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1he MLS Long Is|and

Mob||e Market|ng 1oo|s

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Mob||e Market|ng 1oo|s Mob||e Commun|cat|ons 1oo|s Lducat|on
,oblle SulLe
ave you ever Goog|ed your company before?
Copyright 2011, Mobile Card Cast, nc. All Rights Reserved.
Is your s|te rea||y Mob||zed?
Copyright 2011, Mobile Card Cast, nc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2011, Mobile Card Cast, nc. All Rights Reserved.
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Copyright 2011, Mobile Card Cast, nc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright 2011, Mobile Card Cast, nc. All Rights Reserved.
,S laLform 30 leaLures
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W C8 Code ,anagemenL SysLem
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W CneCode C8 Code SysLem
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Copyright 2011, Mobile Card Cast, nc. All Rights Reserved.
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Copyright 2011, Mobile Card Cast, nc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2010, Mobile Real Estate, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
C8 Code ,arkeLlng
Cur unlque C8 Code markeLlng sysLem allows agenLs Lo use CneCode` on A slgns lL's reusable and requlres no
managemenL usL prlnL hang and scan Avallable ln all ,8L lu accounLs for l8LL!
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Cnce an agenL's llsLlng lnformaLlon ls enLered Lhey can download a C8 speclflcally for LhaL llsLlng wlLh one cllck 1haL
C8 Code wlll Lake scanners rlghL Lo a slngle properLy moblle web page for LhaL parLlcular llsLlng
re Ccce. 1he CnL C8 code you need
Copyright 2011, Mobile Card Cast, nc. All Rights Reserved.
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Ccrtcct Le
ohn lm
lounder / CLC
,oblle lu` 1exL CPnl, Lo 88300
SeLh kaplan
resldenL ,oblle 8eal LsLaLe lu
,oblle lu` 1exL SL1P Lo 88300
ChrlsLle erklns
ulrecLor of ,arkeLlng
,oblle lu` 1exL CP8lS1lL Lo 88300
CorporaLe Cfflce
,oblle Card CasL lnc
380 WhlLe lalns 8oad SulLe 113
1arryLown n? 10391
1oll lree 18777200988
lax 9144623322

Copyright 2011, Mobile Card Cast, nc. All Rights Reserved.

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