RED 2010 Score Card

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8Lu 2010 SCC8L CA8u

8Lu nC8MS lC8 vlSl CCCLL8 u C S 8

lS 1PL vlSl /CPLS1 cooler sLandard 3 3 3 3
lS 1PL vlSl Cooler prlme poslLlon 3 3 3 3
lS 1PL vlSl /CPLS1 cooler 100 u8L 10 10 10 10
lS 1PL vlSl Cooler brand sel order 3 3 3 3
Sub LoLal 23 23 23 23

AcLlvaLlon elemenLs
1he follow red acLlvaLlon elemenLs
a) 3 Ller rack
b) 1 Ller rack

Lu Lype1convenlence
a)shelf dlsplay
b)1 Ller rack
c)cuL case

O Lu Lype2
a) Cllpon comb0 boards
b) 8oad sLandee
c) cuL case
d)shelf dlsplay
e) 1Ller rack
f)menu card
g)menu board

O AcLlvaLlon elemenLs common for all channels
A) rlce sLrlps
8) Shelf sLrlp
C) uealer boards
u) 8oad sLandee
L) nonllL flange

O JPy and how 8Lu
Jhy and how red can be explalned wlLh Lhe help of l1A model where we geL Lo
know abouL Lhe gross proflL of reLaller whlch wlll ulLlmaLely lead Lo know companles proflL
1he gross proflL of reLaller can be glven as gross prolL l1A
CuLA1lCn (Lrafflc)
118ASAC1lCn SlZL
AAvL8ACL 8Cll1(8S L8 1L18)

O CuLA1lCn
cooler aL Lhe enLrance
Slgn board aL Lhe enLrance
Combo boards aL Lhe enLrance
O lnCluLnCL
CCCLL8 ln 8lML CSl1lCn
Cooler pure and clean
8ack dlsplay
CuL case
Cambo boards
1able acLlvaLlon
rlce communlcaLlon
O 18AnSAC1lCn SlZL
8ack dlsplay
Cooler Lap dlsplay
Large peL
O AvL8ACL 8Cll1
Plgher margln pack
Moblle peL avallablllLy

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