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AC1 48
Anurug Mosun
Sohlnl Lus
hls AcL muy be culled Lhe Mlnlmum Wuges
llx Lhe mlnlmum ruLes of wuges uyuble Lo
emloyees emloyed ln un emloymenL seclfled
ln uny orgunlzuLlon udoLlng Lhls ucL.
LlfferenL scheduled emloymenLs.
LlfferenL clusses of work ln Lhe sume scheduled emloymenL.
AdulLs, udolescenLs, chlldren und urenLlces.
LlfferenL locullLles.
Mlnlmum ruLes of wuges muy be flxed by uny one or more of Lhe
followlng wuge erlods, numely.
8y Lhe hour.
8y Lhe duy.
8y Lhe monLh.
8y such oLher lurger wuge erlod us muy be rescrlbed, und where
such ruLes ure flxed by Lhe duy or by Lhe monLh Lhe munner of culculuLlng
wuges for u monLh or for u duy, us Lhe cuse muy be, muy be lndlcuLed
A mlnlmum ruLe of wuges for Llme work.
A mlnlmum ruLe of wuges for lece work.
A mlnlmum ruLe of remuneruLlon Lo uly ln Lhe cuse of
emloyees emloyed on lece work for Lhe urose of
securlng Lo such emloyees u mlnlmum ruLe of wuges on u
Llme work busls.
A mlnlmum ruLe (wheLher u Llme ruLe or u lece ruLe) Lo
uly ln subsLlLuLlon for Lhe mlnlmum ruLe whlch would
oLherwlse be ullcuble, ln resecL of overLlme work done by
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Mlnlmum wuges uyuble under Lhls AcL shull
be uld ln cush.
lf uld ln klnds lL musL be noLlfled Lo Lhe
CovernmenL uolnLed body or ersonul.
lf commodlLles ure sulled uL u concesslon
Lhen lL should be rescrlbed Lo Lhe governmenL.
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AolnL us muny commlLLees und sub-
commlLLees us lL conslders necessury Lo hold enqulrles
und udvlse lL ln resecL of such flxuLlon or revlslon, us
Lhe cuse muy be
A noLlflcuLlon ln Lhe Offlclul CuzeLLe, ubllsh lLs
roosuls for Lhe lnformuLlon of ersons llkely Lo be
uffecLed Lhereby und seclfy u duLe, noL less Lhun Lwo
monLhs from Lhe duLe of Lhe noLlflcuLlon, on whlch Lhe
roosuls wlll be Luken lnLo conslderuLlon.
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