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Questionnaire Dear Sir/Madam, We the students of Fashion Management Studies from National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru, are

doing a research. We request you to spare a few minutes for filling up the questionnaire. The information provided by you will be kept confidential. Please fill or tick the appropriate. 1. Name Mr./Mrs./Ms.________________________________________________ 2. Gender
a) Male

b) Female

3. Age a) < 18 yrs d) 31-36 yrs b) 19-24 yrs e) >36 yrs c) 25-30 yrs

4. Address (Area) _______________________________________________________ 5. Occupation a) Student d) Business b) Private sector c) Govt. employee e) Home-makers f) others

6. Monthly disposable income a) < Rs.10,000 Rs. 30,000 b) Rs.10,000 Rs. 20,000 c) Rs. 20,000 e) > Rs. 40,000

d) Rs. 30,000 Rs. 40,000

7. How did you come to know about Bombay Dyeing? a) Newspapers & Magazines c) Friends & Relatives b) Advertisement d) others

8. Do you find the store easily accessible? a) Yes b) No

9. What is the key feature you look for in Bombay Dyeing products while buying? a) Quality c) Variety b) Price d) After-sales services

10. How often do you purchase at Bombay Dyeing? a) Once in a month 6 months d) During festivals b) Once in 3 months e) During end of season sales c) Once in

11. Please tick the preferred price range you would like to purchase in Bombay Dyeing? a) Rs.699-999 c) Rs.2099-3999 b) Rs.1099-1999 d) Rs. 4099-5999

12. Please rate the sales staff at Bombay Dyeing on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) a) Knowledge about the products offered b) Assistance in shopping 13. Did you purchase at Bombay Dyeing today? a) Yes If Yes, What product did you buy? If No, the reason(s) is/are ( please tick one or more)
a) Quality of merchandise

b) No

b) Variety e) Discount offer


Customer service d) Store Layout f) others

14. Please rank Bombay Dyeing on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being least preferred and 5 being most preferred) for the following

a) Products offered Discounts offered d) Shopping experience 15.

b) Quality of products e) Variety available


Any further suggestions _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _____________ Thank You for sparing your Valuable time. Have a good day!!!

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