Daily Wiccan Prayers and Chants

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Daily Wiccan Prayers and Chants


Prayers For Before Meals

1. From forest to stream;

From mountain to field; From fertile Earths Nourishing Yield; I now partake of Divine Energy; May it lead to health, Strength and love me. Blessed Be
2. Goddess of the verdant plain;

God of sun-ripe grain; Goddess of the cooling rain; God of fruit and cane; Bless this meal Ive prepared; Nourish me with love; Bless this meal I now share With You both above.
3. O Goddess within,

O God within, I now partake of the Fertility of the Earth. Bless this food with Your love.

Morning Prayers
1. Bless this day, sun of fiery light.

Bless this day; prepare me for the night.

2. O Gracious Goddess,

O Gracious God, Lend me health, strength and love During this coming day. Assist me with the challenges ahead. Share Your divine wisdom. Teach me to respect all things. Remind me to respect all things. Remind me that the greatest power of all is love. Blessed Be.
3. Hail to thee, o morning:

Suns arising in the east, reborn of the earth, born into the air, reborn fire from the waters; All thanks and praise to thee,

Great Sun, who calls forth life from the Mothers breast and makes clear what is obscure. Make me like unto thee, reborn unto this day, granted new eyes and new understanding, and filled with a new-found joy. Blessed be.

Sunshine Chant
Fire growing, Sun is glowing, Glowing, Flowing Down on me.

An Evening Prayer
The moon illuminates the earth With wondrous silver rays; Illuminate me through the night And through the sun-lit days.

Prayers For Before Sleep

1. O Gracious Goddess;

O Gracious God, I now enter the realm of dreams. Weave now, if You will, a web of protective light around me. Guard both my sleeping form and my spirit. Watch over me Until the sun once again Rules the Earth. O Gracious Goddess, O Gracious God, Be With me through the night.
2. Lady of the Moon;

Lord of the Sun, Protect me and mine Now day is done.

New Moon Chant

Silver Flowing, Dianas Growing; Growing, showing Love for Me.

A Chant For Help

Divine Mother, Mother Divine,

Show me the way; Give me a sign.

A Brief Prayer/Ritual
When you see the moon at night for the first time: Lady Moon, of fairest light, who is (Maiden/Mother/Wise One/Hidden) on this night: I lift my eyes to gaze at Thee; I bare my soul for Thee to see. [a moment of quiet communing with the moon] To bind myself, I make the Sign, For, Lady, I am ever Thine. [with hand to forehead] Make my thoughts like Thy bright rays, [hand to lips] And guide my words for all my days; [hand over heart] In my heart Thy harmony grow, [hand just above genitals] And from my flesh Thy power (or Life-Power) flow. Lady, grant me birth, life, death, and rest, And all beneath Thy light (or gaze) be blest. When The Moon Begins To Return Hail, Thou moon returning! Hail, Thou crescent burning! Hail, Thou Maidens beauty! My up-lifted eyes salute Thee! The Elements I face each direction as I call it: I am in the North, and my flesh is the Earth. I am salt for Thee; be with me, O Earth. I am in the East, and my breath is the Air. I am incense for Thee; be with me, O Air. I am in the South, and my soul is Fire. I am a taper for Thee; be with me, O Fire. I am in the West, and my blood is Water. I am water for Thee; be with me, O Water. Be with me and guide me and guard me this day, O Four Elements Blessed be.
Prayers to the God and Goddess for daily requests. Empowerment prayers, Chants and thanksgiving information is contained within these pages. If you have a great prayer or chant you would like to submit to Celtic Callings, Click Here. All copyright and credit information will be observed on this website. A Chant to Free Your Spirit 1. I am the four winds,

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
12. 1. 2. 3. 4.

I breath and am by their presence, I am the elements and their family, They are my kin. I am the freedom of the wind, I am the agility of the fire, I have the humor of electricity, My love of nature from the earth, My ignorance the darkness, My truth I tell the light, My attitude...the ice. Of these things I will always be, Blessed Be I am light , I am energy I am the beginning , I am the end I am life , I am death I am without time , I am eternal

Love and light the 13th light


Dear God, Mother Goddess, Spirit Guides, and the Guardian Angels who grace each and everyone's presence. Please Bless, and keep watch over all of my friends, family...and everyone else in this world. Retain them from trauma...fatality...and every other sort of evil that resides in this world. We shall all remain happy in the wonderful, eternal paradise of The Other Side...when our Celestial Souls leave this world. Amen.

Invocation To The Goddess

I invoke and call upon thee O Mother Goddess, who shines for all, who flows through all. Maiden, Mother and Crone, I invite you to my circle; Touch us, change us, make us whole.

Invocation To The God

I invoke and call upon thee O Father God, Lord of the Sun, Master of all that is wild. I invite you to my circle; Touch us, change us, make us whole.

Morning Prayers
O Gracious Goddess, O Gracious God, Lend me health, strength and love During this coming day. Assist me with the challenges ahead. Share Your divine wisdom. Teach me to respect all things.

Remind me that the greatest power of all is love. Blessed Be. Bless this day, sun of fiery light. Bless this day; prepare me for the night. Blessed Be

Night Prayers
The moon elluminates the earth With wondrous silver rays; Illuminate me through the night And through the sun-lit days. Blessed Be. O Gracious Goddess; O Gracious God, I now enter the realm of dreams. Weave now, if You will, a web of protective light around me. Guard both my sleeping form and my spirit. Watch over me Until the sun once again Rules the Earth. O Gracious Goddess, O Gracious God, Be with me through the night. Blessed Be.

Evening Chant to the Goddess

"Hail fair Moon Ruler of the Night: Gaurd me and mine Until the light."

Evening Chant to the God

"Hail fair Sun Ruler of the Day Rise on the Morn To light my way."

Air I Am
"Air I am Fire I am Water, Earth and Spirit I am."

Protection Chant
"I am protected by Your Might, O Gracious Goddess Day and Night!"

Protection Chant 2
"Thrice around the circle's bound! Evil sink into the ground!"

For Insight

"Divine Mother, Mother Divine! Show me the way, Give me a sign!"

Morning Prayer
"Bless this day, Sun of fiery light, Bless this day; prepare me for the night. Blessed Be."

Evening Prayer
"The Moon illuminates the Earth with it's wondrous silver rays; Illuminate me through the nights and through the sun-lit days. Blessed be."

Prayer to the Goddess

"Mother of all, Queen of the Earth. Here I am, one of your children. Help me to be the best I can be so that people will know the wonder of you."

Prayer Before Meals

"From Forest & Stream; From Mountain & Field; From the fertile Earth's Nourishing yield; I now partake of divine energy; May it lend Health, Strength and Love to me. Blessed be."

The Witches' Psalm The Goddess is my Mother, I shall not have need. She asks that I lie down in moon light pastures, She leads me to the twilight's gleam. She restores my soul. The God guides my path of self knowledge in the All's ever glowing knowledge. Yea though I will walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I Fear not the crone for she comforts and guides me to my new home. I fear no evil, for evil is only misunderstood energy. The Goddess's Wand and broom guide me every step I take. She prepares a table for me, next to her. My enemies are only misunderstood friends, I should not fear. I will anoint my forehead with blessed oil, for I am kissed there by the Goddess. My life truly overflows with love, because I understand religion is in your heart, not in a

temple. Surely Goodness will follow me all the days of my life, and I dwell in the forest of the Lord and Lady.
INVOCATION OF THE MOON GODDESS Diana, queen of night, In all your beauty bright, Shine on us here, And with your silver beam Unlock the gate of dream; Rise bright and clear. On earth and sky and sea, Your magic mystery Its spell shall cast, Wherever leaf may grow, Wherever tide may flow, Till all be past. O secret queen of power, At this enchanted hour We ask your boon. May fortune's favor fall Upon true witches all, O Lady Moon!



Charge of the Goddess Hear my words and know me!

I shall be called by a million names by all who speak! I am Eternal Maiden! I am Great Mother! I am the Old One who holds the immortal key! I am shrouded in Mystery, but am known to every soul! Hear my words and know me! Whenever the moon rises in the heavens shall my children come to me. Better, it be once a month when the moon is full, shall ye assemble in some secret place, such as this, and adore the spirit of I. I, who am the Queen of Witches! And under my watchful eye, my children shall be taught the mysteries of Earth and Nature, of the ways of all Magick! That which is unknown shall be known, and that which is hidden shall be revealed, even the secluded soul shall be pierced with my Light. From my cauldron shall be drunk all knowledge and immortality! Ye shall be free from slavery and ye shall dance, sing, and feast. Music shall surround you, for mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine is also the joy of the earth! I do not demand sacrifice! For behold, I am the Mother of all living things! Create and heal! Be strong, and yet gentle. Be noble, yet reverent. Bring forth and replenish. And as does the cycle of the Moon ever begin to wax and wane and to grow forth again, as do the seasons from one to the next flow in smooth rhythm, from sowing to reaping, to seeming death and rebirth ... so will my children know their own pattern in both worlds!

And ye shall say these words ... I Will love and harm none. I Will live, love, die, and live again. I Will meet, remember, know, and embrace once more. For the free will of ALL, and with harm to None As I will It now is done So mote it be!

Parting Song
The Circle is Open, But Unbroken, May the Lord and the Lady be Ever in your Heart! Merry Meet and Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again!

Make Me Strong In Spirit

Make me strong in spirit Courageous in action Gentle of heart Let me act in wisdom Conquer my fear and doubt Discover my own hidden gifts Meet others with compassion Be a source of healing energies And face each day with hope and joy ~ Abby Willowroot 1998 A MORNING PRAYER Oh Great Goddess Bless this day Keep me safe and whole Oh Great Goddess Bless my path Help me to act on thy wisdom Oh Great Goddess Bless my family All life on this Earth ~ Abby Willowroot 1999 NIGHT PRAYER

Thank You Great Goddess for this day for the blessings and lessons that came my way May my sleep be peaceful in dreams and rest and tomorrow may I do my best ~ Abby Willowroot 1999

Danu Druida Druida or Muse Amergin Rain or Isolde Moonstone Rain or Ostara Crystal Moonshadow or Nightshade Bear Amber or lir east harmony or Branwen Greenwood Morgaine or Aurora Druida Dream
My pagan name: HEAR ME Hear me, four quarters of the world-- a relative I am! Give me the strength to walk the soft earth. Give me the eyes to see and the strength to understand, that I may be like you. With your power only can I face the winds. Great Spirit...all over the earth the faces of living things are all alike. With tenderness have these come up out of the ground. Look upon these faces of children without number and with children in their arms, that they may face the winds and walk the good road to the day of quiet. This is my prayer' hear me! Black Elk, Sioux Indian NATIVE AMERICAN PRAYER Oh, Great Spirit Whose voice I hear in the winds, And whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me, I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold

the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people. Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - myself. Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes. So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my Spirit may come to you without shame. (translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887)published in Native American Prayers - by the Episcopal Church. EARTH TEACH ME TO REMEMBER by John Yellow Lark Earth teach me stillness as the grasses are stilled with light. Earth teach me suffering as old stones suffer with memory. Earth teach me humility as blossoms are humble with beginning. Earth Teach me caring as the mother who secures her young. Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands alone. Earth teach me limitation as the ant which crawls on the ground. Earth teach me freedom as the eagle which soars in the sky. Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall. Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring. Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life. Earth teach me to remember kindness as dry fields weep in the rain.

Ute, North American.

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Why we pray:
Prayers are a great way of creating a bond between us and the Goddess and God. Praying daily helps strength our relationship with them and is a great way to inspire our spirituality, or even recharge it. Even though the God and Goddess are beyond our comprehension, we can grow closer to them by daily prayer and meditations. Now it is usually best to compose your own prayers, I have a few prayers here I have collected over the years. I have also included a few childrens prayers and some from the baha'i religion, since one of my daughters is baha'i and so is my mother. I have also included the Serenity Prayer for a close and personal friend of mine who's spirituality touches me deeply daily. (Love ya Sprinkles !!!!!) I hope you enjoy and use these prayers or they inspire you to connect more with our eternal parents. THE SERENITY PRAYER God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, The strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

SEAX-WICCAN PSLAM (by Raymond Buckland)

Ever as I pass through the wyas do I feel the presence of the Gods. I know that in aught I do they are with me. They abide in me and I in them, forever. No evil shall be entertained for purity is the dweller within me and about me. For the good I do I strive and for good do I live. Love unto all things. So be it, Forever.
PRAYER OF DAILY THANKSGIVING(found in the book Wiccan Prayers)

Dearest Father, thank you for this glorious day. Thank you for the sunshine, and thank you for the rain. Thank you for the blue skies, rivers, streams and lakes. Dearest Mother, thank you for the green grass, and thank you for the trees. Thank you for the many birds singing in the breeze. My dearest parents, thank you for giving of yourselves so selflessly to me. Thank you for life itself, a precious gift that's free. Blessed Be

Dear Mother, my eternal companion, as I gaze towards the midday sun, tears of joy well up in my eyes. In everything I see the trees, the blue skies, the birds in the air, I see your beauty and love. Thank your for calling me to the Path. Thank you for giving me my life. Thank you for being my eternal mother. I love you Blessed Be.

Dearest Parents, Father God and Mother Goddess, I wish to thank you for a truly wonderful day. I have experienced many ups and downs today, and with your help,I have gained much joy and wisdom along the way. Thank you for my health, thank you for my friends, and family, thank you for my faith and thank you for the opportunity to be part of your world. Blessed Be

SUNDAY (For Strength) O dearest Father, help me to know and understand your will, allow me the strength to accomplish all you ask of me. My dearest Mother, help me to be strong enough this day to show love to everyone, even those who show hatred toward me. So Mote It Be. MONDAY (For Compassion) Dearest Parents, please grant me the gift of compassion: For the green earth; your woods, forests,waters,air, animals and all people. Help me to become an example of compassion, so I may plant the seed of compassion for the betterment of all creation. Blessed Be TUESDAY (For Fidelity to One Religion) I call upon you, my Lord and Lady, to grant me the strength to remain forever faithful to my Path. Please help me to keep all of the promises I have made to you, my eternal parents, as well as those I have made to my brothers and sisters, especially those of my hearth and home. So Mote It Be

WEDNESDAY (For World Peace) Dear Mother, please grant your children knowledge, understanding, patience, and love. Dear Father, please grant that through these gifts all nations may work together to end the world's suffering and put an end to all war so there will be everlasting peace. Blessed Be THURSDAY (For Wisdom) O my dearest and eternal parents, please show me the way of wisdom, and grant me the strength to follow it no matter what adversary stands in my way. So Mote It Be FRIDAY (For Patience) O eternal Goddess, Maiden, Mother and Crone, I am made from your flesh and you know me better than I know myself. You understand depression, frustration, and anxiety. Please help me to control these emotions, and help me to convert these powerful feelings into love. O eternal God, King of infinite wisdom and goodness, I am created from your essence, and I thank you for the gift of life. Please teach me to be patient and humble, tolerant and gentle, especailly when life's problems become heavy and difficult to bear. So Mote It Be SATURDAY (To Know and Accomplish the Will of the God & Goddess) Dear Lord, Dear Lady, you have created me for a special purpose. This I know as fact. I humbly ask that you make known to me your will so I can understand and accomplish my life's mission. I promise to do my best to do good, to bring peace to the world, to always speak the truth, and to uphold the sacred teachings of my Path all the days of my life. So Mote It Be.

O God, O Goddess, you have created all people, all races, all traditions, and all faiths. You have taught us to worship you each in our own way. This can be very confusing at times and to a small child often traumatic. Mankind has created much discontent, and prejudice is everywhere. My prayer is for all the children, but especially the pagan child. Give them and their families the strength and endurance needed to survive these times. Help them to grow and understand that ignorance and greed is the cause of all suffering, so that one day we all can be united as one family again. So Mote It Be

Dear eternal Father, there is much unrest and disunity in the world. Help us to embrace each other and live in peace and harmony in the pagan way. Dear eternal Mother, we realize there are many different traditions of faith. Help us to see past the difference and unite as one family in total harmony and love. So Mote It Be

O God guide me, protect me, illumine the lamp of my heart and make me a brillant star. Thou art the Mighty and Powerful. Abdu'l-Baha

O My God, O My God, Unite the hearts of Thy servants, and reveal to them Thy great purpose. May they follow Thy commmandments and abide in Thy law. Help them, O God, in their endeavour, and grant them strength to serve Thee. O God, leave them not to themselves, but guide their steps by the light of Thy knowledge and cheer their hearts by Thy love. Verily, Thou art their Helper and their Lord.

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Wiccan Prayer "Let Us Stand strong,let us all pray". * My Photo Album* True Strength:Holding on when others expect you Healing With Your to fall apart".
Home Hands Spirits Wiccan Prayers

Protection Prayer: " I Call Upon Thee Goddess of the moon for your protection and help. Today tonight and forever more I place myself in your protection and hope for all to be right.To forever follow the white way .The one you hold with all your might.Guide me now to protect myself and help all those in need.keep me safe and warm until in death I Sleep." *~ Blessing Prayer~* In the name of the cosmic one the ancient providence,which was from the beginning and is for eternity : Male & Female The original source of all things ;all knowing ; all- pervading, all powerful changes,eternal. In the name of the lady of the moon and the lord of death and resurection. In the name of the mighty ones and the four quaters, the king of the elements.Blessed be this place ,and this time,and they who are now with us. So Mote It Be!!! ~Prayer to Lord & Lady~ Mother,I sing this song for you I see your smile in the silver moon I feel your heartbeat in the earth. The flame,the sea,the air,the stone. These hold your Glory.Your beauty untamed. I feel your love in my workings. Be they spell,poem,or song. I feel you in my life each day. In loving and dreaming,thou art there. You are with me always. My thanksto you sweet lady ,my praise to you great goddess.My love to you eternal

mother . So mote It Be! Father I sing this song for you .I see your smile in the blazing sun . I feel your energy in the world around. The flame,the air,the sea ,the stone.These hold your power .Your nobility. I feel your love in my workings. Be they spell,poem or song. I feel you in my life each day.In labor,and laughter,and sorrow. In loving and dreaming thou art there. You are with me always,my thanks to you gracious lord. My praise to you great god.My love to you gentle father. SO MOTE IT BE!!!!!! To ask comfort after death "Mother, my loved one comes home to you .Weep with me as i sorrow,for i no longer feel their hand in mine. Laugh with me as i rejoice,for i remember the blessing of their life. Comfort me with the knowledge that they go on.The wheel now turns .Father you who cross into the Shadowlands each year .Give me the comfort of your courage. Remind me of the turning of the seasons and the turning of our souls.Bless my loved one and bless me .I weep with my sorrow,for i am human and i pain. I laugh with my rejoicing ,for i am wiccan and know the truth of life ,we are born,we die,and we are reborn again. Fly quickly home my love." A Wiccan or Pagan Hail Mary Goddess grant me the vision to see beyond the illusions of this world grant me the ears to hear beyond the words to the true meaning and grant me a voice in which I can speak truth and compassion in your name. So Mote it be. Written in August 1995 By Devlyn Moonstar "The Mother's Prayer" "Our Mother, whose body is the Earth, Sacred is thy being. Thy garden grow. Thy will be done in our cities, as it is in nature. Thanks be this day for food, and air, and water. Forgive us our sins against Earth, as we are learning to forgive one another. And surrender us not unto extinction, but deliver us from our folly. For thine is the beauty, and the power, and all life, from birth to death, from beginning to end, forever. Amen. So be it, Blessed be." THE LADY'S PRAYER Our Mother Who art here present, Honored be thy name. Thy time is come We shall be One On Earth, which is our heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread And love us in our imperfections As we forgive those who trespass against us. For thine is the spirit of the great transformation Forever and ever. 1989 by Henry Horton STRENGTH AND UNDERSTANDING Goddess of the Moon, Waters and Earth God of the Forests and Mountains Old Ones of Infinite Wisdom Teach me to understand Lend me the strength to overcome My anger, my pain, my frustrations Quench my fires with Your love and patience. PROTECTRESS Mighty Goddess I call upon you to end my fear. Upon your Lunar throne I feel your presence near. My tears of frustration you too can feel; You become my Protectress and I begin to heal. Protectress give to me the answer so I can see the wisdom of the she-wolf to set me free. I become as She to strengthen my resolve; My tears begin to dry and my spirit evolve. Mighty Goddess I call upon you to quench my ire; for within my soul there rages a consuming fire. My heat must be calmed so I can see; that hardships are but life's instructions for me. Protectress give to me the answer so I can learn the patience of she-hawk so my fire does not burn. I become as she to fly above the pain; My fire subsides and a wise lesson I gain. Prayer to Artemis (to bless a pet) PRAYER TO DIANA

O My Goddess, Diana, hear my song of adoration. Hear my voice when I sing Thy praises. Hear my songs as they rise heavenward, when the Full Moon, brightly shining, fills the heavens with Thy beauty. O my beautiful Moon Goddess, hear me as I stand before Thee. See me when I reach toward heaven, when my arms reach upward toward Thee.

When the Full Moon shines upon me, give me Thy blessings, O Diana. Teach me of Thine ancient mysteries, ancient rites of invocation that the Holy Strega spoke of, for I believe the Strega's story: when she spoke of Thy shining glory, when she told us to entreat Thee, told us when we seek for knowledge to seek and find Thee above all others. Give us wisdom, O Diana: how to bind our oppressors, how to cure the sick among us. Teach me, O Diana. Give me Thy blessings, O Great Moon Goddess. Shield me from my oppressors. Receive me as your daughter, Diana. Receive me, though I am earth-bound. Grant me ancient Wiccan knowledge. When my body lies resting nightly, speak unto my inner spirit; teach me all Thy holy mysteries. I believe Thine ancient promise, Thy promise unto the ancient Wicca that we who seek Thy holy presence will receive Thy Wisdom. Now the Full Moon shines upon me. Hear me! I stand before Thee! Grant me wisdom! O Diana! PRAYER TO INANNA The pure torch that flares in the sky, The heavenly light shining bright like the day The Great Queen of Heaven, Inanna, I will hail... Of Her majesty, of Her greatness, of her exceeding dignity Of Her brilliant coming forth in the evening sky, Of Her flaring in the sky - a pure torch Of Her standing in the sky like the sun and moon, Known by all lands from the south and north Of the greatness of the holy heaven

To the Lady I will sing. Shield me from my oppressors! Teach me Thine holy mysteries! I sing Thy praises unto the heavens. Let Thy glory shine about me. Bless us, O gracious Queen of Heaven. Descend Thou among us; Descend and conquer, Gracious Goddess.

Artemis, Guardian of creatures wild, Hear this request from Your loving child, I ask You now to come and bless, This animal with happiness. She's more than just a pet to me-A beloved member of my family. Grant her a long and healthy life, Free from hunger, pain, and strife, Fill her days with love and light, Gentle hugs and blessings bright, May I treat her with respect and care, And be thankful for the bond we share, Protect her from danger and those who harm, Keep her comfortable, safe, and warm, And grant that we might always be, Content with each other's company. Artemis, Maiden, both fierce and free, Grant these things I ask of Thee! PRAYER TO THE GODDESS

I know the Laws of Nature are you, Lady. Keep me mindful that I step upon Your Body, with your feet, that my sorrows are Your sorrows, PRAYER TO A GENTLE LADY The bright blue of the sky is her eyes in the morning. The sunshine, her love glowing in the morning's birth. The soft calling of birds is her singing to her people. The breeze, her arms embracing the world. Gentle Lady, Watch over me as I find my path in life. Guide my steps. Bring me to the end of the day fulfilled. Keep those I love safe. Goddess, be at the side of those who need you.

And may they always be worthy of your devotion. So mote it be. and that a healthy priest makes all things sound. I feel Your breath in the wind, and Your hand in mine. Keep me sincere. Give me Your work, which is to be joyous, and to tend all things, because all things live, of themselves, and with Your spirit. Your will through mine, so mote it be. OLD MAGIC EXORCISM

Power of wind have I over thee. Power of wrath have I over thee. Power of fire have I over thee. Power of thunder have I over thee. Power of lightning have I over thee. Power of storm have I over thee. Power of moon have I over thee. Power of sun have I over thee. Power of stars have I over thee. Power of the heaven's and the worlds have I over thee. (lift sword over head with both hands and chop down.) Eson! Eson! Emaris! I AM YOUR CHILD By the Earth under my feet, By the Air under my wings, By the Fire in my hands, By the Water that is in my blood, I am your Child, Goddess. GREAT LADY Great Lady, Wise Lady, Shining silver Moon, Weaver of the Web of Life, Working at Your loom. Come to me, inspire me, As I sing for You this night, Fill me with Your wisdom, Fill me with Your light. CHANT TO PROTECT FROM EVIL SPIRITS

O Mother Goddess and Father God For thine protection I now pray. Let all evil turn away Protect me night Protect me day And keep misfortune well at bay.

Bright Blessings by Gina T. Ranney -----------------------------------Earth Mother Giver of life Strengthen me during my life-long strife. Teach me your ways of perfect love, peace, and wisdom true. Spawn from my purest heart These words to you May this prayer help me to better myself in word and deed, To a higher plane I shall succeed. Beautiful light of goodness fair Lore of old we both do share A Witch's brew, I drink to you My love for you, by day, by night In thought and in sight Will my soul learn the meaning of this life again.

by Araidne

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Prayer For Strength and Protection God and Goddess of the skies, Please respond to my cries. Lift me up in your strong arms, Away from those who seek to harm. Shield me from the awful rage, That shall face me day to day. Help me be strong in what I do, And help my heart remain true. Give me the strength to face each day, And the hardships before me lain. Let those whom I love, love me in return, And everyday let me learn. I bid you both my spirit keep, While I'm awake and asleep. So mote it be!

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