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1hls pro[ecL wlll Lry Lo cover a deLalled synopsls on Lhe concepL of selllng Lo poor and how
mulLlnaLlonal flrms whlch used Lo be unsuccessful ln Lhelr buslness sLraLegles almed aL Lhe
cusLomers lylng aL Lhe boLLom of pyramld (8C) of economlc model can now be really
successful Module coordlnaLor ls Lhe obvlous sLarLlng polnL of Lhe pro[ecL work as Lhe overvlew
on Lhe expecLaLlons ouL of Lhe pro[ecL ls ouLllned ln Lhe very flrsL meeLlng 1he drafL creaLed for
Lhe pro[ecL work has been a resulL of deLalled lnLenslve and exhausLlve research work relaLed
Lo Lhe selllng done Lo Lhe poor cusLomers and Lhls ls evldenL from Lhe varlous research
examples and case sLudles shared ln Lhe buslness reporL 1he collecLed plece of lnformaLlon
was puL ln a synchronlzed way so LhaL accuraLe message goes Lo Lhe end users who may be Lhe
sLakeholders ln Lhe concepL of selllng Lo Lhe poor lL was lmporLanL Lo undersLand Lhe
lmporLance of 8C cusLomers and Lhelr expecLed sLake ln Lhe markeL before proper research
could sLarL as Lhe lnformaLlon acLs as a foundaLlon for Lhe sLrucLure on whlch research and
analysls can e based upon 1o sLarL wlLh lL was Lough Lo declde on whaL exacLly has Lo be
researched so LhaL Lhe overall layouL of Lhe buslness reporL makes a comprehenslve sense l
sLarLed my research work wlLh a Lhorough lnvesLlgaLlon on Lhe selllng Lo Lhe poor concepL
whlch sLlll exlsLs ln mosL of Lhe markeLs and ln varlous forms CeLLlng Lo know LhaL Lhe markeL
relaLed Lo poverLy ls sLlll huge and LhaL made me deflnes scopes for Lhe pro[ecL buL could noL
sLlll help me on where Lo go nexL ln my llne of LhoughLs robably maklng 8C as Lhe cenLral
Lheme of my pro[ecL gave a concluslve dlrecLlon Lo my pro[ecL as l was able Lo relaLed Lhe
concepL of selllng Lo poor wlLh boLLom of pyramld concepL meanlng Lhe pooresL people lle aL
Lhe boLLom of an economlc pyramldal model
1he general approach for mosL of Lhe mulLlnaLlonal flrms ls LhaL Lhey offer producLs and
servlces prlmarlly for cusLomers who are well Lo do and hence end up lgnorlng poor cusLomers
whlch sLlll form mosL of Lhe populaLlon of Lhe world Whlle comparlng Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
populaLlon as poor people and Lhen evaluaLlng Lhem agalnsL Lhelr purchaslng power lL can
easlly be concelved LhaL Lhere ls bllllons of money sLlll lefL ln Lhe markeL whlch remaln
unLapped A school of LhoughL where large mulLlnaLlonal flrms sLarL bulldlng corporaLe and
buslness sLraLegles revolvlng round Lhe needs and deslres of Lhe poor people can enable Lhem
explolL a very large unexplored markeL 1he slLuaLlon can be a wln Lo wln lf Lhe poor consumers
are able Lo avall quallLy producLs and servlces aL affordable prlclng and organlzaLlons end up
dolng mass buslness volume Lhus enabllng Lhem Lo churn more proflL as Lhe companles are sLlll
able Lo explolL Lhelr exlsLlng loglsLlcs and supply chaln dlsLrlbuLlon channels whlch are hlghly
esLabllshed 1hls concepLual LhoughL gave me a LransparenL approach Lo my LhoughL processes
and l was able Lo correlaLe on how my pro[ecL works and buslness reporL wlll proceed lL made
me move Lo nexL llne of research where l was able Lo undersLand LhaL 8C markeL also relaLes
ln some way Lo Lhe sacheL Lheory LhaL ls worklng ln many organlzaLlons operaLlonal all around
Lhe world 1he dlfferenL buslness elemenLs relaLed Lo selllng Lo poor have been covered aL a
gradual pace ln Lhe buslness reporL so LhaL Lhere wlll be a relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe llLeraLure
revlews academlc maLerlals and Lhe pracLlcal examples and case sLudles shared on how selllng
Lo poor are currenLly lmplemenLed ln Lhe markeL across varlous secLors and lndusLrles 1here
can be slLuaLlons wlLhln Lhe reporL where cerLaln elemenLal facLors of Lhe pro[ecL work are
morphed so LhaL Lhe flow of lnformaLlon expressed ln Lhe buslness reporL looks more
meanlngful and persuaslve Lo Lhe concerned sLakeholders of Lhe 8C markeL 1he buslness
reporL LhaL has been prepared has Lrled Lo lnclude all Lhe baslc elemenLs of Lhe selllng LhaL ls
done Lo Lhe poor and Lhe lndusLrlal examples and LesLlmony are supplemenLed wlLh Lhe help of
daLa lnLelllgence and Lhe suggesLlons provlded as lnpuL by Lhe module coordlnaLor and Lhe
Leam members lnformaLlon collecLed from all posslble sources llke Lhe academlc [ournals
buslness scholars lndusLry experLs and Lhe Leam members helped Lo creaLe a compleLe llsL of
lnlLlaLlves for Lhe pro[ecL whlch flnally shaped Lo Lhe dlsserLaLlon of Lhe buslness reporL 1hls
enabled Lo capLure a deLalled summary on how poor people are sLlll eluded from avalllng
quallLy producLs and servlces aL affordable prlces and organlzaLlons are sLlll conLlnulng Lo
explolL Lhem raLher Lhan glvlng Lhem servlce as parL of Lhe corporaLe soclal responslblllLy 1here
have been numerous occaslons where mulLlnaLlonal corporaLlons have falled Lo serve Lhe cause
of poor people and have evenLually falled ln launchlng buslness lnlLlaLlves speclally LargeLed for
Lhe 8C cusLomers 1he slmple reason LhaL can be aLLrlbuLed here ls LhaL corporaLlons lnsLead
of Lhlnklng of welfare and well belng of Lhe ma[orlLy of world's populaLlon have ended up
explolLlng Lhem and uslng Lhe plaLform for unprecedenLed galn ln oLher selflsh buslness
programs lL can be revealed here LhaL deflnlng pro[ecL Loplcs and subLoplcs ln Lhe lnlLlal days
of pro[ecL work was a herculean Lask lollowlng a puncLual decorum for all Lhe underLaken
pro[ecL lnlLlaLlves followed by Lhe lnLenslve and exhausLlve work wlLh Lhe supporL of varlous
klngs of exploraLlon sLraLegy was able Lo glve dlrecLlonal vlslon Lo my pro[ecL work and a
concreLe shape Lo Lhe masLer plece LhaL can be known only afLer readlng Lhe enLlre pro[ecL
work 1here ls no doubL LhaL my mlsslon behlnd Lhe dlsserLaLlon would have easlly gone
unaccompllshed lf Lhere would have no proper guldance from my module coordlnaLor and Lhe
Leam members 1here were Llme when l had gone dlrecLlonless whlle wrlLlng and revlewlng my
pro[ecL work and Lhen geLLlng locked wlLh my Leam members and dlscusslng on Lhe varlous
aspecLs of pro[ecL work helped me overcome Lhe challenges
1here was ample learnlng experlence galned from Lhe pro[ecL work whlle followlng Lhe
LradlLlonal meLhods of research and analysls 1he Work done on Lhe pro[ecL sLarLed looklng
subsLanLlal when l sLarLed uslng some of Lhe speclal research Lechnlques An exploraLlon
sLraLegy aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe dlsserLaLlon work helped me collecL a very large pool of buslness
documenLs and Lhls was all posslble because of mulLlple search englnes academlcs webslLes
and leadlng [ournals relaLed Lo lnLernaLlonal buslness and selllng done Lo Lhe poor people 1he
pro[ecL work sLarLed geLLlng shape Lo lLs sLrucLural framework once Lhe lnformaLlon was
drafLed ln a synchronlzed manner ln Lhe buslness drafL reporL CrammaLlcal correcLlon was
done as and when an lmporLanL secLlon of Lhe pro[ecL work was drafLed and Lhls gave a greaL
meanlng Lo Lhe work LhaL l planned Lo execuLe and Lhen lmplemenL ln Lhe buslness reporL CuL
ln addlLlve meLhodologles were lmplemenLed for grammaLlcal errors ln Lhe buslness reporL
use of verb ln proper conLexL and acLlve usage of comma spaclng gave a beLLer meanlng Lo Lhe
buslness reporL
1he ouLllne of Lhe pro[ecL work was well planned and made easlly readable and undersLandable
whlch was furLher supplemenLed wlLh relevanL examples Laken from Lhe lndusLry llke Lhe
lnnovaLlons lmplemenLed Lhrough Lhe lnLroducLlon of sacheL Lheory and some of Lhe buslness
sLraLegles execuLed by leadlng mulLlnaLlonal corporaLlons 1hls was done Lo make sure LhaL
Lhere exlsLs a conLlnuum Lo Lhe whole masLer plece of work ersonally l belleved LhaL Lhe
cenLral ldea of Lhe pro[ecL work was very lmporLanL and crlLlcal as Lhere has noL been a good
work advocaLed by Lhe leadlng researchers and analysLs relaLed Lo selllng Lo poor or Lhe 8C
cusLomers l had a challenglng perlod Lo undersLand and lnLerpreL Lhe poslLlve LhoughL
processes from Lhe academlc and research maLerlals on why organlzaLlons should sLlll concelve
Lhe ldea of selllng Lo Lhe poor Powever Lhe pro[ecL work was able Lo ldenLlfy key areas of
research and compleLe all Lhe underLaken lnlLlaLlve wlLhln Lhe deflned mllesLone uesplLe Lhe
challenglng work Lhe ouLllned polnLers never appeared Lo be lnLlmldaLlng as l was able Lo en[oy
amazlng supporL and cooperaLlon from all my Leam members and Lhe module coordlnaLor
1here were Llmes when l had gone sLrlngenL wlLh my oplnlons on how Lhe pro[ecL work should
be broken lnLo subLasks and Lhen arLlculaLed buL l leanL Lo llsLen Lo oLher ldeas and become
more flexlble ln my aLLlLudes whlle worklng ln a Leam 1hls concurrenLly helped me lncrease my
sLandard of Lhlnklng and also my LhoughLs behlnd Lhe pro[ecL 1hls made me feel LhaL Lhe mosL
challenglng phase of pro[ecL work was Lo flrsL undersLand on whaL selllng Lo poor means and
Lhen lnlLlaLe Lhe dlrecLlon ln whlch analysls has Lo be done and Lhen puL an ouLlay Lo Lhe overall
sLrucLure of Lhe pro[ecL work Cverall l felL saLlsfled wlLh my buslness reporL as Lhe conLenL of
Lhe buslness reporL never gave a crowded appearance Lo Lhe work and was wrlLLen ln Lhe
slmplesL manner l can aLLrlbuLe one of Lhe maln reason behlnd Lhe success of Lhe pro[ecL work
was Lhe regular and consLrucLlve feedback provlded by Lhe Leam members and Lhe module
1he ldea behlnd Lhe dlsserLaLlon work was noL only Lo creaLe a managemenL reporL on selllng
Lo poor buL also learn varlous skllls and galn knowledge on dlfferenL managemenL aspecLs whlle
worklng Lhrough Lhe pro[ecL work 1he flrsL days of pro[ecL work was LoLally focused Lowards
carrylng exhausLlve research on poor people and Lhe markeL based around Lhem lL was blL
confuslng from Lhe learnlng maLerlals LhaL organlzaLlons posed LhaL Lhey were worklng Lo Lhe
noble cause of Lhe socleLy buL on deeper analysls lL was seen as a case of mere explolLaLlon
1hls dld noL glve a dlrecLlonal approach Lo my work and l mlssed coheslveness ln my overall
work and approach Loward Lhe dlsserLaLlon 1he generaLlon of ldea became more evldenL as
days passed on ln Lhe pro[ecL work and l was able Lo plck up some of Lhe lmporLanL polnLers on
Lhe concepL of selllng Lo Lhe poor and how large corporaLlons are currenLly worklng Lowards lL l
sLarLed galnlng confldence gradually and also undersLood LhaL vlsual lnLerpreLaLlons of daLa wlll
glve a beLLer meanlng Lo my buslness reporL 8eallzaLlon was evldenL LhaL end readers and
sLakeholders are able Lo percelve beLLer lf Lhe work ls alded by Labular daLa and vlsual daLa l
was able Lo reallze whlle worklng on Lhe pro[ecL work LhaL my buslness reporL wlll be a sub[ecL
Lo scruLlny by all end readers who wlll acLually end up golng Lhrough Lhe reporL as l had
severely scruLlnlzed varlous buslness [ournals and arLlcles 1here were slLuaLlons where Lhe
processes followed aL my pro[ecL work could easlly relaLe Lo one of my real Llme slLuaLlon ln day
Lo day llfe l can easlly say LhaL managemenL learnlng's were havlng a dlrecL lmpacL on Lhe
Lhlnklng's LhaL were lnfluenclng my orlglnal llfe l was unable Lo exLracL anyLhlng concreLe from
Lhe collecLed lnformaLlon and Lhere was a sense Lo lL only when l was able Lo apply my
lnLelllgence managemenL learnlng's and Lhlnklng ldeologles Lo geL a concreLe raLlonale for Lhe
pro[ecL work l could easlly feel LhaL Lhere was a rapld change Lo my ouLlook and Lhe overall
personallLy An amazlng lnLernal change could well be sLarL of a new chapLer ln my personal
and professlonal llfe
l have worked for some years buL never came Lo know LhaL Lhere exlsLs such a large markeL
base ln form of 8C cusLomers and organlzaLlons can acLually work Loward poverLy eradlcaLlon
even whlle servlng Lhelr cause of belng ln buslness whlch means lncreased buslness revenue
and proflLablllLy WlLh Lhe ongolng work on Lhe pro[ecL l was able Lo capLure comprehenslve
lmage on selllng Lo poor currenL works ln Lhe buslness envlronmenL and how acLually lL should
work so LhaL all relaLed sLakeholders are saLlsfled A slmulaLlon model was esLabllshed rlghL
from Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe pro[ecL and we all had declded LhaL Lhe Leam meeLlngs dlscusslons
and research wlll be done ln Lhe same manner as done ln any organlzaLlon 1he Leam was able
Lo draw lnsplraLlon from some of Lhe known's who work ln large mulLlnaLlonal flrms as Lhey had
suggesLed a Leam worklng meLhodologles for Lhe enLlre Lenure of Lhe pro[ecL work 1eam
members were also free Lo volce Lhelr oplnlons and concerns on how pro[ecL work can be
dlvlded lnLo dlfferenL modules comprlslng of varlous Lasks SuggesLlons were also expecLed
from Leam members all Lhe Llme on how Lo conducL meeLlngs and develop a menLorlng process
wlLhln Lhe Leam lL was anyway lmporLanL for all Lhe Leam members Lo undersLand on whaL
selllng Lo poor exacLly means and how Lhe concepL ls currenLly lnLerpreLed ln Lhe markeL
LffecLlve admlnlsLraLlon of Leam meeLlngs and plannlng made lL posslble for all Lhe Leam
members Lo undersLand on how each lndlvldual wlll llke Lo proceed wlLh Lhe dlsserLaLlon work
Some of applled managemenL phllosophles and pro[ecL managemenL mechanlsms helped a loL
Lo all Lhe members Lo geL a dlrecLlonal call Lo Lhe pro[ecL work lL was wonderful creaLlng a
focused drafL ln Lhe flrsL few days of Lhe pro[ecL work whlch clearly ouLllned how research
analysls wlll be carrled ouL who wlll coordlnaLe Lhe Leam meeLlngs on weekly basls and Lhe
process of Laklng peer suggesLlons revlews and oplnlons
l was surprlsed LhaL Lhere was no proper klcksLarL Lo my buslness reporL ln Lhe lnlLlal days of
dlsserLaLlon lrrespecLlve of Lhe facL LhaL l had done some serlous flndlngs on Lhe pro[ecL Loplc
C Lven my efforLs were enormous l was looklng dlsconnecLed and away whlle l LhoughL Lo pen
down my plece of lnformaLlon ln Lhe form of buslness drafL l learned Lo be vocal and aggresslve
ln my LhoughL processes as Lhe heslLaLlon whlle lnLeracLlng wlLh module coordlnaLor and Leam
members sLarLed dlsappearlng 1o make Lhe slLuaLlon beLLer l sLarLed movlng up Lhe ladder by
lnLeracLlng wlLh my known's who worked real Llme ln Lhe lndusLry 1hls was an exclLlng phase
of my llfe as my personallLy sLarLed openlng up and my ouLlook looked opLlmlsLlc 1here were
some gaps ln my undersLandlng level and Lhls was all because of my lnablllLy Lo be flexlble and
llsLen Lo oLhers My research work never puL emphasls on Lhe lndlan lndusLrles even wlLh Lhe
facL LhaL Lhe mosL of Lhe poor people llve ln Lhe counLry and Lhere are already large number of
mulLlnaLlonal organlzaLlons Lrylng Lo explore Lhe 8C cusLomer segmenL wlLh Lhelr own seL of
buslness eLhlcs and ldeologles 1he case sLudles examples shared by Amul LlzzaL and PuL can
easlly help oLher mulLlnaLlonal flrms Lo open up for 8C cusLomers wlLh an ldea of corporaLe
soclal responslblllLy and Lhls can easlly happen Lhrough poverLy eradlcaLlon
1he skllls LhaL looked qulLe evldenL Lo be learned from Lhe dlsserLaLlon work were effecLlve
plannlng managemenL and admlnlsLraLlon of pro[ecL acLlvlLles 1he Leam felL LhaL plannlng
skllls was Lhe mosL lmporLanL acLlvlLy of Lhe pro[ecL work as effecLlve and Llmely plannlng of all
meeLlngs dlscusslons and oLher pro[ecL relaLed lnlLlaLlves done elLher aL lndlvldual or Lhe whole
Leam level wlll brlng ln beLLer collaboraLlon wlLh all Lhus leadlng Lo enhanced analysls and
research on Lhe dlsserLaLlon Loplc 1he key approaches LhaL were sLaLed rlghL from Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe pro[ecL work can be brlefly ouLllned as below
l had done a crlLlcal evaluaLlon of my personal sLrengLhs and weaknesses before Lhe
pro[ecL acLlvlLles sLarLed 1hls enabled me Lo learn belng flexlble and open mlnded so
LhaL l could reach for help Lo Lhe module coordlnaLor and Lhe oLher Leam members as
per Lhe demand of Lhe slLuaLlon
lL was only wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon of my real self lnLelllgence LhaL l could esLabllsh a seL of
goals rlghL from Lhe sLarL of Lhe dlsserLaLlon work Members allocaLed Lo our Leam were
broken lnLo Lwo subLeams and Lhen Lasks and acLlvlLles allocaLlons were done 1he only
raLlonale behlnd Lhe dlvlslon of Leam was Lo achleve producLlvlLy sooner wlLh our
allocaLed Lasks lL was only laLer we all reallzed LhaL Leam managemenL plannlng and
admlnlsLraLlon skllls were geLLlng reflned for all as each and every Leam member played
a crlLlcal role ln all Lhe Leam plannlng's and pro[ecL lnlLlaLlves
SegregaLlon of efforLs was requlred for each of Lhe modules and submodules of Lhe
pro[ecL work so LhaL none of Lhe polnLers ouLllned ln Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe pro[ecL work
goL overlooked 1hls was an ldeal approach adopLed whlle worklng on Lhe dlsserLaLlon
as Lhls helped ln Lhe creaLlon of a near perfecL buslness reporL on selllng Lo Lhe poor
whlle advocaLlng poverLy eradlcaLlon for Lhem
CollecLed plece of lnformaLlon on Lhe pro[ecL work used Lo geL dumped aL Lwo maln
conLacL polnLs LhaL used Lo preslde as menLor for Lhe Leam meeLlngs 1hls process
obvlously helped ln effecLlve pro[ecL managemenL as lnformaLlon was Lhen sLrucLured
and passed on Lo each Leam members lL was an lndeed sLraLeglc declslon for Lhe Leam
as Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of pro[ecL acLlvlLles became loL easler whlch oLherwlse looked
challenglng aL Lhe lnlLlal days of Lhe dlsserLaLlon work

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