Laplace Transform Table

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Each expression in the right hand column (the Laplace Transforms) comes from finding the infinite integral

that we saw in the Definition of a Laplace Transform section.

Time Function f(t) -1 f(t) = {F(s)} 1 t (unit-ramp function) tn (n, a positive integer) eat sin t cos t tng(t), for n = 1, 2, ... t sin t t cos t

Laplace Transform of f(t) F(s) = { f(t)} s>0 s>0 s>0 s>a s>0 s>0

s > ||

s > ||

g(at) eatg(t) eattn, for n = 1, 2, ...

G(s a)

Scale property Shift property


te-t 1 e-t/T eatsin t eatcos t

s > -1 s > -1/T s>a s>a

u(t) u(t a) u(t a)g(t a) g'(t) g''(t) g(n)(t)

s>0 s>0 e G(s) Time-displacement theorem


sG(s) g(0) s2 G(s) s g(0) g'(0) sn G(s) sn-1 g(0) sn-2 g'(0) ... g(n-1)(0)

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