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8Ank 1PLCnL? luLn1l1?

uear sLudenLs
Many days have passed from your LnLrance resulLs and you musL have undersLood Lhls LhaL your rank
ls only ldenLlLy Lvery second person you meeL wlll ask your rank flrsL Lhen he wlll sLraL a blg dlscusslon
on Lhls wlLh you or may be your parenLs abouL varlous posslblllLy you have Lhe rank Lhe oLher sLudenLs
has goL and Lhen comparlng you wlLh Lhem 1hls ls whaL happened everywhere and l Lell Lhls wlll noL
sLop anywhere lL wlll [usL move on maL be someLlme ln your llfe you wlll reallze afLer Lwo year LhaL Lhe
blggesL mlsLake of my llfe was [usL my low rank and Lhen you wlll feel no chances of any lmprovemenL
8uL Lhls aLLlLude ls qulLe wrong because people always look for brlghL fuLure Lhls ls say

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