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8eflecLlon on Lhe survey

1ask 1
ln our group survey we asked 9 quesLlons 1he maln research quesLlon we declded was
Pow does uslng cell phones affecL our wellbelng? We declded our quesLlons by Lhlnklng Lhe
blggesL quesLlon we wanLed Lo ask and Lhen Lhlnklng abouL Lhe small quesLlons afLer LhaL
uecldlng Lhe flrsL blg quesLlon helped us Lhlnk because we knew whaL we wanLed Lo know
llrsL we wroLe down all Lhlngs LhaL came up lnLo our heads and [usL wroLe lL on one noLe
AfLer LhaL we chose Lhe quesLlons LhaL we LhoughL LhaL was Lhe mosL lmporLanL and made lL
our flnal quesLlons we were golng Lo ask lL was very hard for me Lo choose Lhe besL
quesLlons We were Lhlnklng who Lo survey buL we were Lhlnklng we [usL chose Lo do Lhe
year 8 We found lL mosL lnLeresLlng Lo know abouL Lhe same aged people wlLh us
l Lhlnk Lhls Lask dldn'L go as well as we were Lhlnklng l Lhlnk Lhe quesLlons we asked was
flne buL l Lhlnk lL could have been beLLer lf we could send lL Loo more people When we Lrled
Lo send lL Lo Lhe ?ear 8's an emall came back from ouLlook saylng LhaL lL falled Lo send Lhe
emall AfLer Llme passed and we were ln Lhe nexL class we dld noL have any lnformaLlon!
So Lhen we senL lL only Lo our class buL Lhen Lhe llnk dld noL work! 8uL we found Lhe
soluLlon Lo copy Lhe llnk on Lhe lnLerneL 8uL sLlll we goL only 4 people 1exL Llme l would llke
Lo geL beLLer aL Llme managemenL skllls
1ask 2
eoples llke Lhe changes LhaL are happenlng rlghL now lL ls geLLer easler Lo communlcaLe Lo
our frlends fasLer and lL ls more fun Lo use lL ln Lhe fuLure we mlghL noL llke Lhe change lor
example lf Lhe change was LhaL we can'L use Lhe Lhlngs LhaL we are uslng rlghL now we
mlghL be lrrlLaLed Some of us mlghL Lhlnk LhaL lL ls already enough and lL ls already whaL we
wanLed Lo have lf Lhen someLhlng changed and we can'L use lL agaln Lhen lL wlll be hard Lo
use Lhe new Lools
l Lhlnk an change Lo Lhe LelecommunlcaLlon ls an opporLunlLy Lo us lor example lf we had
more Lhlngs for LelecommunlcaLlon We could maybe have some [obs LhaL we would llke Lo
do lL mlghL be easler for us Lo llve our llves! l Lhlnk Lhe change Lo Lhe LelecommunlcaLlon ls
somehow lmporLanL Lo us because we are sLarLlng Lo Lhlnk ln a new way and we are sLarLlng
Lo know abouL Lhe world more Lhan before ln order Lo know more we mlghL need Lo use
LelecommunlcaLlon ln Lhe fuLure 1o some of us LelecommunlcaLlon ls an very lmporLanL
Lhlng We should have an opporLunlLy Lo use lL and lL could be good for organlzlng as well Comment |]H1]: Ck where are your charLs Lo
show Lhe lnformaLlon you have dlscovered?

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