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Minutes of Meeting Group “WTFLOL”

Held on Thursday 22nd March 2007 at the Spoons Lab Mech Eng Undercroft
Starting at 1510

Reasons for meeting:

1. Discuss ‘team problem statement’ for CPR
Present: All members.
Apologies: None.
Absent: None.

Agendas/ Issues:
Allocation of team roles
- Rotation of minute takers on weekly basis.
- Idea of a dedicated ‘organiser’ to keep all members on track, now ‘leaders’
- The positions are as follows: (Note: Please insert name where appropriate)

Strategies for Robo Sumo Competition

- Collating ideas and inspiration for overall design and programming of the
‘Robo Sumo’.
- Discussed realistic and unrealistic programming strategies to ‘win’.
- Reviewed previous ‘Robo Sumo’ competitions.
- Agreement to arrange meetings to work on Robo Sumo.

Learning Portfolio
- Notice on the deadline of the 1st stage of the CPR is Friday 23rd March.
- Deliberated over a consensus ‘team problem statement’ for Calibrated Peer
Review (CPR)
- Briefly talked about the ‘reflection statement’ of 1st stage.

Date Of Next Meeting:

Sunday 25th May 2007 at 1300 outside on the CSE lawn (for those who can make it).

Meeting Closed at 1543.

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