Protest Song Project

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Protest Song Project

Protest music is a form of music in which the songwriter sends a social message criticizing the
political situation or society through the song. These songs often deal with social or political

Present your song in writing and orally.

A. The written presentation must contain the following: (due March 18)

1. Cover page. Title of project, name of song/singer/band, your name, class, date,the name of
your teacher.
2. Table of contents.
3. Introduction. (Introduce your protest song. Why did you choose it for your project?)
4. Sections of the Project: Each answer to these questions should be at least one paragraph:
 What is the social or political background to this song?
 What is the theme (idea, subject) of the song?
 In what way are the words and/or music of the song powerful?
 A brief explanation about the singer/band. What is the connection between
the singer/band’ background and their becoming protest singers?
5. Creative writing: Write a monologue/dialogue/play/short story/diary entry/poem/ a personal
experience inspired by/related to the songs you have chosen
6. Bibliography. (Don't forget to cite all the sources and internet sites you used in your
7. Reflection. Write a paragraph in which you express what you learned/gained through doing
this project. If you work with a friend (and got your teacher’s permission for this ahead of
time) each person of the group must write his/her OWN PAGE!
8. Appendices (including the lyrics of your song). If your song isn't in English, translate it and
add the words.
9. Illustrations.
10. Don't forget to check your spelling and language. Use capital letters and proper punctuation.
11. A cassette or CD of the song for me to hear at home!
12. The project will be handed in both in digital form and as a hard copy.

B. The oral presentation will be done in class.

Adapted from: Ora Baumgarten© 2004

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