Memristor Documentation

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Submitted By



Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to JNTUH & Accredited by NBA)

2011 - 12


A Project Report Submitted in the Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of



Submitted By



Under the Guidance of G.Kalyanchakravarthy Assistant Professor Department of ECE

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


(Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to JNTUH & Accredited by NBA)

2010 - 11



5 5 6 8 8 9 12 14 15 20 21 23 24








Typically electronics has been defined in terms of three fundamental elements such as resistors, capacitors and inductors. These three elements are used to define the four fundamental circuit variables which are electric current, voltage, charge and magnetic flux. Resistors are used to relate current to voltage, capacitors to relate voltage to charge, and inductors to relate current to magnetic flux, but there was no element which could relate charge to magnetic flux. To overcome this missing link, scientists came up with a new element called Memristor. These Memristor has the properties of both a memory element and a resistor (hence wisely named as Memristor). Memristor is being called as the fourth fundamental component, hence increasing the importance of its innovation


1.1 Memristor

For nearly 150 years, the known fundamental passive circuit elements were limited to the capacitor (discovered in 1745), the resistor (1827), and the inductor (1831). Then, in a brilliant but underappreciated 1971 paper, Leon Chua, a professor of electrical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, predicted the existence of a fourth fundamental device, which he called a memristor. He proved that memristor behaviour could not be duplicated by any circuit built using only the other three elements, which is why the memristor is truly fundamental. Memristor is a contraction of memory resistor, because that is exactly its function: to remember its history. A memristor is a two-terminal device whose resistance depends on the magnitude and polarity of the voltage applied to it and the length of time that voltage has been applied. When you turn off the voltage, the memristor remembers its most recent resistance until the next time you turn it on, whether that happens a day later or a year later Chua discovered a missing link in the pair wise mathematical equations that relate the four circuit quantitiescharge, current, voltage, and magnetic fluxto one another. These can be related in six ways. Two are connected through the basic physical laws of electricity and magnetism, and three are related by the known circuit elements: resistors connect voltage and current, inductors connect flux and current, and capacitors connect voltage and charge. But one equation is missing from this group: the relationship between charge moving through a circuit and the magnetic flux surrounded by that circuit Chua demonstrated mathematically that his hypothetical device would provide a relationship between flux and charge similar to what a nonlinear resistor provides between voltage and cur- rent. In practice, that would mean the devices resistance would vary according to the amount of charge that passed through it. And it would remember that resistance value even

after the current was turned off.


Memristor symbol. The memristor is formally defined as a two-terminal element in which the magnetic flux m between the terminals is a function of the amount of electric charge q that has passed through the device. Each memristor is characterized by its memristance function describing the chargedependent rate of change of flux with charge.

Noting from Faraday's law of induction that magnetic flux is simply the time integral of voltage, and charge is the time integral of current, we may write the more convenient form

It can be inferred from this that memristance is simply charge-dependent resistance. If M (q (t)) is a constant, then we obtain Ohm's Law R (t) = V (t)/ I (t). If M (q (t)) is nontrivial, however, the equation is not equivalent because q (t) and M (q (t)) will vary with time. Solving for voltage as a function of time we obtain

This equation reveals memristance defines a linear relationship between current and voltage, as long as M does not vary with charge. Of course, nonzero current implies time varying charge.

Alternating current, however, may reveal the linear dependence in circuit operation by inducing a measurable voltage without net charge movement as long as the maximum change in q does not cause much change in M. Furthermore, the memristor is static if no current is applied. If I (t) = 0, we find V (t) = 0 and M (t) is constant. This is the essence of the memory effect. The power consumption characteristic recalls that of a resistor, I2R.

As long as M (q (t)) varies little, such as under alternating current, the memristor will appear as a resistor. If M (q (t)) increases rapidly, however, current and power consumption will quickly stop.


2.1 Structure of Titanium Diode Memristor

IO Fig 2.1.1

The HP device is composed of a thin (50 nm) titanium dioxide film between two 5 nm thick electrodes, two platinum wires Initially, there are two layers to the titanium dioxide film, TiO2 and TiO2-x. The upper layer has a slight depletion of oxygen atoms. The oxygen vacancies are donors of electrons which makes the vacancies themselves positively charged. Stoichiometric TiO2 act as an insulator

(It is a semiconductor) but oxygen deficient TiO2-x is a conductor and have lower resistance than the stoichiometric compound 2.2 Working

Fig 2.2.1


If a positive voltage is applied to the top electrode of the device, it will repel the (also positive) oxygen vacancies in the TiO2-x layer down into the pure TiO2 layer. That turns the TiO2 layer into TiO2-x and makes it conductive, thus turning the device on. A negative voltage has the opposite effect: the vacancies are attracted upward and back out of the TiO2, and thus the thickness of the TiO2 layer increases and the device turns off. The oxygen deficiencies in the TiO2-x manifest as bubbles of oxygen vacancies scattered throughout the upper layer. A positive voltage on the switch repels the (positive) oxygen deficiencies in the metallic upper TiO2-x layer, sending them into the insulating TiO2 layer below. That causes the boundary between the two materials to move down, increasing the percentage of conducting TiO2-x and thus the conductivity of the entire switch. The more positive voltage is applied, the more conductive the cube becomes. A negative voltage on the switch attracts the positively charged oxygen bubbles, pulling them out of the TiO2. The amount of insulating, resistive TiO2 increases, thereby making the switch as a whole resistive. The more negative voltage is applied, the less conductive the cube becomes. What makes this switch special is that when the voltage is turned off, positive or negative, the oxygen bubbles do not migrate. They stay where they are, which means that the boundary between the two titanium dioxide layers is frozen. That is how the memristor remembers how much voltage was last applied. Resistance also depends on the length of time that voltage has been applied

A memristors structure, shown here in a scanning tunnelling microscope image, will enable dense, stable computer memories. Fig 2.2.2

Bow Ties Leon Chuas original graph of the hypothetical memristors behavior is shown at top right; the graph of R. Stanley Williams experimental results are shown below. The loops map the switching behavior of the device: it begins with a high resistance, and as the voltage increases, the current slowly increases. As charge flows through the device, the resistance drops, and the current increases more rapidly with increasing voltage until the maximum is reached. Then, as the voltage decreases, the current decreases but more slowly, because charge is flowing through the device and the resistance is still dropping. The result is an on-switching loop. When the voltage turns negative, the resistance of the device increases, resulting in an off-switching loop

Fig 2.2.3

2.3 Implementation of Other Types of Memristors:

Spintronic Memristor Concept of Spintronic memristor is given as, resistance is caused by the spin of electrons in one section of the device pointing in a different direction than those in another section, creating a "domain wall," a boundary between the two states. Electrons flowing into the device have a certain spin, which alters the magnetization state of the device. Changing the magnetization, in turn, moves the domain wall and changes the device's resistance.

Spin Torque Magnetoresistance Spin Torque Transfer MRAM is a well-known device that exhibits memristive behavior. The resistance is dependent on the relative spin orientation between two sides of a magnetic tunnel junction. This in turn can be controlled by the spin torque induced by the current flowing through the junction. However, the length of time the current flows through the junction determines the amount of current needed, i.e., the charge flowing through is the key variable. Additionally, MgO based magnetic tunnel junctions show memristive behavior based on the drift of oxygen vacancies within the insulating MgO layer (resistive switching). Therefore, the combination of spin transfer torque and resistive switching leads naturally to a second-order memristive system with w=(w1,w2) where w1 describes the magnetic state of the magnetic tunnel junction and w2 denotes the resistive state of the MgO barrier. Note that in this case the change of w1 is current-controlled (spin torque is due to a high current density) whereas the change of w2 is voltage-controlled (the drift of oxygen vacancies is due to high electric fields).

Polymeric Memristor Juri H. Krieger and Stuart M. Spitzer claim to have developed a polymeric memristor before the titanium dioxide memristor more recently announced. There work describes the process of dynamic doping of polymer and inorganic dielectric-like materials in order to improve the switching characteristics and retention required to create functioning nonvolatile memory cells. Described is the use of a special passive layer between electrode and active thin films, which enhances the extraction of ions from the electrode. It is possible to use fast ion conductor as this passive layer, which allows to

significantly decreasing the ionic extraction field

Resonant Tunnelling Diode Memristor 1994, F. A. Buot and A. K. Rajagopal demonstrated that a 'bow-tie' current-voltage (I-V) characteristics occurs in AlAs/GaAs/AlAs quantum-well diodes containing special doping design of the spacer layers in the source and drain regions, in agreement with the published experimental results This 'bow-tie' current-voltage (I-V) characteristic is sine qua non of a memristor although the term memristor is not explicitly mentioned in their papers. No magnetic interaction is involved in the analysis of the 'bow-tie' I-V characteristics 3-Terminal Memristor Although the memristor is defined in terms of a 2-terminal circuit element, there was an implementation of a 3-terminal device called a memistor developed by Bernard Widrow in 1960. Memistors formed basic components of a neural network architecture called developed by Widrow and Ted Hoff the memistor was described as follows: Like the transistor, the memistor is a 3-terminal element. The conductance between two of the terminals is controlled by the time integral of the current in the third, rather than its instantaneous value as in the transistor. Reproducible elements have been made which are continuously variable (thousands of possible analog storage levels), and which typically vary in resistance from 100 ohms to 1 ohm, and cover this range in about 10 seconds with several mille amperes of plating current. Adaptation is accomplished by direct current while sensing the neuron logical structure is accomplished nondestructively by passing alternating currents through the arrays of memistor cells. Since the conductance was described as being controlled by the time integral of current as in Chua's theory of the memristor, the memistor of Widrow may be considered as a form of memristor having three instead of two terminals. However, one of the main limitations of Widrow's memistor was that they were made from an electroplating cell rather than as a solidstate circuit element. Solid-state circuit elements were required to achieve the scalability of the integrated circuit which was gaining popularity around the same time as the invention of Widrow's memistor. ADALINE

2.4 Advantages
When you turn off the voltage, the memristor remembers its most recent resistance until the next time you turn it on, whether that happens a day later or a year later This freezing property suits memristors brilliantly for computer memory. The ability to indefinitely store resistance values means that a memristor can be used as a nonvolatile memory. That might not sound like very much, but go ahead and pop the battery out of your laptop, right nowno saving, no quitting, nothing. Youd lose your work, of course. But if your laptop were built using a memory based on memristors, when you popped the battery back in, your screen would return to life with everything exactly as you left it: no lengthy reboot, no half-dozen autorecovered files. There are several advantages of the memristor memory over conventional transistorbased memories. One is its strikingly small size. Though memristor is still at its early development stage, its size is at most one tenths of its RAM counterparts. If the fabrication technology for memristor is improved, the size and advantage could be even more significant. Another feature of the memristor is its incomparable potential to store analog information which enables the memristor to keep multiple bits of information in a memory cell. Besides these features, the memristor is also an ideal device for implementing synaptic weights in artificial neural networks Williams' solid-state memristors can be combined into devices called crossbar latches, which could replace transistors in future computers, taking up a much smaller area. They can also be fashioned into non-volatile solid-state memory, which would allow greater data density than hard drives with access times potentially similar to DRAM, replacing both components HP prototyped a crossbar latch memory using the devices that can fit 100 gigabits in a square centimeter, and has designed a highly scalable 3D design (consisting of up to 1000 layers or 1 petabit in a cubic CM) has reported that its version of the memristor is currently about one-tenth the speed of DRAM . The devices' resistance would be read with alternating current so that they do not affect the stored value.

2.5 Problems
Despite many favorable features, memristors have several weaknesses in practice. One

weakness comes from the nonlinearity in the vs. q curve which makes it difficult to determine the proper pulse width for achieving a desired resistance value. If the nonlinearity is spatially variant in the die of a chip which is common in the fabrication process, the difficulty could be very serious. Another difficulty comes from the property of the memristor which integrates any kind of signals including noise that appeared at the memristor and results in the memristors being perturbed from its original pre-set values.

The principle of the memristor is based on the nonlinear property of basic circuit elements. In the relationships defining basic circuit elements, charge is defined as the time integral of current, namely,

Thus, the resistance can be interpreted as the slope at an operating point on the - q curve. If the - q curve is nonlinear, the resistance will vary with the operating point. For instance, if the - q curve is the nonlinear function Shown in Fig. 2.4.1, its small-signal resistance can be obtained by re-plotting it as a function of q in the R vs . plane as in Fig. 2.4.2. Since the flux is obtained by integrating the voltage, the resistance of the memristor can be Controlled by applying a voltage signal across the memristor, where

Fig 2.4.1

Fig 2.4.2

Fig 2.4.3 The above memristance tuning method assumes an ideal operating condition. In practice, there are some problems that must be overcome. The first problem is caused by the nonlinearity between the applied voltage and the corresponding resistance. Suppose the resistance characteristics of the memristors is different from each other as shown in Fig. 2.4.3, where the resistance R d is obtained at different values of such as 1 2 and 3. If the same magnitude of voltage pulses is chosen, then the durations of the pulse widths for obtaining the same resistance will be different depending on the characteristics of the memristors. Another problem comes from the fact that the operating point and its associated memristance would be changed whenever some voltage is applied across the memristor. The voltage applied for read-out or even noise voltages would be integrated which causes the flux to be altered. Again, this causes the programmed resistance to be varied. Chua had suggested applying a voltage doublet with equal positive and negative read-out pulses to resolve such problem. However, the problem remains if the positive and the negative pulses are not perfectly identical due to the non-ideal pulse-generation circuits.

2.6 Array Based Multilevel Memory of Memristor

The proposed method has the operating point of the memristor be maintained its desired location (or resistance value) utilizing a set of pre-determined multiple resistance levels. Fig. 2.5.1 shows the basic idea of the proposed method, where the resistance array to be referenced and the memristor to be programmed (tuned) are shown. The goal is to have the memristor keep any of the resistance level selected from the resistance array. If a predetermined magnitude of the current pulse Is (t) is applied to the resistance array, different levels of voltages V k will appear at each node of the resistance array. The same current pulse Is (t ) is also applied to the memristor.

Fig 2.5.1

The programming (tuning) of the memristor is performed by applying additional current pulses to the memristor with the appropriate directions until the voltage of the memristor equals to that of the selected node voltage in the resistance array. If the voltage of the memristor reaches that of the selected node, the resistance value of the memristor becomes the same as the partial sum of the resistance from the ground to the selected node of the resistance array. This idea is employed in both the write-in and the read-out/restoration circuits. Detailed description of these circuits will be presented in the following sections.

2.7 Memristor Write-In Circuit

Fig 2.6.1

The memristor write-in circuit is used to bias the memristor at a desired resistance level. The critical write-in circuit is shown in Fig 2.6.1. The first step is to choose the write-in memristor and the resistance value to be memorized by turning on one of the switches in switch array S1 of Fig2.6.1. and the corresponding switch pair in switch array S4 respectively. Then, an initial current pulse I s(t) is applied at the drain of the transistor Q1 so that its mirrored current pulses appear at transistors Q2 and Q3. With this current pulse, negative voltages appear at both the selected reference nodes and at the output terminal V out of the memristors. Suppose the selected memristance M j is less than the referenced sum of the resistances Rk sum in Fig2.6.1. In this particular case, Diffk+ is smaller than Diffk- sinceVout (Tp) is less negative than that of Vk (Tp). These Diffk outputs caused the comparator C1 to generate a positive pulse. Note that the negative and the positive output terminals of Diffk are linked to the positive and the negative input terminals of C1 respectively. As a consequence, switch S3 is turned on. such increased flux , the increment of the memristance can be obtained with a monotonically increasing function via the R vs. graph in Fig 2.6.1. As a consequence, the memristor voltage decreases toward the selected reference level. The processing from the above voltage difference computation repeats until the difference between Vk (Tp ) and Vout (Tp) becomes zero, thereby completing the write-in processing of the reference resistance Rk sum. On the other hand, when the selected memristance M j is larger than the referenced sum Rk sum of the resistances, the memristance of the selected memristor is decreased and the memristor voltage is increased toward the selected reference level through the opposite procedure mentioned above. The above comparison between the voltages and the adjustment of the memristance are repeated until the memristor voltage is equal to its selected reference voltage level.

2.8 Memristor Read-Out/Restoration Circuit

Fig 2.7.1

The memristor read-out/ restoration circuit is used to read the content of the memristor by applying an appropriate integrating current or voltage. The critical function of this circuit is to guarantee the memristor will stay at a set of fixed values without being perturbed when a read- out voltage or a noise voltage is applied across the memristor. To achieve this goal, a single compensating pulse is applied to have the memristance changed toward the closest reference resistance after the initial read-out pulse is applied. The read-out circuit is the same as the write- in circuit except the negative signal excluding circuit (N_Excld), MIN A and MIN B circuits as shown in Fig.2.7.1 . The N_Excld is the circuit to choose only the positive signals from Diffk+ or Diffk- using the negative signal excluding circuit N_Excld by comparing between the DC voltage and the output of the Diff circuit. The circuits MIN A and MIN B

together with the comparator C1 are used to choose the smallest absolute value among all Diff k+ and Diffk- signals. If the output of MIN A is smaller than that of MIN B, the memristor voltage is higher than that of its closest reference voltage (with M j< Rk sum) In this case, the memristance M j should be increased. On the other hand, if the output of the MIN A is larger than that of MIN B, then the memristor voltage is smaller than that of its closest reference voltage (with M j>Rk sum). In this case, M j should be decreased. The above adjustment of the memristor is executed only once during each read-out processing.

2.9 Simulations
The write-in circuit and the read-out/restoration circuit of the proposed method have been simulated extensively. All circuit components are assumed to be ideal. The simulations aim to check if the memristors are written accurately with the prescribed resistance levels and if the memristor contents are adjusted properly when they are altered by noise or read-out voltages. Also, it focuses on whether the proposed circuits are working well when memristors with slightly different characteristics are used in practice. All memristors used in this simulation are mathematical models because physical memristor devices with prescribed . vs. Q Characteristics are not commercially available at the moment. The first simulation is designed to test the write-in operation of three memristors with slightly different characteristics. To have this simulation be as close to real experiments as possible, scientists chose the characteristic curve of the HP memristor and two contrived variations. This simulation consists of writing a fixed reference resistance of 18 k on the three memristors which have different -q characteristics. The initial values of the memristors are randomly selected. Fig. 2.8.1shows the changes in the R- Values while repeated writing pulses are applied. The relatively larger movements of the lower points of each characteristic curve are due to the big difference between the reference resistance and the initial memristance. Note that the relatively larger movement of the lower points of each compensation pulse width generated by the pulse width modulator (PWM) is proportional to the difference between the reference resistance and that of the memristor. Also observe that, depending on its characteristics, different amounts of the flux are required to write and maintain the same resistance level on each memristor. Despite significant differences in the 3 memristor characteristics, the proposed method is able to write exactly the same resistance level in all 3 memristors

Fig 2.8.1

Extensive simulations for testing the write-in function for multiple levels have also been made. The number of levels have chosen to write-in the memristors is 8 and the model of the memristor used in this simulations is chosen from the HP publication whose resistance ranges from about 8K Ohm to 25.5 K Ohm. The memristors are allowed to have 8 equally spaced resistance levels of {8.0, 10.5, 13, 15.5, 18, 20.5, 23, 25.5} K Ohm as in Fig. 2.8.2. Big red dots are the desired writing levels and the initial resistance values are selected randomly. As shown in the fig. 2.8.2, all memristor converge successfully to their desired values during repeated applications of the write-in pulses to 20 memristor models.

Fig 2.8.2

Similar simulations have been made for the read-out/restoration circuit. The goal of this circuit is to have the memristors to stay at fixed values without being perturbed when a read-out voltage or any noise voltage is applied across the memristor by applying a single compensating pulse after the initial read-out pulse. Extensive simulations on 8 memristors with 8 slightly different characteristics have been made. The memristors are perturbed initially by a maximum of 10% from their reference resistances. Fig. 2.8.3 shows traces of the resistance on the R- curve of a typical memristor. The big red dots are the desired levels and the small cross symbols are the traces of the resistance changes while the read-out/restoration operation is performed. Note that a single compensation pulse is generated during each read-out processing. Observe that the resistance values in Fig. 2.8.3 converge to their closest levels with the read-out pulses.

Fig 2.8.3


Future Scope:
Combined with transistors in a hybrid chip, memristors could radically improve the performance of digital circuits without shrinking transistors. Using transistors more efficiently could in turn give us another decade, at least, of Moores Law performance improvement, without requiring the costly and increasingly difficult doublings of transistor density on chips. In the end, memristors might even become the cornerstone of new analog circuits that compute using an architecture much like that of the brain. Memristors potential goes far beyond instanton computers to embrace one of the grandest technology challenges: mimicking the functions of a brain. Within a decade, memristors could let us emulate, instead of merely simulate, networks of neurons and synapses. Many research groups have been working toward a brain in silico: IBMs Blue Brain project, Howard Hughes Medical Institutes Janelia Farm, and Harvards Center for Brain Science are just three. However, even a mouse brain simulation in real time involves solving an astronomical number of coupled partial differential equations. A digital computer capable of coping with this staggering workload would need to be the size of a small city, and powering it would require several dedicated nuclear power plants. Memristors can be made extremely small, and they function like synapses. Using them, we will be able to build analog electronic circuits that could fit in a shoebox and function according to the same physical principles as a brain. Memristors can potentially learn like synapses and be used to build human brain-like computers Two CMOS circuits connected by a memristor is analogous to two neurons in the brain connected by a synapse. It is thought that synaptic connections strengthen as the neurons either side fire and so brain 'circuits' are established which constitutes the basis of human learning. Wei Lu, a University of Michigan scientist connected two CMOS circuits by a silver and silicon Memristor and powered the two CMOS circuits on and off with varying time gaps between them.

The memristor alters its state differently depending on the timing of the powering of the CMOS circuits. This is said to be the same behaviour as that shown by synapses, called "spike timing plastic dependency", which is thought to be the possible basis for memory and learning in human and other mammalian brains. The synaptic connection between neurons becomes stronger or weaker, as the time gap between when they are stimulated becomes shorter or longer. In the same way, the shorter the time interval the lower the resistance of the memristor to electricity flowing across it between the two CMOS circuits. A 20 millisecond time interval between the two CMOS circuits caused a resistance level roughly half that of a 40 millisecond gap. Lu said: "Cells that fire together wire together... The memristor mimics synaptic action. "We show that we can use voltage timing to gradually increase or decrease the electrical conductance in this memristor-based system. In our brains, similar changes in synapse conductance essentially give rise to long term memory. A hybrid circuitcontaining many connected memristors and transistorscould help us research actual brain function and disorders. Such a circuit might even lead to machines that can recognize patterns the way humans can, in those critical ways computers cantfor example, picking a particular face out of a crowd even if it has changed significantly since our last memory of it. There are several advantages of the memristor memory over conventional transistorbased memories. One is its strikingly small size. Though memristor is still at its early development stage, its size is at most one tenths of its RAM counterparts. If the fabrication technology for memristor is improved, the size and advantage could be even more significant. Another feature of the memristor is its incomparable potential to store analog information which enables the memristor to keep multiple bits of information in a memory cell.

Besides these features, the memristor is also an ideal device for implementing synaptic

weights in artificial neural networks. HP already has plans to implement memristor in a new type of non-volatile memory which could eventually replace flash and other memory systems. Recently, a simple electronic circuit consisting of an LC network and a memristor was used to model experiments on adaptive behaviour of unicellular organisms. It was shown that the electronic circuit subjected to a train of periodic pulses learns and anticipates the next pulse to come, similarly to the behaviour of slime moulds Physarumpolycephalum subjected to periodic changes of environment. Such a learning circuit may find applications, e.g., in pattern recognition

4. Conclusion

The reference resistance array-based multilevel memristor memory is proposed in this paper. The idea has been implemented with two circuits namely the write-in and the read-out circuits. Simulation of the write-in circuit shows that the memristors memorize the desired discrete resistance levels regardless of their characteristic differences. In read-out simulation, contents of the memristors move toward their original values from the deviated ones whenever the read-out processing is performed. The proposed multilevel idea of the memristor together with its intrinsic feature of small size should make the memristor to be a powerful memory device. Also, if the number of multilevel of memory is increased, the memristor could be an ideal element for synaptic weight implementation since the synaptic multiplication can be performed simply by Ohms law V=IR in the memristor. Memristor is the fourth fundamental component. Thus the discovery of a brand new fundamental circuit element is something not to be taken lightly and has the potential to open the door to a brand new type of electronics. HP already has plans to implement memristors in a new type of non-volatile memory which could eventually replace flash and other memory systems


Hyongsuk Kim Sah, M.P. Changju Yang Chua, L.O.Memristor based multilevel memory Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Their Applications (CNNA), 2010 12th International Workshop, 3-5 Feb. 2010, pp1-6. Memrisotr from Wikipedia,

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