SAP BusinessObjects Integration, version for SAP solutions

See the BusinessObjects XI Integration for SAP Solutions Installation and Administration Guide available on the "SAP BusinessObjects" tab at.



Related Topics

Uninstalling SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on Microsoft Windows on page 47 Uninstalling SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on UNIX on page 48

Installation package contents

The SAP BusinessObjects Explorer setup includes the following packages:
Explorer servers

This feature includes: The backend servers: Master Indexing Search Exploration Third-party components The BusinessObjects Java SDK


You can install the servers on different host machines. For example, you can have dedicated machines for indexing, exploration, and search.

Web Application Server Component

This feature includes the necessary web portal deployment components.


If you do not have the default BusinessObjects Enterprise web application server installed, the required WAR (Web Application Archive) files have to be deployed separately. You can deploy the WAR files manually using the wdeploy application.

CMS Add-on

The CMS Add-on needs to be installed on the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS. This add-on enables the CMS to recognize SAP BusinessObjects Explorer.



Related Topics

Installation procedures on page 26

Installation procedures
The installation procedure you follow depends on the Operating System (O/S) of your Explorer server host machines.
Related Topics

Installing SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on Microsoft Windows on page 26 Installing SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on IBM AIX on page 30 Installing SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on Linux SUSE on page 31

Installing SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on Microsoft Windows


In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The previous name could appear in some of the interface messages you will see during the installation procedure. 1. Double-click setup.exe. 2. In the "BusinessObjects Polestar Setup" dialog, click Next >. 3. Read and accept the License Agreement, then click Next > to start your installation. The detected directory is based upon your BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 installation. 4. Confirm your installation options:





You want to install all of the Select the Explorer servers Explorer servers and the Exyou want to install at the plorer Web Application Server specified location. on the BusinessObjects Enter- Select CMS Add-On. prise server. Select Web Application Server component. You want to install all of the Select the Explorer servers Explorer servers on the Busiyou want to install at the nessObjects Enterprise servspecified location. er. Select CMS Add-On. You want to install one or Type the file path to the host several Explorer servers on a machine where you want to machine that does not include install the server(s). the BusinessObjects Enter- Enter the CMS Name and prise server. port number of the Business Objects installation to which Note: you want to connect. You need to install the Explorer CMS add-on on the Busines- Select the Explorer servers you want to install at the sObjects Enterprise server specified location. and install an SIA on the machine where you want to install the Explorer server(s) before you install the Explorer server(s). You want to install the Explor- Type the file path to your er Web Application compoWeb Application Server host nent on your BusinessObjects machine. Enterprise Web Application Select Web Application Server. Server component.
If the details are accepted, you are prompted to install SAP BusinessObjects Explorer.



5. Click Next >. 6. Enter your CMS logon credentials: CMS Name Port number User Name Password Authentication 7. Click Next >. If you chose to install the Web Application Server component, you are prompted to automatically deploy the Explorer Web Application Server components (WAR files). 8. How and where you deploy the Explorer Web Application Server components depends on which Web Application Server you want to use for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer:





You want to deploy the Explor- To deploy the WAR files autoer Web Application Server matically, select Automaticalcomponents to the Apache ly Tomcat used by BusinessOb- To deploy the WAR files jects Enterprise. manually, using wdeploy, select Manually

If you choose either automatic or manual deployment, the necessary files are copied locally to:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\applications\

You want to deploy the Explorer Web Application Server components to another Web Application Server.

You need to deploy the Explorer Web Application Archive (WAR) files separately. You can deploy the WAR files manually using the wdeploy application.

9. Optional: If you chose to deploy automatically, you are prompted to configure the default web application server: Type the Server Instance and Service Name. Ensure the Application Server Installation Directory is correct. Click Next > to continue. 10. Click Next > to launch the installation. When the installation is complete, a message is displayed indicating whether installation was successful or not. After installation ensure that the Explorer servers are enabled and started within the BusinessObjects Enterprise CCM or CMC. Within the CCM, you can enable and start servers via the Server Intelligence Agent (SIA).
Related Topics

Deploying the WAR files manually on page 33



Installing SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on IBM AIX


In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The previous name could appear in some of the interface messages you will see during the installation procedure. 1. Type the path to the directory where you want to install launch the Explorer server(s), type: ./ <install_dir> For example: ./ /usr/unix/Explorer/ 2. On the "BusinessObjects Polestar Setup" dialog, select the current language for the installation. 3. Press Enter. The "BUSINESS OBJECTS LICENSE AGREEMENT "screen appears. 4. To accept the license agreement, press y. 5. Select the language packs you want to install. 6. Select the features you want to install on the directory you specified: Explorer Servers (Master, Indexing, Search, and Exploration) Web Application Server Component (this includes the web portal deployment components) CMS Add-On (This feature is disabled when the CMS is not detected.) 7. Press Enter. 8. In the "Enter Information for existing CMS" screen, type the following information: CMS Name Port number User Name Password 9. Press Enter. The "Redeploy web applications?" screen appears. 10. You have two options:



If the machine you selected for installation includes Apache Tomcat and you want to deploy the Explorer Web Application Server components on that machine, select Yes. If you don't want to deploy the Explorer Web Application Server components on the selected machine, select No.

11. Press Enter. 12. Optional: If the Enter Web Application Server configuration "Tomcat 5.5 "screen appears, type the Instance to install, ensure the Application Server Installation Directory is correct, and then press Enter. 13. In the "Confirm Install" screen, verify the installation directory is correct, then press Enter to start the installation. The "Running Post Install Actions" screen displays. Depending on the fonts installed on your AIX server and the language versions across your deployment, you may need to install specific fonts on the server and/or the client machines.
Related Topics

Standardizing font usage across your deployment on page 40

Installing SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on Linux SUSE


In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The previous name could appear in some of the interface messages you will see during the installation procedure. 1. Type the path to the directory where you want to install launch the Explorer server(s), type: ./ <install_dir> For example: ./ /usr/linux/Explorer/ 2. On the "BusinessObjects Polestar Setup" dialog, select the current language for the installation. 3. Press Enter. The "BUSINESS OBJECTS LICENSE AGREEMENT "screen appears. 4. To accept the license agreement, press y.



5. Select the language packs you want to install. 6. Select the features you want to install on the directory you specified: Explorer Servers (Master, Indexing, Search, and Exploration) Web Application Server Component (this includes the web portal deployment components) CMS Add-On (This feature is disabled when the CMS is not detected.) 7. Press Enter. 8. In the "Enter Information for existing CMS" screen, type the following information: CMS Name Port number User Name Password 9. Press Enter. The "Redeploy web applications?" screen appears. 10. You have two options: If the machine you selected for installation includes Apache Tomcat and you want to deploy the Explorer Web Application Server components on that machine, select Yes. If you don't want to deploy the Explorer Web Application Server components on the selected machine, select No. 11. Press Enter. 12. Optional: If the Enter Web Application Server configuration "Tomcat 5.5" screen appears, type the Instance to install, ensure the Application Server Installation Directory is correct, and then press Enter. 13. In the "Confirm Install" screen, verify the installation directory is correct, then press Enter to start the installation. The "Running Post Install Actions" screen displays. Depending on the fonts installed on your Linux server and the language versions across your deployment, you may need to install specific fonts on the server and/or the client machines.
Related Topics

Standardizing font usage across your deployment on page 40



Deploying the WAR files manually


In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The previous name could appear in some of the interface messages you will see during the installation procedure. If you did not auto-deploy the Explorer WAR files during installation, you need to deploy the files manually using the wdeploy application provided with your BusinessObjects Enterprise XI installation.
Related information:

Deployment is dependent on your web application server and operating server, refer to the web application server documentation for detailed information on WAR file deployment. For further detailed information on web application deployment, refer to: BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Web Application Deployment Guide for Windows at http// The WAR files are located at:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\applications\

To deploy the Explorer WAR files on your Explorer Web Application Server using wdeploy: 1. Open the corresponding configuration file for edit:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment\

For example, if you are deploying WAR files to a Tomcat web application server, edit the config.tomcat55 file. By default, configuration files contain parameters that are related to the previously used web application server. 2. Replace all parameters so that they are specific to the web application server you wish to deploy to. 3. Open a cmd console and navigate to the location of wdeploy.
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment\

4. Run the wdeploy command to deploy the Explorer WAR files on to your web application server.



Launch the command for each WAR. Reference the properties files located at C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment\apps\:
File Related WAR File PolestarAppActions.proper ties

Polestar WAR PolestarAppActions WAR Online Help Video Tutorial

For example, to deploy the PolestarAppActions WAR file on Tomcat, reference the name of the properties file: wdeploy tomcat55 -DAPP=PolestarAppActions deploy

For further information on wdeploy commands, refer to the wdeploy README located at: C:\Program Files\Business

5. Various BusinessObjects Enterprise WAR files need to be redeployed. Launch the wdeploy command for each WAR, the properties files are:
File Related WAR File InfoViewAppActions.proper ties

CMC application WAR CmcAppActions WAR InfoView application WAR InfoViewAppActions WAR PlatformServices WAR

For example, to deploy the CmcApp WAR file on Tomcat, reference the name of the properties file:



wdeploy tomcat55 -DAPP=CmcApp deploy The WAR files are deployed to your web application server.

1. Stop Tomcat. 2. Open for edit the following file: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment\config.tomcat55. 3. Ensure that the file content resembles your Tomcat installation, for example:
## ## Business Objects Configuration Utility ## # as_dir: the installation directory of the application server as_dir=C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55 # as_instance: the application server instance to deploy to (represents the name of a folder in the conf/Catalina directory) as_instance=localhost # as_service_name: on windows, the name of the tomcat ser vice when tomcat is installed as a service #as_service_name=%AS_SERVICE_NAME% # as_service_key: on windows, when tomcat is installed as a service, the name of the key where the java startup pa rameters are stored # (there is generally no need to touch this) as_service_key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Pro crun 2.0\${as_service_name}\Parameters\Java # as_service_key_value: name of the String value where the java startup parameters are stored, in the key pointed to by as_service_key # (there is generally no need to touch this) as_service_key_value=Options

4. Open a cmd console and navigate to the wdeploy utility location:

C:\Program Files\Business Objects\deployment\

5. Launch the following commands to deploy all of the WAR files:




wdeploy tomcat55 -DAPP=polestar deploy wdeploy tomcat55 -DAPP=PolestarAppActions deploy wdeploy tomcat55 -DAPP=polestar_help deploy wdeploy tomcat55 -DAPP=polestar_tutorial deploy wdeploy tomcat55 -DAPP=CmcApp deploy wdeploy tomcat55 -DAPP=CmcAppActions deploy wdeploy tomcat55 -DAPP=InfoViewApp deploy wdeploy tomcat55 -DAPP=InfoViewAppActions deploy wdeploy tomcat55 -DAPP=PlatformServices deploy
6. If necessary, restart Tomcat.

Post installation configuration

Once your SAP BusinessObjects Explorer installation is complete, you need to configure the following: the index directory where indexes will be stored the session timeout the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap size for each Explorer server the OpenDocument URL so that the end-user option to export Explorer Information Spaces to SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence will work correctly
Related Topics

Configuring the path for Information Space indexes on page 77 Configuring the session timeout period on page 79 Increasing virtual memory on the Explorer servers on page 80 Explorer Web Application settings on page 73



Configuring SAP BusinessObjects Explorer to work with SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator

The following should not be necessary with the GA build: Enable the TREX cache and configure the TREX index server for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer.

For step-by-step information on how to enable the TREX cache and configure the TREX index server, refer to the Master Guide for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, accelerated version for SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse at Connect to a specific SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator To ensure failover, you can define one or more SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator blades as backup blades for your BW Accelerator landscape. The BW Accelerator backup blade(s) take the load of your production BW Accelerator blade in the event of failure. Configure SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for SAP authentication Make SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator indexes and user authorizations available to SAP BusinessObjects Explorer.

For information on how to do this, refer to the Master Guide for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, accelerated version for SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse at Import SAP NetWeaver BW user profiles to the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS or create new users with the same user profile as in NetWeaver BW.

For information on creating new users on the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide XI 3.1. For information on importing users into the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS, refer to the SAP BusinessObjects XI Integration for SAP Solutions Installation and Administration Guide. Both guides are available at:



Related Topics

Connecting to an SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator on page 39 Configuring SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for SAP authentication on page 54

Configuring SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for SAP authentication

In order for SAP NetWeaver BW users to log into SAP BusinessObjects InfoView using their NetWeaver BW user login, you need to import your NetWeaver BW users into the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS at the CMC level. To do this, SAP authentication is required.

SAP highly recommends you use the SAP BusinessObjects Integration Kit for SAP. For more information, see the SAP BusinessObjects XI Integration for SAP Solutions Installation and Administration Guide available on the SAP BusinessObjects tab at. Before setting up SAP authentication for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, you need to: ensure that SAP authentication and security is configured within the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC

The SAP option becomes available in the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC once you have added your SAP NetWeaver BW system within the SAPGUI. The SAPGUI is installed when you install the BusinessObjects Integration Kit for SAP. For full information, see the BusinessObjects XI Integration for SAP Solutions Installation and Administration Guide available on the "SAP BusinessObjects" tab at. verify that you can log on to the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC via SAP authentication configure the Explorer Web Application Server properties file for SAP authentication

Related Topics

Configuring SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for SAP authentication on page 54



Connecting to an SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator


In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The previous name could appear in some of the interface messages you see in SAP BusinessObjects Explorer and the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC. Before performing this task, verify that SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, the SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator driver for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, and SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator are deployed and are accessible on the network. The SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise system requires an SAP user account that is authorized to access SAP role membership lists, authenticate SAP users, and so on. You will need this user name and its password when you connect SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise to your SAP NetWeaver BW system. To connect SAP BusinessObjects Explorer with a designated SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator via the CMC administration page: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stop the Explorer servers. Logon to the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC. Navigate to Manage > Applications. Right-click Polestar and click Properties. Within Advanced Configuration: type the host and port values of the designated BWA. For example:<myb waserver> com.businessobjects.datadiscovery.dat aprovider.trex.port=3<TREX_instance_number>16


This first entry should point to the blade with the first master name server (or at least to a blade with a master name server).



6. Optional: if you have one or more backup blades in place for your BW Accelerator landscape, you can also configure additional connections to those backup blades. For example, to add two backup blades:
com.businessobjects.datadiscovery.dat aprovider.trex.host1=<bwa_backup_blade1> com.businessobjects.datadiscovery.dat aprovider.trex.port1=3<TREX_instance_number>16 com.businessobjects.datadiscovery.dat aprovider.trex.host2=<bwa_backup_blade2> com.businessobjects.datadiscovery.dat aprovider.trex.port2=3<TREX_instance_number>16

7. Click Save and Close. 8. Restart the servers. When you are logged into SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, NetWeaver BW Accelerator indexes appear listed in the Manage Spaces tab, within the SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator folder.
Related Topics

Deploying SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, accelerated version for SAP NetWeaver BW on page 19

Standardizing font usage across your deployment


In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The directories on the Explorer servers use the previous name: polestar. The fonts used to display character strings in Information Spaces are provided by the font libraries on the clients and servers across your SAP BusinessObjects Explorer deployment: the Exploration servers supply the fonts used to display the character strings on charts



the client machines logged into SAP BusinessObjects Explorer supply the fonts used to display the character strings in the rest of the application GUI

If the fonts installed on the Exploration server(s) do not match the fonts on the client(s), the character strings in the charts and the rest of the application GUI display with different fonts.
Deploying the Arial unicode J font

A licensed version of the Arial Unicode J font, which includes the glyphs for all supported languages, is installed by default when you install the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer server components. The Arial Unicode J font is matched by the Arial Unicode MS font on most Microsoft Windows client machines, which provides a standard display for character strings throughout the application GUI. In the case of your client machines not having a compatible font, you can opt to install a copy of the Arial Unicode J font on your client machines. The font is available on the following directory of each SAP BusinessObjects Explorer server once you have installed the application: <BusinessOb jects_Polestar_InstallDir>/Polestar12.0/jre/lib/fonts.

If you implement a distributed deployment architecture, then you need to verify that this font is installed on each Exploration server.

Installing custom fonts

On some language versions fonts may appear too large, resulting in chart areas being hidden by axis labels or facet values being truncated, and some language-specific special characters may be missing. These types of font inconsistencies are more common on UNIX platforms than Windows. To solve these issues, administrators can install fonts of their choice on the servers and/or clients. Once the font(s) are installed, you need to modify two files so that these fonts are used in both the charts and the rest of the application GUI. To deploy a font of your choice: Stop the Exploration server(s). Install and distribute the font of your choice to the Exploration server(s) and/or clients.



The location on the server is: <BusinessObjects_Polestar_In stallDir>/Polestar12.0/jre/lib/fonts. To include the font of your choice in charts: 1. Open the <BusinessObjects_Polestar_In
stallDir>/polestar12.0/chart-template.sample file for edit.

2. Search for the following string: [Arial Unicode J, Arial Unicode MS, Arial] 3. Replace the three font names with the names of your installed fonts, as follows: [FontFaceName 1;FontFaceName 2;Font FaceName 3]

The fonts are specified in order of preference. If the first font in the list is not available, the second font is used; if the second font is not available, the third font is used, and so on. 4. Optional: to specify the font size, search for the following string: [10.0]; 5. Replace the "10.0" font size with the size of your choice, for example you would specify a choice of two size 14 Japanese fonts as follows:
<GlobalValue> <DefaultValues> <DefaultValue type="4" value="[jiskan24.pcf.z ;k14.pcf.Z]; [14.0];[0];[0;0;0;0];[]" /> </DefaultValues> </GlobalValue>


If a different font size is specified for a particular chart zone, such as the legend, then the global font size is overridden in that particular chart zone. 6. Rename the file chart-template.xml and save it to <BusinessOb jects_Polestar_InstallDir>/Polestar12.0/. For the rest of the application interface, you can define a font or font size globally for all languages and, if necessary, define a specific font or font size for a specific language(s) that will override the global setting for that



language. To include the font of your choice in the application GUI other than the chart area: 1. Open the <install_dir>\webapps\polestar\schema\chi nese.css.example\ file for edit. 2. Replace the default font name and size with the font and size of your choice:
global { font-family: Arial Unicode J, Arial Unicode MS, Arial, Sans-serif; font-size: 13pt; }


The fonts are specified in order of preference. If the first font in the list is not available, the second font is used; if the second font is not available, the third font is used, and so on.

If a different font size is specified for a particular interface label, such as ToolTips, then the global font size is overridden in that particular type of label. 3. Where you save the file depends on whether you want to apply these settings globally, to all languages, or just to a specific language: to apply the settings to all languages, rename the file as glob al.css and save it to: <install_dir>\we

to apply the settings to a specific language, rename the file as <language>.css and save it to a sub-folder named with the language code for that language as follows: <install_dir>\we
bapps\polestar\schema\global\<language_code>\<lan guage>.css\

For example, for Chinese, you would save the file as follows: <in
stall_dir>\webapps\polestar\schema\global\zh_CH\chi nese.css\

4. Restart the Exploration servers.


Because the css. file(s) control all of the display properties, it is recommended you only modify the values for these specified parameters.



WebSphere policy configuration with Java 2 security

When Java 2 security is activated on WebSphere, it is necessary to modify the server policy permissions so that SAP BusinessObjects Explorer functions correctly. You need to modify the permissions in the following file:
/usr/WebSphere6.1/AppServer/profiles/visual01/properties/serv er.policy

java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThreadGroup permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read, write"; permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read, write";

To do this: 1. Launch policytool. 2. Open the server.policy file. 3. Add the appropriate permission, and then save your changes. 4. Use policytool in /usr/WebSphere6.1/AppServer/java/bin. 5. Re-start WebSphere.

Verifying your installation

To verify your installation: Start the Explorer servers Log onto SAP BusinessObjects Explorer via the URL Create a new Information Space and index it Navigate to the new Information Space and explore the displayed values
Related Topics

Starting and stopping the backend servers on page 73



Logging on
Verify that the end users in your deployment have their web browser set to accept session cookies. If session cookies are not accepted, users cannot log into SAP BusinessObjects Explorer. To access SAP BusinessObjects Explorer: 1. Launch your web browser and go to the to following URL:

Replace webserver and port with the name and port of the web server that is setup for Business Objects Enterprise. If you are unsure what the web server name is or what the exact URL is, check with your administrator. The "Log On" page appears. 2. Type in the name of your system within the System field. 3. Type your username and password within the Username and Password fields. 4. Click the Authentication list to select Enterprise, LDAP, or Windows AD authentication. Enterprise authentication requires a username and password that SAP Business Objects Enterprise recognizes. LDAP authentication requires a username and password that an LDAP directory server recognizes. Windows AD authentication requires a username and password that Windows AD recognizes.

Enterprise authentication is the default method. LDAP, and AD authentication requires specific set up. If necessary, contact your system administrator for further help. 5. Click the Log On button. If your logon credentials are accepted the welcome page with the Home tab appears.




If you have the correct rights, the Manage Spaces tab is also available. To open the tab, click Manage Spaces on the title bar (located on the top-right corner). To log off Business Objects Explorer, click Logoff on the title bar (located on the top-right corner). The Log On page reappears.

Logging on with SAP authentication

Before you can log on through SAP authentication, the BusinessObjects Enterprise platform has to be configured with SAP security. To log on through SAP authentication: 1. Type in the URL (the address of the Polestar product) in your web browser. 2. Go to the to following URL:

Replace webserver and port with the name of the web server and port that is setup for Business Objects Enterprise. If you are unsure what the web server name is or what the exact URL is, check with your administrator. The Log On page appears. 3. Click the Authentication list to select SAP authentication. The SAP specific fields are displayed. 4. 5. 6. 7. Type in the value of the system ID within the SAP System ID: field. Type in the value of the client ID within the SAP Client ID: field. Type in the name of your system within the System: field. Type your SAP username and password into the Username and Password fields. 8. Click the Log On button. If your SAP logon credentials are accepted the welcome page with the "Home" tab appears.




If you have the correct rights, the "Manage Spaces" tab is also available. To create or edit Information Spaces, click Manage Spaces on the title bar (located on the top-right corner). To log off, click Logoff on the title bar (located on the top-right corner).

Uninstalling SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on Microsoft Windows


In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The directories on the Explorer servers use the previous name: polestar. It is highly recommended you back up the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer WAR files, before you start the uninstallation procedure. To uninstall SAP BusinessObjects Explorer: 1. Navigate to the Control Panel of your Windows installation on the server machine. 2. Open Add or Remove Programs. 3. Locate SAP BusinessObjects Explorer. 4. Click Remove. A confirmation dialog appears. 5. Click Yes to uninstall SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. 6. Remove the following files manually: The polestar directory:
<BusinessObjectsEnterprise install_dir> /Polestar12.0/

Polestar Web Application Server files in:




Uninstalling SAP BusinessObjects Explorer on UNIX


In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The directories on the Explorer servers use the previous name: polestar. It is highly recommended you back up the SAP BusinessObjects Explorer WAR files, before you start the uninstallation procedure. This procedure describes how to uninstall SAP BusinessObjects Explorer from an IBM AIX or Linux SUSE platform. 1. To undeploy the Web Application Server(s), run the script to remove your installation from the following locations:
./ ./ ./ ./ tomcat55 tomcat55 tomcat55 tomcat55 - DAPP=polestar undeploy -DAPP=polestar_help undeploy -DAPP=polestar_tutorial undeploy -DAPP=PolestarAppActions undeploy


This example shows the command for Apache Tomcat. 2. To uninstall the servers, run the script. 3. Remove each language pack. 4. Remove BusinessObjects Explorer XI 3.1. 5. In the "Enter Information for existing CMS" screen, confirm you want to remove BusinessObjects Explorer XI 3.1. 6. Confirm your choice. The uninstallation is processed. 7. Verify that the following folder contains no files including the name Polestar: /mira/bobje/tomcat/webapps

It is especially important to remove any files containing "Polestar" if you wish to install another version of SAP BusinessObjects Explorer.



SAP BusinessObjects Explorer is removed from your system.






Reverse proxies
SAP BusinessObjects Explorer supports the same reverse proxy configuration as SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise. No specific reverse proxy configuration for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer is required.

For information about reverse proxy configuration for SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise, refer to the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide XI 3.1 available on the "SAP BusinessObjects" tab at:

Firewall port usage for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer

When you deploy SAP BusinessObjects Explorer, you can protect your network with a firewall, however the firewall can block network communication between your deployment nodes. For example, if you have deployed the Explorer Web Application on one node, deployed the Explorer servers on another node and various BusinessObjects Enterprise servers are already deployed on a third node, you may have to open ports to allow the nodes to communicate. Each server can be configured so that they use a specific port. The firewall can then be configured so that the specific ports are open. It is necessary to choose a set of port numbers which do not interfere with other network services and it is necessary to ensure that the correct servers are configured. For example, the following servers are required to have their ports configured on a simple Explorer deployment: Central Management Server Explorer Master Server Explorer Indexing Server



Explorer Search Server Explorer Exploration Server Web Intelligence Processing Server


If you allow access to the CMS, other services can connect and exchange information.
Example: Port configuration

This example demonstrates how you could configure servers on a simple deployment:
Server Port

Central Management Server Explorer Master Server Explorer Indexing Server Explorer Search Server Explorer Exploration Server Web Intelligence Processing Server

64002 64023 64022 64024 64021 64032

Related Topics

Configuring firewall ports on page 52

Configuring firewall ports

Before beginning, it is necessary to have administrative access to all nodes. To open a port for a server within your SAP BusinessObjects Explorer deployment: 1. Login to the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC and click Servers. 2. Navigate to your chosen server. For example: Service Categories > Polestar



3. Right-click the server and click Properties. 4. Under Common Settings, unselect Auto assign. 5. Within Request Port: type a port number.

Ensure that the chosen port is not being used and that there are no conflicts. 6. Click Save & Close. 7. Configure your firewall (or firewalls) so that the port is open for all necessary nodes in your deployment. Your chosen server is able to communicate with other nodes within your deployment environment.

Authentication methods
SAP BusinessObjects Explorer supports the authentication methods supported by SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise: Enterprise Windows AD LDAP SAP R/3 To enable SAP R/3 authentication on your SAP BusinessObjects Explorer deployment, you need to perform some manual configuration procedures on the Explorer server.
Related Topics

Configuring SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for SAP authentication on page 38 Configuring SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for SAP authentication on page 38



Configuring SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for SAP authentication

This table provides the settings you need to configure in order to make SAP authentication available to SAP BusinessObjects Explorer users.

Before configuring SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for SAP authentication, verify that SAP authentication is already configured for the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS. For information on how to do this, refer to the BusinessObjects XI Integration for SAP Solutions Installation and Administration Guide available on the "SAP BusinessObjects" tab at. The SAP authentication settings are stored within the Explorer settings properties file (
Table 5-1: SAP authentication web application settings



Example Configuration (without SAP Authentication)

Example Configuration (for SAP Authentication)


The name of the SAP system. Determines if the SAP system name is shown within the Log On page. Disables the SAP system name text box within the Log On page. You cannot change the textbox value.










Example Configuration (without SAP Authentication)

Example Configuration (for SAP Authentication)

The SAP client ID. Determines if the SAP client name is shown within the Log On page. Disables the SAP client name textbox within the Log On page. You cannot change the textbox value. The default log on authentication to use. The value is selected in the Authentication list of the Log On page. The values that populate the Authentication list.






default.authentica tion.method




secEnter prise,secWinAD,se cLDAP

secEnterprise secWinAD, se cLDAP,secSAPR3

Example: Properties file configured for SAP authentication



default.authentication.method=secSAPR3 authentications=secEnterprise,secWinAD,secLDAP,secSAPR3

Single Sign On

In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The directories on the Explorer servers use the previous name: polestar. You can configure SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for Single Sign On (SSO) for the following authentication methods: Enterprise Windows AD LDAP The following files are used to configure SSO: $<PolestarWebappRoot>/WEB-INF/classes/ contains all of the SSO options $<PolestarWebappRoot>/WEB-INF/web.xml contains a servlet filter that needs to be activated for Vintela authentication (for Windows AD) $<PolestarWebappRoot>/WEB-INF/ contains Explorer startup options that can be overridden by the SSO in the file
Related Topics

Activating Single Sign On on page 56 SSO for WinAD authentication using Vintela on page 59 SSO for LDAP authentication using SiteMinder on page 61 Enabling Trusted Authentication on page 63

Activating Single Sign On

SSO must already be configured on BusinessObjects Enterprise before you configure SSO on SAP BusinessObjects Explorer.




See the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide for XI 3.1 at: To activate SSO: 1. Stop the Explorer Web Application Server. 2. Open the following file for edit:

3. Set the following parameters to the values specified: Setting Values true <provider_name>


By default, the file contains a set of ready-to-use values for the file. The property must only be set once in the entire file. However, you can specify multiple providers using a comma-separated list of providers. 4. Optional: three additional parameters can be set:






sso.glob- Controls the CMS used during true al.cms the authentication. If no value is specified, the de value set in the default.settings.prop erties is used. sso.glob- Controls the authentication al.aumethod used. thentication Possible values are:
secEnterprise secLDAP secWinAD

sso.glob- Controls how the SSO system Two possible values: al.erro- behaves if no credential has false - the logon workflow rOnFail- been found. continues normally as it ure would if SSO was not enabled true - the logon dialog is not displayed




SSO for WinAD authentication using Vintela

The Vintela Authentication Services provider uses the credentials automatically passed from the browser to the web server to authenticate the user against an Active Directory server.

the authentication cannot be overriden and is implicitely set to secWinAD. It works as follows: Retrieves the Windows credential from the current execution context using Vintela Logs on to the server with authentication using these credentials To enable Vintela Authentication Services for SSO on WinAD, you need to make two additional modifications to $<PolestarWebappRoot>/WEBINF/web.xml. uncomment the definition of the authFilter uncomment the mapping of the authFilter

You also need to set the following parameters:



Setting className


Values com.businessobjects.datadiscovery.sso.vintela.VintelaSSOProvider


controls the CMS used for authentica- <cms_name> tion. It can be used to override the default CMS.

# # Vintela parameters (sso.vintela provider) # tela.VintelaSSOProvider sso.vintela.cms=

SSO for WinAD using Kerberos

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer supports WinAD using Kerberos. You need to set up WinAD authentication with Kerberos on your BusinessObjectst Enterprise system. No configuration is necessary on the Explorer servers.

See the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide for XI 3.1 at:



SSO for LDAP authentication using SiteMinder

The SiteMinder provider uses a cookie SMSESSION containing a unique session ID to be used as a user name to perform an authentication using secLDAP or secWinAD.

this provider is based on a generic provider with predefined values, as specified below. It works as follows: Retrieves the SiteMinder session cookie from the current execution context Logs on to the server with authentication using this cookie value You need to set the following parameters:



Setting className


Values com.businessobjects.datadiscovery.sso.generic.GenericSSOProvider


controls the CMS used for authentication. It can be used to override the default CMS



By default, this is set to: secLDAP. It can be changed to secWinAD the method to be used to retrieve The value is set to COOKIE by trieval the user name default.

The default value should not be changed.

usspecifies the parameter used by The value is set to SMSESSION er.param the user.retrieval method to re- by default. trieve the user name

The default value should not be changed.

# # SiteMinder parameters (sso.siteminder) # sso.siteminder.className=com.businessobjects.datadiscov



ery.sso.generic.GenericSSOProvider sso.siteminder.cms= sso.siteminder.authentication=secLDAP sso.siteminder.user.retrieval=COOKIE sso.siteminder.user.param=SMSESSION

Enabling Trusted Authentication

You need to configure the Business Objects Enterprise CMC for trusted authentication before you can enable trusted authentication on SAP BusinessObjects Explorer.

See the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide for XI 3.1 at: To enable trusted authentication on SAP BusinessObjects Explorer: 1. Stop the Explorer Web Application Server. 2. Open the following file for edit:

3. Set the following parameters: Setting cms.default Values Enter the CMS name and port number as follows: <servername.portnumber > true false

sso.enabled siteminder.enabled

4. Find the following string: trusted.auth.user.retrieval



5. Enter the parameter value that corresponds to the user retrieval method you want to implement:



User Retrieval Method


Retrieve the user name from a call to getRemoteUser ( RE) on the HttpServletRequest object for the current request MOTE_USin a servlet or JSP. ER

For .NET the following properties need to be set on your InfoViewApp directory, using IIS Manager: disable Anonymous access checkbox enable the Windows Integrated Authentication checkbox

Retrieve the user name from the contents of a specified HTTP_HEADparameter in the request URL. ER

You define the query string parameter in the trusted.auth.user.param parameter in the web.xml file for SAP BusinessObjects InfoView.

Retrieve the user name from the contents of a specified COOKIE cookie.

You define the cookie in the trusted.auth.user.param parameter in the web.xml file for SAP BusinessObjects InfoView.

Retrieve the user name from the contents of a specified WEB_SESsession variable. SION

You define the web session variable in the trusted.auth.user.param parameter in the web.xml file for SAP BusinessObjects InfoView.



User Retrieval Method


Retrieve the user name from a call to getUserPrincipal ( USER_PRIN) .getName ( ) on the HttpServletRequest object for the CIPAL current request in a servlet or JSP.

For more information about the possible parameter values, see the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide for XI 3.1 at: 6. Verify you have specified how to retrieve the shared secret for BusinessObjects Enterprise. To retrieve the shared secret from a session variable, you need to configure the $<PolestarWebappRoot>/WEB-INF/classes/sso.proper ties file on SAP BusinessObjects Explorer. 7. Set the following parameter value in the $<PolestarWebappRoot>/WEBINF/classes/ file: Parameter Value

trustEnter the session variable name from which to retrieve the shared secret. cret

8. Save and close the file. Re-start the Explorer Web Application Server.

Allocating rights to users and groups


In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The previous name appears in the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC.



You configure SAP BusinessObjects Explorer user profiles within the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC. You need to specify the following types of user authorization in the CMC: Define which Explorer features your users have access to, by granting or denying rights to the appropriate objects Grant users application rights for the other SAP BusinessObjects applications leveraged by SAP BusinessObjects Explorer Allocate the appropriate Access Level to users so they can perform Explorer scheduling and export tasks as appropriate Verify users with a Space Creator or Administrator profile have the appropriate access rights to any BusinessObjects universes on which they need to build Information Spaces

If users require the ability to build Information Spaces on SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator indexes, you need to set up the correct user authorization at the SAP NetWeaver BW InfoCube level and on each SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator index before you configure those users' rights on SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise. Verify users have the necessary rights to folders where Information Spaces are stored on the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMS


If objects have object-level security applied to them (for example universe objects within SAP BusinessObjects Designer), SAP BusinessObjects Explorer supports this security.

For detailed information on user rights and setting those rights, refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide for XI 3.1 available at:
Related Topics

The SAP BusinessObjects Explorer user population on page 12



Explorer user rights per user profile


In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The previous name appears in the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC. Depending on the profiles you wish to allocate to your Explorer users, you need to grant specific permissions.
Table 5-2: Feature usage permissions for Explorer users

User Profile


Explore Information Spaces Explore Information Spaces: Export to Bookmark/Email Space Explorer Explore Information Spaces: Export to CSV Explore Information Spaces: Export to Image Explore Information Spaces: Export to Web Intelligence Log onto Polestar and view this object in the CMC



User Profile


Explore Information Spaces Explore Information Spaces: Export to Bookmark/Email Explore Information Spaces: Export to CSV Explore Information Spaces: Export to Image Explore Information Spaces: Export to Web Intelligence Space Creator Manage Information Spaces Manage Information Spaces: Create a new Space Manage Information Spaces: Launch indexing Manage Information Spaces: Modify a space Manage Information Spaces: Schedule indexing Delete objects Edit this object Log onto Polestar and view this object in the CMC



User Profile


Explore Information Spaces Explore Information Spaces: Export to Bookmark/Email Explore Information Spaces: Export to CSV Explore Information Spaces: Export to Image Explore Information Spaces: Export to Web Intelligence Manage Information Spaces Administrator Manage Information Spaces: Create a new Space Manage Information Spaces: Launch indexing Manage Information Spaces: Modify a space Manage Information Spaces: Schedule indexing Delete objects Edit this object Log onto Polestar and view this object in the CMC Modify the rights users have to this object Securely modify rights users have to objects

Because SAP BusinessObjects Explorer is an add-on to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise and leverages the SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence and SAP BusinessObjects InfoView applications, some additional Application Rights are also required for each Explorer user profile



Table 5-3: Application Rights for Explorer users

User Profile

BusinessObjects Enterprise Application Rights

Space Explorer

Application Right - InfoView: Log on to InfoView and view this object in the CMC Application Right - InfoView: Log on to InfoView and view this object in the CMC

Space Creator

Application Right - CMC: Log on to the CMC and view this object in the CMC Application Right - Web Intelligence: Create document Application Right - InfoView: Log on to InfoView and view this object in the CMC

Adminis trator

Application Right - CMC: Log on to the CMC and view this object in the CMC Application Right - Web Intelligence: Create document

SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise comes with predefined Access Levels. You need to allocate the appropriate Access Levels to your Explorer users so they can perform the scheduling and export tasks that match the needs of their user profile.
Table 5-4: Access Levels for Explorer users

User Profile

BusinessObjects Enterprise Access Level(s)

Space Explorer

View On Demand

The user can explore Information Spaces and can export to Web Intelligence, CSV, or to an image.



User Profile

BusinessObjects Enterprise Access Level(s)

Schedule Space Creator View On Demand

The user can manage Information Spaces and schedule. The user can explore Information Spaces and can export to Web Intelligence, CSV, or to an image. The user has full access and control to SAP BusinessObjects Explorer.

Adminis trator

Full Control


When configuring authorizations for Space Creators and Administrators, ensure that they have the correct access levels to Universes and Universe Connections. The access levels state the rights they have for Universes and Universe Connections. Having the right of Data Access for a Universe Connection allows the user to access the Universe for Information Space creation. For full information on the user rights and security levels available at the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise level, refer to the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide for XI 3.1 available at:
Related Topics

The SAP BusinessObjects Explorer user population on page 12




Starting and stopping the backend servers

The Explorer servers (Explorer Master server, Explorer Exploration server, Explorer Indexing server, and Explorer Search server) can be started, stopped, or restarted within the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC.

Refer to the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide XI 3.1 available at:

Customizing the web application server settings

Explorer Web Application settings

In previous releases, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer was called SAP BusinessObjects Polestar. The previous name, polestar, is used in the Web Application settings properties file. You can modify application settings via a single properties file:

The file is stored under the web application server directory, for example:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\polestar\WEB-INF\classes\



Table 6-1: Explorer Web Application settings




Default Values

For internal use only. The default locale to use. For example, English. The name and port number of your CMS. Determines if the value stored in de is displayed in the CMS Name field of the Log On page. Disables the CMS name textbox within the Log On page. You cannot change the textbox value. The default log on authentication to use. The value is displayed in the Authentication list of the Log On page. The values that populate the Authentication list.



myserver:6400 true false

true false

default.authentica tion.method


sec Enter prise, secWin dowsNT, se cLDAP







Default Values

hide.authentica tion.method

Determines if the Authentication list is displayed in the Log On page. Disables the Authentication list within the Log On page. You cannot change the value. Determines if graphical effects are to be used. For example, after clicking Log On the Log On box has a graphical effect applied to it. The period of time in seconds before Explorer times out after an operation, such as logging into the system. The root location for the Explorer documentation. The root location for the Explorer tutorial. Determines if password encryption is to be used.

true false

true false

disable.authentica tion.method

true false


30 100





/polestar_tu torial true false

disable.password.en cryption






Default Values


The OpenDocument URL of your BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment. It is used when a user exports Information Space data to a Web Intelligence query. Setting the value opens the query via OpenDocument. If you do not set the value, the query is not launched.

http://serv er:port/Open Document/open doc/openDocu ment.jsp


There are also several settings used for SAP authentication.

Related Topics

Configuring SAP BusinessObjects Explorer for SAP authentication on page 54

Configuring the server settings

You can configure the following settings: The number of Corba threads to improve server communication. The unit to use for validating bookmarks, possible values include: DAYS, MINUTES, HOURS, or WEEKS. The period of time (based on the unit) that a bookmark is stored. For example 365. The period of time (in milliseconds) before a session object (handled by an underlying watchdog) is deleted.



The delay (in milliseconds) between each update of when slave servers inform the master server about their workload in order that the load is balanced.

You can also configure the indexing path (in order of priority) via: a properties file (for all servers on a single node) the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC server properties (for a single indexing server on a single node) Modifications you make to settings are implemented in the following order of priority: configurations made via the command line for each server within the CMC (for a single server on a single node) configurations made directly in a properties file (for all servers on a single node) configurations made via the CMC application properties (for all nodes within your deployment cluster) For example, if you configure the settings via a properties file on a node, the CCM settings are ignored for that node.

Configuring the path for Information Space indexes

You can specify where you want the indexes to be stored. You can either set the indexing path via the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC or create a properties file and specify the index path there.
Related Topics

Configuring the index path via the server properties within the CMC on page 78 Configuring the index path via a properties file on page 78



Configuring the index path via the server properties within the CMC
To change the indexing path for a single indexing server, edit the server properties within the CMC. The indexing path is dependent on your installation path and is defaulted to: %DefaultDataDir%/Polestar/index 1. Logon to the CMC. 2. Navigate to the Explorer Indexing server you want to configure via Servers. 3. Right-click the server and click Properties. 4. Within Index Files Directory:, enter your preferred path. 5. Click Save.

If you copy existing indexes to the new location, the Explorer Indexing Server has to be stopped. 6. Restart the server.

Configuring the index path via a properties file

You can change the indexing path for all servers on a single node, by creating or editing a properties file. 1. Create or edit a properties file named located under: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Polestar12.0\ Add this entry: index.path=C:/Index 2. Amend the value accordingly and save the file. 3. Restart the servers.

If you copy existing indexes, the Explorer Indexing Server has to be stopped.



Configuring the session timeout period

The Explorer Master Server ensures that useless resources are released efficiently. The session object is deleted when the associated peer stops operating or when the underlying network is lost. A watchdog service observes all network activity. The watchdog.timeout parameter specifies the duration of time (in milliseconds) a live session is considered active even if the watchdog detected no activity.

It is necessary for the watchdog.timeout parameter value to be superior to the timeout value set for the http session. If this is not the case, the Explorer session can expire even though the http session is still valid. To change the session timeout period, an administrator can either: Change a setting for a single node. Create or edit a properties file named located under:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Polestar12.0\

Add this entry: watchdog.timeout=30, amend the value accordingly and restart the servers. Add the following to the command line to configure a single server:
-watchdog.timeout 30

For example:
-loggingPath "C:/Program Files/Business Objects/BusinessOb jects Enterprise 12.0/Logging/" -serverkind polestarMaster -trace true -watchdog.timeout 30


The default value of watchdog.timeout is 300 000 milliseconds (5 minutes). Altering the setting (especially if the specified value is too low) can have an impact on stability and even delete a valid session. This value must be smaller than the value of workload.update.delay.



Configuring the request timeout limit

Timeouts may occur while using large datasets.

It is necessary to change the default request.timeout setting (in seconds) located within:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\polestar\WEBINF\classes\

To do this: 1. Open for edit the file. 2. Locate the request.timeout setting. 3. Change the setting accordingly.

Defining a large value affects the waiting time for users.

Option Description

-1 360
4. Save the file. 5. Restart the Explorer servers.

Deactivate timeout limit Maximum value for timeout.

The timeout is changed according to the new value.

Increasing virtual memory on the Explorer servers

The amount of virtual memory required by the Explorer servers depends on the size of the Information Spaces being explored and indexed across your deployment. You can increase the amount of virtual memory available on each server by changing the JVM heap size value as necessary:



If a large number of end users need to explore large Information Spaces, it is recommended you increase the JVM heap size value on your Exploration Server(s). If you have a lot of users indexing, it is also recommended you increase the JVM heap size value on your Explorer Indexing Servers. By default, the JVM heap size value is 1 GB. In most cases, this is sufficient for the Master server(s) and Search Server(s). The JVM heap size has an influence on the following: Memory garbage collection For example, having a large heap size for the Indexing Server(s) reduces the rate of garbage collection of memory during indexing, thus improving performance. If the heap size is small, scheduling spends more time to free (and retrieve) memory than executing the required task. A heap size of 1.6 GB decreases the rate of garbage collecting in most cases. Swapping memory to hard disk The JVM heap size value you define should always be lower than the amount of physical memory available on the server. Having a low amount of physical memory and configuring large values for the heap size of each server results in the swapping of memory to the hard disk. For example, if there is 2 GB of RAM, it is not efficient to provide a heap size of 1024 MB for each Explorer server. SAP BusinessObjects Explorer functions correctly but memory swapping occurs, therefore having an impact on performance. On 32 bit machines, JVMs cannot address more than 2GB, globally. Because there are multiple memory pools with different sizes, the practical limit for the heap size is approximately 1.5GB.

The memory is configured via an INI configuration file. Do not use the server command line to configure the memory.

Configuring the JVM heap size value

Verify the memory limit you can configure for a server and the JVM. The heap size is dependent on the hardware and software used. For example,



a Windows 32-Bit or a Windows 64-Bit operating system, the version of the JVM and the amount of physical memory installed.

Do not use the server command line to configure the memory. Only use the INI configuration file. To modify the JVM heap size value: 1. Stop the Explorer server on which you want to modify the JVM heap size value. 2. Navigate to:
C:/Program Files/Business Objects/Polestar12.0/

3. Edit the INI configuration file corresponding to the server you want to configure. For example, if you want to increase the memory for the Explorer Exploration Server, edit the poleExpl.ini file. 4. Find the Xmx entry, type your desired memory size: -Xmx1g The value of the heap size can be changed according to your requirements. For example, change the value from 1GB to 1600MB. 5. Save the file. 6. Re-start the server. The server you have configured uses a maximum JVM memory heap size according to the value within the command line.

You want to change the Explorer Master Server heap size to 1628MB:
1. Navigate to: C:/Program Files/Business Objects/Polestar12.0/. 2. Edit the poleMast.ini configuration file. 3. Find the Xmx entry and edit the entry as follows:

4. Save the file.



Configuring the number of Corba threads

This parameter defines the maximum number of requests that can be handled simultaneously by a given server. Most web application servers have similar settings where you can configure the number of corba threads you want to make available. For example: on Apache Tomcat you specify a value for the maxThreads parameter on IBM WebSphere you specifiy a value for the thread-maximum-size setting in the server.xml file. By default, the number of Corba threads is set to 100 on each of the Explorer servers (Master Server, Navigation Server, Indexing Server, Search Server). This is suitable for a simple deployment scenario, where Apache Tomcat is your Web Application Server and you only have one Master Server, one Navigation Server, one Indexing Server and one Search Server deployed at the backend. Setting 1000 threads for the Explorer backend servers when Apache Tomcat only has 100 is of no use and could even be harmful because it would cause many context switches and thus impact performance. In the case of a complex deployment scenario, however, it may be necessary to either increase this value or add more backend nodes. For example, if your deployment includes multiple WebSphere instances behind a load balancer, with the thread-maximum-size parameter set to its maximum value of 1000, it would not make sense to keep the default 100 thread pool size for the Explorer servers, because this would merely push the bottleneck to the backend. The absolute value depends on the expected number of concurrent sessions. It is necessary to adjust the concurrency level consistently throughout the entire stack in order to maximize throughput on all nodes.

Configuring the number of Corba threads via the server command line within the CMC
To change the number of Corba threads for a single server, edit the server properties within the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC. 1. Logon to the CMC. 2. Navigate to the Polestar server you want to configure via Servers.



3. Right-click the server and click Properties. 4. Within Command Line Parameters, add the following:
-nb_threads 150

For example:
-loggingPath "C:/Program Files/Business Objects/BusinessOb jects Enterprise 12.0/Logging/" -serverkind polestarIndexing -trace true -nb_threads 150

5. Click Save.

Configuring the number of Corba threads via a properties file

You can change the number of Corba servers for all servers on a single node, by creating or editing a properties files. 1. Create or edit a properties file named located under: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Polestar12.0\ 2. Add this entry: nb_threads=150. 3. Amend the value accordingly and save the file. 4. Restart the servers.

Configuring the number of Corba threads via the CMC

To change the number of Corba threads via the CMC, amend the value within the CMC administration page. In this case, the value is taken into account by all slave nodes. 1. 2. 3. 4. Logon to the CMC. Navigate to Manage > Applications. Right-click Polestar and click Properties. Change the Number of threads: value and click Save.



Configuring the bookmark validity period

Configuring the bookmark validity period via the server command line within the CMC
To change the Explorer validity period for a single server, edit the server properties within the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC. 1. 2. 3. 4. Logon to the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC. Navigate to the Explorer server you want to configure via Servers. Right-click the server and click Properties. Within Command Line Parameters, add the following:
-bookmark.validity.time 365 -bookmark.validity.unit DAYS

For example:
-loggingPath "C:/Program Files/Business Objects/BusinessOb jects Enterprise 12.0/Logging/" -serverkind polestarIndexing -trace true -bookmark.validity.time 365 -bookmark.validi ty.unit DAYS

5. Click Save.

Configuring the bookmark validity period via a properties file

You can change the Explorer bookmark validity for all servers on a single node, by creating or editing a properties files. 1. Create or edit a properties file named located under: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Polestar12.0\ 2. Add the following entries.
bookmark.validity.time=365 bookmark.validity.unit=DAYS



3. Amend the value accordingly and save the file. 4. Restart the servers.

Configuring the bookmark validity period via the CMC

To change the bookmark validation period via the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC, amend the value within the CMC administration page. In this case, the value is taken into account by all slave nodes. 1. Logon to the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC. 2. Navigate to Manage > Applications. 3. Right-click Polestar and click Properties. 4. Change the Bookmark validity: values and click Save.

Configuring the workload update setting for load balancing

The workload is balanced by ensuring that servers with the least load have a higher job priority. Slave servers (within a cluster) ensure that the Explorer Master Server is periodically updated with their workload costs. The workload.update.delay parameter specifies the duration of time (in milliseconds) between updates to the Explorer Master Server. To change the workload update delay period, an administrator can either: Change a setting for a single node. Create or edit a properties file named located under:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Polestar12.0\

Add this entry: workload.update.delay=30, amend the value accordingly, and restart the servers. Add the following to the command line to configure a single server:
-workload.update.delay 30

For example:



-loggingPath "C:/Program Files/Business Objects/BusinessOb jects Enterprise 12.0/Logging/" -serverkind polestarMaster -trace true -workload.update.delay 30


The default value of workload.update.delay is 15 000 milliseconds. Altering the setting (especially if the specified value is too low) can have an impact on network traffic and performance. The value must be significantly smaller than the value of watchdog.timeout.

Logging methods
There are two SAP BusinessObjects Explorer logging methods, each tracking different operations: 1. Server logging. You can trace the activity of the backend servers. Logging is appended to a file where its name is automatically generated at creation time. For example:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enter prise 12.0\Logging\PolestarServ er_XXXXX.polestarSearch=PolestarSearch_XXXXXXXX_XXXXXX.log

This file logs the server operations by using log4j. By default, ERROR tracing is activated. 2. Web application logging. By using your web application server (such as Apache Tomcat) logging services, you can log the application operations. For example, via the Tomcat configuration, you can also change the logging level and change the logging path. By default, log files are stored in the Tomcat logs directory:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\logs\

You can also view logs by running Tomcat via a command line such as Command Prompt. For detailed information on Tomcat logging, see:



For information on other web application server logging facilities, refer to the web application server documentation.
Related Topics

Configuring the Explorer server log files on page 88 Web application logging on page 90

Configuring the Explorer server log files

By default, server logging within SAP BusinessObjects Explorer is activated. It is configured to only log errors. To activate other trace levels for server logging: 1. Open the BusinessObjects Enterprise CMC, navigate to the "Servers List" and locate the server you want to apply logging to. Ensure that the server has been stopped. 2. Right-click the server and click Properties. The Properties dialog appears. 3. Locate the Command Line Parameters: textbox. 4. Type the following if it does not already exist: -loggingPath "C:/Program Files/Business Objects/Busines
sObjects Enterprise 12.0/Logging/" -trace true


The loggingPath value is the location to place the output log file and the trace value activates logging. By default, if the trace value is false, only errors are logged. 5. Click Save to save your changes. 6. Start the server. Logs and traces are applied to a log file in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\Logging\

The name of the file is generated on creation and is based on the name of the server and when the server was started. For example:




Overriding Polestar server logging methods

To override the existing logging method: 1. Create a file called and store it under the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Polestar12.0\

2. Enter your desired Log4j logging content to the file. For example:
log4j.debug=true log4j.rootLogger=WARN, A1 log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n log4j.appender.A2.remoteHost=localhost log4j.appender.A2.port=4567 log4j.appender.A2.locationInfo=false log4j.appender.A2.reconnectionDelay=10000

To filter, enter the following line, and edit it appropriately:


You can log packages and classes using the following levels: INFO,

For further information on Log4j logging, refer to: http://log 3. Restart the servers. Customized logging for the servers is applied.



Web application logging


This example is for Apache Tomcat under Windows. For specific logging information for other web application servers, refer to the web application server documentation. To activate and amend the log4j logging: 1. Open the file, located at:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\webapps\polestar\WEB-INF\classes\

2. Edit the logging levels you want use (such as ERROR) for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer within the file by following the guidelines located at:

3. Save your changes and close the file. Logs and traces are applied to the following log file:
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Tomcat55\logs\stdout.log

Indexing best practices

Performance during indexing is dependent upon the hardware (hard drive, memory and JVM heap size) number of concurrent users, number of Information Spaces being indexed concurrently, and the size of those Information Spaces. If users only access SAP BusinessObjects Explorer during working hours, schedule the indexing over night, users are not impacted by indexing. If you have medium sized Information Spaces and concurrent user access is not expected, then a single high-end machine is considered to be efficient. However if you have many users indexing and exploring large Information Spaces constantly, ensure the following: SAP BusinessObjects Explorer is deployed in a cluster with additional machines each having extra servers



The number of machines deployed is dependent on the number of expected concurrent users and the size of the Information Spaces. fast hard disk drives are installed on each machine there is a large amount of memory on each machine (especially on the host machine with the Master Server) the JVM heap size for each server on each machine is configured correctly according to available memory

Scheduling Information Spaces for indexing does not impact performance if you have deployed, installed, and configured everything correctly.




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More Information


AIX installation 30 AIX uninstall 48 application servers 15 architecture deployment 19 auditing 11 authentication trusted 63 configuration (continued) server memory 80, 81 session timeout period watchdog.timeout 79 watchdog timeout peer session 76 web application settings 54, 73 workload 86 workload update delay load balancing 76 cookies 45 Corba configuring number of threads 83, 84 corba threads configuring 83 custom fonts 40

backup blades 37 blades back up BW Accelerator 37 BusinessObjects Enterprise 11 BW Accelerator 10

D 54, 73 deployment complex environment 20 for improved exploration 17 for improved indexing scheduling 90 deployment scenarios 19

CCM servers 73 CMC 11 BWA connection 39 configuring number of Corba threads 84 configuring users 66, 68 profile permissions 68 server properties bookmark validation period configuration 85, 86 configuring number of Corba threads 83 index path configuration 78 CMS 11 configuration bookmark validation 76 bookmark validation period 86 BWA connection 39 indexing path 76, 78 SAP authentication 38, 54 server communication 76, 83, 84, 85

Explorer installation manual 33 wdeploy 33 overview 9

fonts 40



Home tab welcome page 45, 46

InfoCube 10 Information Space data 10 installation AIX 30 Linux SUSE 31 MS Windows 26 installation package 25 installation prerequisites 23

logs log4j 88, 89, 90 server logging 87 servers overriding default 89 web application 90 web application logging 87

MS Windows installation 26

operating systems 15

Java 2 security WebSphere 44 JVM heap size 80

P file bookmark validation period configuration 85 configuring number of Corba threads 84 index path configuration 78 prerequisites installation 23

Kerberos 60

LDAP 61 LDAP SSO SiteMinder 61 Linux SUSE installation 31 Linux uninstall 48 load balancing 86 logging off 45, 46 logging on authentication Enterprise 45 LDAP 45 Windows AD 45 Windows NT 45 log on credentials 45, 46 Log On page 45, 46 SAP authentication 46 server URL 45, 46

request timeout 80 restarting servers 73

SAP authentication 46 SAP authentication 38 session cookies 45 SIA 20 SiteMinder 61 SSO 56 activating 56 LDAP 61 WinAD 59, 60 starting servers Exploration Server 73



starting servers (continued) Indexing Server 73 Master Server 73 Search Server 73 stopping servers Exploration Server 73 Indexing Server 73 Master Server 73 Search Server 73 supported platforms 15 SUSE uninstall 48

uninstall (continued) Linux SUSE 48 MS Windows 47 universes 10 user profiles Administrator 68 Space creator 68 Space explorer 68 user rights 68

Vintela 59

timeout configure for large data sets 80 trusted authentication 63

WebSphere Java 2 security 44 WinAD 59, 60 WinAd SSO Kerberos 60 Vintela 59

uninstall IBM AIX 48




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