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1.0.introduction 1
2.0.strategy and Iorward planning 2
3.0.Accounting methods 2
4.0.Interpretation oI technical analysis 3
4.1horizontal analysis 3
4.2trend analysis 3
4.3vertical analysis 3
4.3.1. Asset composition 3
4.3.2. Liability composition 3
4.3.3. positive gap 3
4.3.4 Financial Recklessness 4
4.4. Ratio Analysis 4
4.4.1 management ratio 4
4.4.2 liquidity ratio 4
4.4.3. gearing (leverage) ratio 5
4.4.4 investoir ratio 5
5.0. Non Iinancial indicators 5
5.1 research and development 5
5.2 employment policies 5


5.3. Environmental policies 5
5.4. anti-corruption policies 6
6.0. Questions Ior the Iinance director 6
List oI tables
PorlzonLal analysls (lncome sLaLemenL) lll
PorlzonLal analysls (balance sheeL) lv
1rend analysls v
verLlcal analysls vl
ManagemenL performance vll
Cashflow raLlo vlll
LlquldlLy raLlo ` lx
Cearlng raLlo x
lnvesLor raLlo x

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