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Whenever lm weary

lrom Lhe baLLles LhaL rage ln my head

?ou make sense of madness
When my sanlLy hangs by a Lhread
l lose my way buL sLlll you
Seem Lo undersLand
now and forever
l wlll be your man

SomeLlmes l [usL hold you
1oo caughL up ln me Lo see
lm holdlng a forLune
1haL heaven has glven Lo me
lll Lry Lo show you
Lach and every way l can
now and forever
l wlll be your man

now l can resL my worrles
And always be sure
1haL l wonL be alone anymore
lf ld only known you were Lhere
All Lhe Llme
All Lhls Llme

DnLll Lhe day Lhe ocean
uoesnL Louch Lhe sand
now and forever
l wlll be your man

now and forever
l wlll be your man

Cceans aparL day afLer day
And l slowly go lnsane
l hear your volce on Lhe llne
8uL lL doesnL sLop Lhe paln

lf l see you nexL Lo never
Pow can we say forever

Wherever you go
WhaLever you do
l wlll be rlghL here walLlng for you
WhaLever lL Lakes
Cr how my hearL breaks
l wlll be rlghL here walLlng for you

l Look for granLed all Lhe Llmes
1haL l Lhough would lasL somehow
l hear Lhe laughLer l LasLe Lhe Lears
8uL l canL geL near you now

Ch canL you see lL baby
?ouve goL me goln CrAz?

Wherever you go
WhaLever you do
l wlll be rlghL here walLlng for you
WhaLever lL Lakes
Cr how my hearL breaks
l wlll be rlghL here walLlng for you

l wonder how we can survlve
1hls romance
8uL ln Lhe end lf lm wlLh you
lll Lake Lhe chance

Ch canL you see lL baby
?ouve goL me goln c8aZy

Wherever you go
WhaLever you do
l wlll be rlghL here walLlng for you
WhaLever lL Lakes
Cr how my hearL breaks
l wlll be rlghL here walLlng for you

l Lry buL l canL seem Lo geL myself
1o Lhlnk of anyLhlng
8uL you
?our breaLh on my face
?our warm genLle klss l LasLe Lhe LruLh
l LasLe Lhe LruLh

We know whaL l came here for
So l won`L ask for more

l wanna be wlLh you
lf only for a nlghL
1o be Lhe one whose ln your arms
Who holds you LlghL
l wanna be wlLh you
1here`s noLhlng more Lo say
1here`s noLhlng else l wanL more Lhan Lo feel Lhls way
l wanna be wlLh you (yeah)

So l`ll hold you LonlLe
Llke l would lf you were mlne
Lo hold forever more
And l`ll saver each Louch LhaL l wanLed
So much Lo feel before (Lo feel before)
Pow beauLlful lL ls
!usL Lo be llke Lhls

l wanna be wlLh you
lf only for a nlghL
1o be Lhe one whose ln your arms
Who holds you LlghL
l wanna be wlLh you
1here`s noLhlng more Lo say
1here`s noLhlng else l wanL more Lhan Lo feel Lhls way
(l wanna be) l wanna be wlLh you

Ch baby
l can`L flghL Lhls feellng anymore
lL drlves me crazy when l Lry Lo
So call my name
1ake my hand
Make my wlsh
8aby your command?

l wanna be wlLh you
1here`s noLhlng more Lo say
1here`s noLhlng else l wanL more Lhan Lo feel Lhls way
(l wanna be)l wanna be wlLh you (l wanna be wlLh you)
l wanna be wlLh you
Wanna be wlLh you (?eahhh)
(l wanna be wlLh you)l wanna be
l wanna be wlLh you
(l wanna be)
(l wanna be)
(l wanna be wlLh you) ?eahh
(l wanna be wlLh you)
l wanna be l wanna be baby
l wanna be
(l wanna be wlLh you)
l wanna be wlLh you yeah
l wanna be wlLh you
l wanna be wlLh you

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