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By targeted audience
By contents By publication form

By Targeted Audience
Patient specific

Applies to individual patients
Purpose is to inform medical practitioners about

health and disease of patients patients medical record Computer-based patient record = electronic health record

Electronic Health Record

a representation of all of a patients data that one

would find in the paper-based record, but in a coded and structured, machined-readable form. Hospital information systems
Laboratory information lab tests/results Pharmacy information medication dispensing, drug

information/interaction, billing, inventory Radiology information schedule, billing, results Nursing information nursing documents, care planning, administration information

Hospital information system (cont.)

Hospital information hospital census (admission,

discharge, transfer) Chart management/medical records management of paper records/statistical reports

Patient-specific information
*not accessible to public

Knowledge-based information
forms the scientific foundation of biomedicine
derived and organized from observational and

experimental research In the clinical setting

provides clinicians, administrators, and researchers with

knowledge that can be applied to individual patients

In the basic (medical) science setting knowledge-based information provides the archive of research reports upon which further research builds

Clinical Reference Tools

Evidence-based practice tools
Drug information websites MIMS, Filipino Doctors,

dosage calculators Dynamed UpToDate Cochrane systematic reviews BMJ Clinical evidence First Consult

Basic Medical Sciences

Textbooks, reference books, journals, databases Ebscohost

MDConsult Proquest Medical Library


By Content
Basic resources - textbooks, dictionaries, directories
Research resources - journals where research is

published on an ongoing basis Analytical resources - experts study all available research, analyze it (through a systematic process) and then synthesize it, presenting unbiased facts, evidence, and guidelines to help others to provide the right healthcare

By Publication
Primary resources original research that appears in journals,

books, reports, and other sources

reports the initial discovery of health knowledge usually with either original data or re-analysis of data (e.g., meta-


Secondary resources Lists (or databases) that lead us to

primary resources
reviews, condenses, and/or synthesizes the primary literature emanates from original publications, e.g. are books,

monographs, and review articles in journals and other publications opinion-based writing such as editorials and position or policy papers

Tertiary resources Lists of lists or databases that lead us to all

available secondary resources

life cycle of scientific information

By Medium

By Type of Medical Libraries

Academic/Medical School
Hospital Government Agency

International Organizations
Pharmaceutical and other companies

Ensure that the information that a patient or

consumer seeks will be sourced from authentic and reliable resources. Clients will search every available resource as required and will contact other information professionals for additional help if required

Vocabularies and Terminologies

Basic Sciences
Clinical Science/Specialties

Basic Sciences
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Anatomy Behavioral Science Biochemistry Biostatistics Cytology Embryology Epidemiology Genetics Hematology Histology Histopathology

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Immunology Microbiology Molecular biology Neuroscience Nutrition science Parasitology Pathology Pharmacology Physiology Social Medicine Toxicology

Clinical Science/Specialty
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Allergy and immunology Anesthesiology Cardiology Dermatology Emergency medicine Endocrinology Gastroenterology Geriatrics Gynecology Health informatics Infectious disease Internal medicine Neonatology Nephrology Neurology

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

23. 24. 25.

27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

Nuclear medicine Obstetrics Occupational medicine Oncology Ophthalmology Orthopedics Otorhinolaryngology Pediatrics Pharmacology Physical and rehabilitation Psychiatry Public health Pulmonology Radiology Surgery Urology

Etymology Related terms


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