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Key words are used throughout the exam to identify the type of response required from you. The key words are explained below. Calculate: Find a numerical answer Compare: Tell what is the same and what is different Describe: Use words to create a mental picture for the reader Determine: Use mathematics to find a solution to the problem Estimate: Give an approximate answer Evaluate: Find a numerical answer Exact solutions: Do not approximate or round solutions Expand: Re-write a given expression as a sum of terms Explain: Use words, symbols and diagrams to make your solution clear Factor: Re-write a given expression as a product of its factors Graph: Draw the relationship between the variables on a well-labeled, scaled set of axes Identify: State the number, property, etc. Justify: Give reasons and mathematical evidence to show your answer is correct List: Use point form Show your work: Record all calculations and all the steps you went through to get your answer. You may use words, numbers, graphs, diagrams, symbols and/or charts Simplify: Perform all possible operations to express the answer in its most reduced form Sketch: Draw a reasonable representation of the graph of the relationship and identify key points Solve: Determine the value(s) of a variable that make an equation true State: Write only the answer Verify: Formally demonstrate the validity of a solution or a property given

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