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eachcontinent.Discussthe importanceof paleontologistsfinding fossils.

(They help us
understandhow the world evolved,we can seewhere animalstoday came from, we can
seewhat killed animalsand try to usethis information to saveother animals.)

F. Ask studentsto think about one thing that should be preserved for future generations(a
certaincar, tree,building, person,etc.).Ask studentsto draw a fossil of this item, label it,
and tell why it is important to know about it in the future.

Ask studentsto show their fossil picturesand labelsto the class.

A. Bring dinosaurbooks to class.Ask studentsto look through the books and list
interestingfactsthey learn.

B. If possible,invite a paleontologistto visit the class.

Use Attachment3 to evaluatepicturesand presentationsduring the Closureactivity.
Questionstudentsas they are filling out their journal pagesto check understar,dingand
basicmath skills. During the grouping activity, check for ability to count to 100.

OMcGee-KeiserAcademic f nrichment Programs 33

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