Question Tag

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Complete com Question Tag correto:

1. Biology happens to be your best subject, ........................ ?

2. Mary wont travel to Europe, ........................?
3. Wed be more helpful over there, ...........................?
4. You havent been to Japan, ......................?
5. I am on time, .....................?
6. They mustnt do that, .................?
7. She hs left her job, .......................?
8. Paul and John had been there before, ..........................?
9. Your sister can speak French, ........................?
10.Their best friend is about to arrive, .....................?
11.She may be leaving soon, ............................?
12.Her friend prefers to read books, ......................?
13.They were watching the game on TV, ......................?
14.You wont see Mary tonight, ...............?
15.Open your books, ................?
16.They should stop doing that, ....................?
17.I knew they should be there, .....................?
18.Lets get out of here, ...............?
19.We had come back home before noon, ..................?
20.Paul hs a good reason to stay, ......................?
21.You dont have to do it, .........................?
22.We could see them at school, ...................?
23.He wont say anything about that, ..................?
24.Mary put the vase on the shelf, ................?

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