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Iront||ne combat
shot mortar she||s at
enemy h|nd out
1he operator
operate the
mortar at the
spec|f|c area on
the enemy h|nd
1he person who
re|oad the mortar |f
they are needed
they w||| re|oad the
mortar for anymore
f|re power
1he ||ght gunner operates the
art|||ery on the spec|f|c area
ready to shot |f he rece|ves the
art of the ||ght gunners |f
they rece|ve any ca||s form
the front ||ne combat they
cou|d back up them form
10m||e away
1he person who re|oad the ||ght
gunner |f they are needed they
w||| re|oad the art|||ery she||s |f
they are order to attack
art of there [ob |s
to dr|ve ma|nta|n
and f|re the |auncher
at |ts chosen targets
1he rocket system
gunner Gu|ded Mu|t|p|e
Launch kocket System
can target a s|ng|e po|nt
or devastate huge areas
w|th one sa|vo
1here are more
than S peop|e who
re|oad the 400cm
rocket |f they
need more f|re
power there [ob |s
to re|oad the rock
1hey fly hellcopLer
1hey navlgaLe area on
where Lhey golng
1he make sure LhaL Lhere
hellcopLer ls safe and
secure for a fllghL
lf Lhey spoLLed
lnLruders Lhey wlll use
radlo connecLlon Lo
communlcaLe and Lell
oLher guardsman
1hey perform ln hlgh
proflle publlc evenLs and
guard some of 8rlLaln's
mosL lmporLanL people
1hey guard Lhere headquarLers
Lo keep a lookouL for any
1hey keep Lhe dog well
fed and make sure LhaL
Lhey are healLhy
1he dog handler
Lralns dolng Lo
search for drugs
1hey also
Lralnlng LhaL
prepares you
and your dog for

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