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Tracy Life!!

On last night, i was sleeping …………i dreamed that i am princess and ride a car…..i do
i do…..than i see that i was a monster and i was so ugly……….when i wake up i hered
some voice what scared me realy realy!..........on my bed was a blood….i was realy
scaryng…….when i go to school on the bus was some man……he watch me so long…
…i watch him face…he havent no one eye and him moth was blooden……….
I was run out of the bus and think what happends???.....That man cames too……
I was realy scared…..if i was near the school than somebody call me like ……“Tracy it s
me why you running away???“……i stoped and ask…..why you’re here??.........he sayd: I
don t know maybe i want to cill you or maybe want to talk to you??............i asked: In
my bed that blood, was it yours?? Ouh Yes i wanted cill to myself but i didnt
cuz you was so beatiful……..WHAT????? mean i m beatiful…?.........Man: Yes
……..i don t understand why you yelling me?........cus i still wanna cill you……..Just tell
me why?..what i did for you….Man: You know who was your daddy and who cill
him?!!!!...........i sayd: What are you talking about, i don t know anything who cill my
father?!!!!............Man: but you didnt forget him don t you?..........i was crying and sayd:
YES i cill my dad beacuse he was so nasty and bad…..why your asking that…and ……
who are you……Man:Its time to know who i am…….i am your……your……YOUR
DAD!............i sayd: you must be ded…….school second bell!!..........Man: Yes but i am
still here!! So we will see again!!!.........Me: No no no no no You lied…………i was
running away from school…..teacher was sad that i was late……i sayd: I am Sorry That
I Late!!......Teacher: FINE go and sit!

It was 2 a clock

My best friend Mary asked me..: whats wrong with you?

Me: amm nothing i m fine!!
Mary: are you sure…Maybe you wanna talk to me????
Me: well…..ofcourse you are the best friend how i cant talk that to you!
Mary: so whats wrong?
Me: well 2 years ago i was cill my dad…you know that…
Mary: Yes?
Me…and now some people watching my every move he wearin a black glothes….i
scared him!! ( i was cryed)
Mary: are you sure that was a black man?
Me: YES!
Mary: what you think who isi t??
ME: I think……I Think..…….i think it s my dad..
When i was run away than he sayd me that we will see us again……don t you understand
…..Hes so Scary!
Mary: Well i don t know ohh…i have to go now but if i am free than i call you ok??
Me: well ok!!
Mary:well bye and don t be scared!
Me: mhmhh i realy hope that too

I was going home and when i go to bus than i seed that man again…i was thinkin….like
he knows when school ends end when school starts!!
I was leaving in the bus and again the man is cames again….
Well helloo again lets go to your home!!
Leave me alone
I Cant Talk to you anymore!


Cuz i scared you thats all so leave me alone i wanna live my life and you have toooo!!

I was going away when he tooks my hand and sayd: Remember it s not our last
meeting…once upon of time was a little girl who later dieds!!!!Think… you don t live
anymore so long!!

I was running away!

When i was home i was cryied and sayd to myself: Why i did this way i didnt want to cill
my dad!!.......its not true…… i wanna live to a long long and long!
I Cant take it anymore!!!
I wanna scream!!

No I have to run away…..But where?

I don t know…i think I m gonna sleep tonight at my home:S:S:S:’(
But tomorrow I run away!
It was night….i feel that somebody was near to me…. Think who wasit!!
It was a black man!!!!!!!!
I Scared and I hered when he whispered me…:Good Bye little Girl I can Tell you who I
am..: I am your hell dad….good bye good bye good bye good bye!
When I was wake up I didn’t see anything I was some room when was dark and
everywhere was water!
I was understanded that I am in my hell dad world….i knewit it was him…….nothing
matters do I care about it or not……now I die…….was 5 minutes over….when
somebody whispered me….: it s your last day of your life..I think….and than I was ded! I
was feeling how I wanna scream but my face was blooded….. now I was ded and in
ded dream…… now I cant do anything what I want and I see only my mother in water!!
But I was give up……………………………………………………….And that’s the End
of Story!

Two months ago …

Mary with her new best friend: Well…I didn t know that it s so scary and true…I look at
her eyes…and…I was thinking like she lied to me…….But…She didn’t….
Mary’s Friend: Well she had deserved that….also she cilled him dad…
Mary:Well yes but she’s Child….noone can t do this way…think!!!!
Mary’s Fiend:Ok whatever….i’m going home and sleep…I just don’t wanna think about
that…it’s littlebit scary really!!!
Mary:Ok Bye..see ya tomorrow..!

1 week later….

Mary: (cryed)…NO NO NOOO……..I can’t she was my second best friend…now are
There Both ded…..Why???Why?? Why???.....I cant just I cant……..i wanna die too….
Mary’s Mother:No Get over and think something happily!
Mary: Fuck You Mother…how can I do this…They was my best’s friends…. 

Now Mary lives in Street……One month ago she dieds too…………


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