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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Much research effort has been devoted in the efficacy of various
imputation methods. In the report entitled Compensating for Missing
Survey Data, the author carried out two simulation studies using the
data in the 1978 ISDP Research Panel to compare some imputation
methods. The first study compared imputation methods for the vari-
able Hourly Rate of Pay while the second dealt with the imputation of
the variable Quarterly Earnings. For both studies, the author stratified
the data into its imputation classes, constructed data sets with missing
values by randomly deleting some of the recorded values in the origin-
al dataset and then applied the various imputation methods to fill in
the missing values. This process was replicated ten times to ensure
consistency of the results. Once the imputation methods have been ap-
plied, the three measures for evaluating the effectiveness of imputa-
tion methods namely the Mean Deviation, Mean Absolute Deviation
and the Root Mean Square Deviation were obtained and averaged
across the ten trials. (Kalton, 1983)

For the first study of imputing the variable Hourly Rate of Pay,
eight methods were used namely the Grand Mean Imputation (GM), the
Class Mean Imputation using eight imputation classes (CM8), the Class
Mean Imputation using ten imputation classes (CM10), Random
Imputation with eight imputation classes (RM8), Random Imputation
with ten imputation classes (RM10), Multiple Regression Imputation
(MI), Multiple Regression Imputation plus a random residual chosen
from a normal distribution (MN) and Multiple Regression Imputation
plus a randomly chosen respondent residual (MR). Using the Mean De-
viation criteria, the results showed that all mean deviations were neg-
ative, indicating that the imputed values underestimated the actual
values. Moreover, the results show that the Grand Mean Imputation
(GM) has the greatest underestimation among the eight procedures.
Meanwhile for the Mean Absolute Deviation and Root Mean Square De-
viation, which measures the ability to reconstruct the deleted value,
the results showed that the Grand Mean Imputation fared the worst for
both criteria. In addition, it also showed that the Multiple Regression
Imputation (MI) obtained the best measures for the two criteria and
that the procedures with greater number of imputation classes (i.e.CM8
VS. CM10, RC8 VS. RC10) yield slightly better results for the two criter-
ia. (Kalton, 1983)

For the second study, which is the imputation of Quarterly Earn-

ings, ten imputation procedures were used. These are the Grand Mean
Imputation (GM), the Class Mean Imputation using eight imputation
classes (CM8), the Class Mean Imputation using twelve imputation
classes (CM12), Random Imputation with eight imputation classes
(RM8), Random Imputation with twelve imputation classes (RM12), Mul-
tiple Regression Imputation (MI), Multiple Regression Imputation plus a
random residual chosen from a normal distribution (MN), Multiple Re-
gression Imputation plus a randomly chosen respondent residual (MR),
Mixed Deductive and Random Imputation using eight imputation
classes (DI8) and Mixed Deductive and Random Imputation using
twelve imputation classes (DI12). Using the first criteria, the Mean De-
viation, the results showed that the Grand Mean (GM) obtained a posit-
ive bias. This implied that the grand mean imputation is not an effect-
ive imputation method for the this study. The results also showed that
the regression imputation procedures have almost similar results pro-
ducing almost unbiased estimates. In addition, the Class Mean Imputa-
tion methods (CM8 and CM12) have similar measures with those of the
Random Imputation Methods. Nevertheless, all methods have pro-
duced relatively small mean deviations except for the last two meth-
ods. Comparing the Mean Absolute Deviations and the Root Mean
Square Deviations, the results show that the Grand Mean Imputation
obtained values similar to the regression procedures with residuals (i.e.
Multiple Regression Imputation plus a random residual chosen from a
normal distribution or MN, Multiple Regression Imputation plus a ran-
domly chosen respondent residual or MR). The results also show that
the RC8. RC12, MN and MR procedures are over one third larger com-
pared to deterministic procedures such as the CM8, CM12 and MI pro-
cedures. (Kalton, 1983).

To further investigate the relatively larger biases of DI8 and DI12

procedures, the author further divided the date into the deductive and
non deductive cases. This shed further light on the Mean Deviations
and Mean Absolute Deviations of the various imputation methods. It
was found that the mean deviations are positive on the deductive case
and negative on the non deductive case for all of the procedures.
These then explains why there are relatively small deviations in the
previous results since the measures between the cases tend to cancel
out. It also showed that the DI8 and DI12 results are similar to those of
the RC8, RC12, CM8 and CM12 in the non deductive cases but are
largely different in the deductive cases. This explains the larger values
of DI8 and DI12 in the previous results. (Kalton, 1983)

At the end of the two studies, it showed that the imputation pro-
cedures tend to overestimate the Hourly Rate of Pay and underestim-
ate the Quarterly Earnings. Moreover, it showed how the mean imputa-
tion appears to be the weakest imputation method among the studies
since it has distorted the distribution of the original data. Lastly,
Kalton’s study shows the impact of increasing the imputation classes
with respect to the criteria used such that it gives a better yield of val-
ues for the three criteria.

In contrast to Kalton’s criteria in measuring the performance of

imputation procedures, a paper entitled A Comparison of Imputation
Techniques for Missing Data by C. Musil, C. Warner, P. Yobas and S.
Jones, the authors presented a much simple approach in evaluating the
performance of imputation techniques by using the means, standard
deviation and correlation coefficients, then comparing the statistics of
the original data with the statistics obtained from the five methods
namely Listwise deletion, Mean Imputation, Deterministic Regression,
Stochastic Regression and EM Method. The Expectation Maximization
(EM) Method is an iterative procedure that generates missing values by
using expectation (E-step) and maximization (M-step) algorithms. The
E-step calculates expected values based on all complete data points
while the M-step replaces the missing values with E-step generated
values and then recomputed new expected values. (Musil, Warner,
Yobas & Jones, 2002)

Using the Center for Epidemiological Studies data on stress and

health ratings of older adults, the authors imputed a single variable
namely the functional health rating. Of the 492 cases, 20% cases were
deleted in an effort to maximize the effects of each imputation meth-
od. Except for the Listwise Deletion and Mean Imputation, the re-
searchers used the SPSS Missing Value Analysis function for the De-
terministic Regression, Stochastic Regression and EM Method. For the
correlations, the researchers obtained the correlation values of the ori-
ginal data and the five methods of the imputed variable with the vari-
ables, age, gender and self assed health rating. (Musil, Warner, Yobas
& Jones, 2002) The results show that comparing the mean of the origin-
al data with the five methods, all imputed values underestimated the
mean. The closest to the original data was the Stochastic Regression,
followed very closely by EM Method, Deterministic Regression, Listwise
Deletion and Mean Imputation. The same results also hold for the
standard deviations. For the correlations, however, the EM Method pro-
duced the closest correlation values to the original data followed
closely by the Stochastic Regression, Deterministic Regression, Listwise
Deletion and Mean Imputation. Hence, the Finding suggests that the
Stochastic Regression and EM Method performed better while the Mean
Imputation is the least effective. (Musil, Warner, Yobas & Jones, 2002)

In another study by Nordholt entitled Imputation Methods, Simu-

lation, Experiments and Practical Examples, the authors described two
simulation experiments of the Hot Deck Method. The first study fo-
cused on comparing whether the Hot Deck Method performs better
than leaving the records with nonresponse out of the data set when
analyzing the variable, which is known as the Available Case Method.
This was done by constructing a fictitious data set of four values; two
of these variables were used for the imputation. Then nonresponse
rates were identified namely 5%, 10% and 20% and the simulation pro-
cess was replicated 50 times. The data set containing the missing val-
ues was first analyzed using the Available Case Method then followed
by the Hot Deck Imputation. Same with the methodology of Musil,
descriptive statistics such as the mean, variance and correlation were
computed. Moreover, the absolute differences between the original
and the available case method also with the original and hot deck
method were computed. Based on his criteria, the results show that
Hot Deck performs better than the Available Case Method. Also, it
showed that the Hot Deck, while had closer results with the original
data, has the tendency to underestimate the values. In terms of the
absolute differences, it was observed that these values increase when
the percentage of missing values also increases. (Nordholt, 1998)

Nordholt’s second simulation study focused on the effects of cov-

ariates, otherwise known as imputation classes on the quality of the
Hot Deck Imputation. Using the data of the Dutch Housing Demand
Survey of Statistics Netherlands, the variable value of the house was
chosen as the variable to be imputed due to its importance and the fre-
quency of nonresponse occurring in that variable. For this study, the
observations under category 13 (value worth at least 150,000) and cat-
egory 22 (value worth at 300,000) are changed into missing values.
The rationale for this choice was to ensure that the original value from
these categories will note be used as the replacements for the variable
to be imputed since it is no longer in the file. Then imputation classes
were created once the missing values were already identified. A table
showing the number of respondents before and after imputation
showed that in every category except for 13 and 22, which was set as
missing values, the number of respondents increased after the imputa-
tion. This showed that the remaining records have equal probability of
becoming a donor record for an imputation and that not all imputations
give values that are near category 13 or 22. Nordholt also explored on
the Available Case Method and Hot Deck Method for this real life data.
Same with the first study, the Hot Deck fared better than the Available
Case Method. (Nordholt, 1998)

Lastly, Nordholt addressed several questions regarding imputa-

tion. Using examples of how imputation is applied on the real life sur-
veys such as the Dutch Housing Demand Survey, European Community
Household Panel Survey (ECHP) and the Dutch Structure of Earning
Survey, he outline four criteria to decide which variables to be im-
puted. These are the importance of a variable, the percentage of non-
response, the predictability of missing values and the cost of imputa-
tion. He also mentioned how it is important to estimate the duration of
the imputation process due to the need of the study to be timely. The
duration, according to Nordholt, is dependent on the number of vari-
ables to be imputed, the available capacity, the user friendliness of an
imputation package and the desired imputation quality. These issues
must be settled first before conducting any imputation process and
choosing the appropriate imputation strategy. (Nordholt, 1998)

There were two undergraduate theses that conducted a similar

study on imputation. The first undergraduate thesis was by Salvino and
Yu. They assessed the efficiency of the Mean Imputation versus Hot
Deck Imputation Technique by applying these techniques on the 1991
Census on Agriculture and Fisheries (CAF) data. In their research, they
generated an incomplete data using the Gauss Software for the im-
puted variables which were the count for cattle, hogs and chicken. In
order to determine which is better between the two, the variances
were compared. Looking at the variances, it was determined that the
Hot Deck Imputation Technique was better. Also, the design effect was
considered by dividing the variance of the Hot Deck Imputation versus
the Mean Imputation, since the ratio produced was less than one, they
concluded that again, the Hot Deck Imputation Technique is a better
option. (Salvino and Yu, 1996)

Another undergraduate thesis by Cheng and Sy focused on as-

sessing imputation techniques on a clinical data. The authors em-
ployed four methods of imputation namely Mean Imputation, Hot Deck
Imputation, Linear Regression and Multiple Linear Regression. They as-
sessed the efficacy of the imputation techniques by looking at the ac-
curacy and precision of the estimates. Accuracy was measured by the
percentage error and the variance of these percentage errors were the
basis for the precision of the estimates. The results show that the Lin-
ear Regression was the best method, followed closely by Multiple Re-
gression, then Hot Deck and finally the Mean Imputation. (Cheng and
Sy, 1999)

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