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Sentence / requirement Accuracy Clarity Naturalness Total

1 5 3 3 11 Good

2 3 2 2 7 Fair

3 4 5 5 14 Excellent

4 3 3 2 8 Fair

5 4 3 3 10 Good

6 3 2 3 8 Fair

7 3 3 2 8 Fair

8 2 2 2 6 Weak

A. Sentence 1 Many People who have been close to death have described similar experiences they had while unconscious. A:5 C:3 N:3 Many People who have been close to death have described similar experiences they had when they are unconcious. B. Sentence 2 Some spoke of stepping out of the body, then returning others met friends and dead relatives A: 3 C:2 N:2 Some of them said that they watched themselves when their spirit stepping out of the body and then returning, the others stated they met their dead friends and relatives. C. Sentence 3 Dr. Robinson says that there is evidence that these experience have medical explanation. A:4 C: 5 N:5 Dr. Robinson says that there is an evidence that these experiences have medical explanation. D. Sentence 4 There is quite convincing evidence that the temporal lobe is the seat of these experiences: they are isolated in the temporal lobe of the brain. A : 3 C :3 N :2 There is quite convincing evidence that these experiences take the seat in the temporal lobe and are isolated in there. E. Sentence 5 The blood supply to the temporal lobe is the very end of a major artery which supplies the back part of the brain A : 4 C: 3 N:3

The blood suply to the temporal lobe is the end of major artery supplying blood to the back part of brain. F. Sentence 6 It seems as if at the time of death, there is decrease blood supply to the back part of brain that suffers from the lack of blood A:3 C:2 N:3 It seems as if at the time of death, there is decrease of blood suply to the back part of brain which is lack of blood. G. Sentence 7 And it seems as if the experience is in the memory store in the temporal lobe. A:3 C:3 N:2 It looks the expirience is seat in the memory store in the temporal lobe. H. Sentence 8 The experience is modified by people who have suffered breavement might well meet a dead relative, and so on. A :2 C:2 N:2 Therefore, the one possessing near death experience migh meet a death relative and so on.

Overall criteria = 15 13 10 7 4 1 15 : Excellent 12 : Good 9 : Fair 6 : Week 3 : Poor

Total score Total of sentences

72 8 9

Overall score of this word is Fair.


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