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1 Pls moLher advlsed hlm noL Lo do puL sLlcky Lhlngs your pockeLs
2 Pls wlfe lmplored hlm noL Lo do any Lhlng dangerous
3 My frlend remlnded me Lo apply Lhe [ob Pe Lold me Lo sulL me
4 My broLher advlse me Lo say noLhlng abouL lL
3 She begged me Lo walL ln Lhe lounge Llll my fllghL number ls called
6 l advlsed Ann Lo noL lend harry any money l Lold her Lo noL pay hls debLs
7 1he secreLary lmplored me Lo rlng back ln half an hour
8 1he oLher passenger asked me Lo mlnd movlng my case she Lold me Lo blocklng Lhe door
9 Ann asked her frlend Lo remember Lo book a Lable
10 1he drlvlng lnsLrucLor asks Lo geL lnLo Lhe rlghL lane
11 1he pollceman Lhe order person Lo golng Lo bea blg demonsLraLln Lhose
13 1he Leacher requesLed Lhe sLudenLs Lo read Lhe quesLlon Lwlce and don'L wrlLe ln Lhe margln
14 Cne of Lhe sLudenLs asked me Lo noL leave my money lylng abouL
13 1om asked me noL Lo open abouL accounL
16 1om lnvlLed Lhe glrl Lo have lunch wlLh hlm LhaL day 1he glrl sald LhaL she was afrald she
couldn'L leave Lhe offlce
17 1he docLor
18 Pe sald LhaL he couldn'L sell Lhe casseLLe player aL LhaL prlce
19 1he grocer advlsed me Lo buy Lhe blg Lln
20 1he oLher aupalr glrl lnvlLed me Lo belng explolLed and she Lold me Lo leave your [ob
21 1he alr hosLess Lold me Lo fasLen you seaL belLs Lhere maybe a llLLle Lurbulance
22 Pe requesLed noL Lo drlve Lhrough fog wlLh only a fog llghL on or oncomlng drlver mayLake me
for a moLorcycle
23 1he pollceman asked me Lo see hls drlvlng llcence
24 l Lold you Lo sweep up LhaL broken glass
23 She sald LhaL Lhe baLhroom was emply now and she asked me Lo puL Lhe llghL ouL when l was
26 My faLhe remlnded me Lo remember Lo lnsure my luggage
27 Pls wlfe begged hlm noL Lo drlnk any more and she sald LhaL Lhey had drlve home
28 l remlnded Lom Lo go Lo a denLlsL before hls LooLhache geLs any more
29 Pe aksed me Lo cuL your halr and he Lold me Lo flnd lL much easler Lo geL a [ob lf he looked Lldy
30 1he boy begged me Lo had some more puddlngs

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