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HAZOP Introduction

Zhang Wei, Wu Zhangjin, Distributed & Embedded Systems Lab Lanzhou Universtiy, P.R.China


Summary of HAZOP Analysis Limitation of the HAZOP Technique Procedure for HAZOP Analysis HAZOP about Stepper Motor Demo Reference

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Summary of HAZOP Analysis

Summary of HAZOP Analysis

What is HAZOP Brief summary of characteristics Most common uses

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Summary of HAZOP Analysis

What is HAZOP
A Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study is a structured and systematic examination of a planned or existing process or operation in order to identify and evaluate potential hazards and operability problems. Or to ensure the ability of equipments in accordance with the design intent. The HAZOP analysis technique uses a systematic process to indentify possible deviations from normal operations and ensure that appropriate safegurads are in place to help prevent accidents. It uses special adjectives combined with process conditions to systematically consider all credible deviations from normal conditions. The adjectives, called guide words, are a unique feature of HAZOP analysis.

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007


Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Summary of HAZOP Analysis

Brief summary of characteristics

A systematic, highly structured assessment relying on HAZOP guide words and team brainstorming to generate a comprehensive review and ensure that appropriate safeguards against accidents are in place Typically performed by a multidisciplinary team Applicable to any system or procedure Used most as a system-level risk assessment technique Generates primarily qualitative results, although some basic quantication is possible

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Summary of HAZOP Analysis

Most common uses

Used primarily for identifying safety hazards and operability problems of continuous process systems, especially uid and thermal systems Also used to review procedures and sequential operations

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Limitation of the HAZOP Technique

Limitation of the HAZOP Technique

Requires a well-dened system or activity Time consuming Focuses on one-event causes of deviations

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Limitation of the HAZOP Technique

Requires a well-dened system or activity

The HAZOP process is a rigorous analysis tool that systematically analyzes each part of a system or activity. To apply the HAZOP guide words eectively and to address the potential accidents that can result from the guide word deviations, the analysis team must have access to detailed design and operational information. The process systematically identies specic engineered safeguards (e.g., instrumentation, alarms, and interlocks) that are dened on detailed engineering drawings.

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Limitation of the HAZOP Technique

Time consuming
The HAZOP process systematically reviews credible deviations, identies potential accidents that can result from the deviations, investigates engineering and administrative controls to protect against the deviations, and generates recommendations for system improvements. This detailed analysis process requires a substantial commitment of time from both the analysis facilitator and other subject matter experts, such as crew members, engineering personnel, equipment vendors, etc.

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Limitation of the HAZOP Technique


Focuses on one-event causes of deviations

The HAZOP process focuses on identifying single failures that can result in accidents of interest. If the objective of the analysis is to identify all combinations of events that can lead to accidents of interest, more detailed techniques should be used.

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Procedure for HAZOP Analysis


Procedure for HAZOP Analysis

Denition of some useful items Dene the system or activity Main process of the HAZOP Analysis Conduct HAZOP reviews Use the results in decision making

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Procedure for HAZOP Analysis


Denition of some useful items

Node: Node is some specic sections of the system in which (the deviations of ) the design/process intent are evaluated.A node can be a subsystem, a function group, a function or a subfunction. Deviation: A deviation is a way in which the process conditions may depart from their design/process intent.It is created by combining guide words with process parameters resulting in a possible deviation from design intent.

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Procedure for HAZOP Analysis


Denition of some useful items

Process parameters: The process parameters is the relevant parameter for the conditions of the process.For example,voltage,data,direction,etc. Guide words: The guide words, or secondary keywords,applied in conjunction with a Primary Keyword,these suggest potential deviations or problems.For example, less, more ,no ,reverse,etc.

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Procedure for HAZOP Analysis


Dene the system or activity

The system boundaries should be specied and clearly dened.By doing these, analysts can avoid overlooking key elements at interfaces

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Procedure for HAZOP Analysis


Main process of the HAZOP Analysis

Divide the system into sections and develop credible deviations Determine the cause of the deviation and evaluate the consequences/problems Find the safeguard which help to reduce the occurrence frequency of the deviation or to mitigate its consquences Recommend some actions to against the deviation more eectively Record the information Repeat procedure

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Procedure for HAZOP Analysis


Divide the system into sections and develop credible deviations

So rst we should divided the system into several sections and choose one as a node.Of course we should know the design intent of this node so that we could nd the process parameters from it.After that we should apply some guide-word to match these parameters and both of them compose a deviation. Guide Word + System Parameter = Deviation

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007



record the information

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007



procedure diagram

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Procedure for HAZOP Analysis


Conduct HAZOP reviews

Introduce the team members Describe the HAZOP approach Conduct the analysis

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

Procedure for HAZOP Analysis


Use the results in decision making

Judge acceptability Identify improvement opportunities Make recommendations for improvements Justify allocation of resources for improvements

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

HAZOP about Stepper Motor Demo


HAZOP about Stepper Motor Demo

What is Stepper Motor Demo Specify the problems which include some issues Divide the system by interfaces Develop the deviations Analysis the interface 3

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

HAZOP about Stepper Motor Demo


What is Stepper Motor Demo

Stepper Motor Demo is a RTLinux Application which controls the running status of a small stepper motor. Our intent is to analysis the Hazards and Operability of a system by analysising a actual example on the stepper motor demo.

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

HAZOP about Stepper Motor Demo


Specify the problems which include some issues

As a system with the motor, it may appear some problems as following: The motor burn down or cannot rotate forever The motor rotate too quick The motor do contrarily what you want it do,for the direction is reverse ...

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

HAZOP about Stepper Motor Demo


Divide the system by interfaces

As the header le smc 1500.h show, there are ve dierent interfaces, we can analysis them independently: void write lpt(struct motor t *motor); struct motor t stepper motor setup(int motor); void move steps(struct motor t *motor); void set stepper motor safe(struct motor t *motor); void stepper motor brake(struct motor t *motor);

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

HAZOP about Stepper Motor Demo


Develop the deviations

According to the problems,we can develop the deviations like this:
parameters No, /guideNot, words None Power No power No step Less, Low, Short Under voltage Less steps More, High, Long Over voltage More steps Early /Later Voltage change suddenly Steps take not on time Before /After Faster /Slower Reverse



Steps sequence is disorder

Steps take faster/slower dierent direction


Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

HAZOP about Stepper Motor Demo


Analysis the interface 3

We just analysise the interface 3 as an example: HAZOP analysis of STEPPER MOTOR DEMO
3.0 void move steps(struct motor t *motor);
Item 3.1 Deviation Over voltage Causes The input power is too high Consequences The motor may be burned down Safeguards Recommandations 1. install a voltmeter to show the motors voltage 2. install a indicator light, if the voltage is larger than threshold value, lighten it. 1. install a voltmeter to show the motors voltage 2. install a indicator light, if the voltage is small,its blink persistently ... ...


Under age


1. the wire become old, the resistor is so big that the voltage become small. 2. The parameter voltage in struct motor t was small ...

the motor cannot rotate normally, or dont have enogh power to work.




Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007



Reference Marvin Rausan, Hazard and Operability Study ...

Zhang & Wu

Jan 2007

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