Chapter 12

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1A cllenL became serlously lll afLer a nurse gave

hlm Lhe wrong medlcaLlon AfLer hls recovery

he flles a lawsulL Who ls mosL llkely Lo be held
A no one because lL was an accldenL
8 1he hosplLal
C 1he nurse
u 1he nurse and Lhe hosplLal
A meLal skln cllp found ln an abdomlnal cavlLy
of an operaLed paLlenL wlLh recurrenL fever ls
a basls for llablllLy under Lhe
a LffecLs of force ma[eure
b uocLrlne of respondeaL superlor
c uocLrlne of res lpsa loqulLor
d All of Lhe above
ln precedlng case Lhe surgeon along wlLh Lhe
nurse wlll be held llable under Lhe
a LffecLs of force ma[eure
b uocLrlne of res lpsa loqulLor
c uocLrlne of respondeaL superlor
d All of Lhe above
ln undersLandlng whaL comprlses negllgenL acLs
nurse !ane knows LhaL such may lnclude any of
Lhe followlng
a rompLly maklng avallable cure and
managemenL for dlagnosed paLlenLs
b lmmedlaLe referral Lo Lhe 8Cu when condlLlon
of pL deLerloraLes
c ulllgence ln Lhe performance of nurslng
d lallure Lo exerclse reasonable or ordlnary care
Clorla observed anoLher nurse ln a busy floor Lo
lnsLrucL Lhe nurslng alde Lo follow up anoLher
llLer of uW 1he ald hooked u8 lnsLead1he
erro was dlscovered mlnuLes laLer by Lhe nurse
1he nurslng ald may be made Lo answer for
a MlslnLepreLaLlon
b negllgence
c MalpracLlce
d malfeasance
nurse kyla remark LhaL ln mosL cases Lhe
lnformed consenL of a menLally llled paLlen be
slgned by Lhe followlng excepL
a aLlenL hlmself
b Cuardlans
c arenLs
d Wlfe or husband
nurse Ced refused Lo glve dlrecL lv on Lhe
paLlenL lnsLead wroLe a prescrlpLlon and
performed LreaLmenL LhaL ls usually done by
Lhe docLors Pe ls llable for
a Mlsdeanor
b MalpracLlce
c lncompeLence
d negllgence
nlela ls 1 yrs old marrled She ls due for CS
wlLh hysLerrecLomy lnformed consenL ln Lhls
case may be secured from
a nlela
b Per moLher
c Per husband
d An aunL
1he uocLor found ouL LhaL Clna durlng Lhe
operaLlon has a flbrold Lumor ln cases
affLecLlng Lhe sLerlllzaLlon of one parLner
consenL has Lo be slgned by
a A legal guardlan
b 8oLh husband and wlfe
c Per parenLs
d Pusbands parenLs
10 uurlng an emergency a nurse ls legally
proLecLed when she does
a lfe savlng measures
b lfe savlng measures wlLh docLors consenL
c Cnly measures wlLh wrlLLen orders
d Cnly measures verbally ordered

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