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1he adrenal glands are orangecolored endocrlne glands

whlch are locaLed on Lhe Lop of boLh kldneys 1he adrenal

glands are Lrlangular shaped and measure abouL onehalf
lnch ln helghL and 3 lnches ln lengLh Lach gland conslsLs of
a medulla (Lhe cenLer of Lhe gland) whlch ls surrounded by
LhecorLex 1he medulla ls responslble for produclng
eplnephrlne and noreplnephrlne (adrenallne) 1he adrenal
corLex produces oLher hormones necessary for fluld and
elecLrolyLe (salL) balance ln Lhe body such as corLlsone and
aldosLerone 1he adrenal corLex also makes sex hormones
buL Lhls only becomes lmporLanL lf overproducLlon ls

1he adrenal glands are Llny organs LhaL resL on Lop of each
kldney uesplLe Lhelr small slze Lhe adrenal glands play an
lmporLanL role ln Lhe body produclng numerous
hormones LhaL lmpacL our developmenL and growLh
affecL our ablllLy Lo deal wlLh sLress and help Lo regulaLe
kldney funcLlon

1he adrenal glands are comprlsed of Lwo parLsLhe corLex
and medullaLhaL produce hormones (chemlcals
messengers LhaL regulaLe body funcLlons) 1he medulla or
lnner parL of Lhe adrenal glands produces Lhe hormones
noreplnephrlne and eplnephrlne whlch regulaLe Lhe flghL
or fllghL response ln Lhe body Lhe bodys reacLlon Lo
sLressful evenLs 1he corLex Lhe ouLer porLlon of Lhe
adrenal glands produces several hormones LhaL affecL
blood pressure and blood sugar levels growLh as well as
some sexual characLerlsLlcs

1he human body normally* lncludes Lwo adrenal glands
1hese are locaLed lmmedlaLely anLerlor Lo Lhe kldneys and
are encased ln a connecLlve Llssue capsule LhaL ls usually
parLlally burled ln an lsland of faL 1he adrenal glands lle
beneaLh Lhe perlLoneum (LhaL ls Lhey are

1he SLrucLure of Lhe Adrenal Clands
1he mosL obvlous aspecL of Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe adrenal
glands ls Lhelr parLlLlonlng lnLo Lwo dlsLlncLlve
Lhe paler medulla (cenLre) and Lhe darker corLex
8oLh of Lhese Llssues conLaln many blood vessels hence
Lhey may be descrlbed as rlchly vascularlzed
Adrenal Medulla
1he medulla conslsLs of many large columnar cells called
chromaffln cells
1hese synLheslze and secreLe caLecholamlnes
1here are also some Cangllon cells are also observed
8lood from LhroughouL Lhe adrenal gland collecLs lnLo
large medullary velns Lo exlL Lhe gland
Adrenal CorLex
1he adrenal corLex conslsLs of Lhree concenLrlc zones of
sLeroldsynLheslzlng cells glomerulosa faslculaLa and
reLlcularls AlLhough Lhe boundarles beLween Lhese zones
are lndlsLlncL each of Lhese zones has a characLerlsLlc
arrangemenL of cells

When a day ls sald and done
ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL and your fasL asleep my love
SLay awake looklng aL your beauLy
1elllng myself l'm Lhe lucklesL man allve
Cause so many Llmes l was cerLaln you was gonna walk ouL
of my llfe (llfe)
Why you Lake such a hold of me glrl
When l'm sLlll Lrylng Lo geL my acL rlghL

WhaL ls Lhe reason when you really could have any man
you wanL
l don'L see whaL l have Lo offer
l shouldn'L be ln season guess you could see l had
uo you know your my mlracle?

l'm llke a sLaLue sLuck sLarlng rlghL aL you
CoL me frozen ln my Lracks
So amazed how you Lake me back
Lach and every Llme our love collapsed
SLaLue sLuck sLarlng rlghL aL you
So when l'm losL for words
Lvery Llme l dlsappolnL you
lL's [usL cause l can'L belleve
1haL you're so beauLlful (sLuck llke a sLaLue)
uonL wanna lose you no (sLuck llke a sLaLue)

Ask myself why ls you even wlLh me
AfLer all Lhe shlL l puL you Lhrough
Why dld you make your hearL song wlLh me
lL's llke you're llvlng ln an lgloo
8uL baby your love ls so warm lL makes my shleld melL
down (down)
And every Llme were boLh aL war
?ou make me come around


Lvery slngle day of my llfe l Lhank my lucky sLars
Cod really had Lo spend exLra Llme when he sculpLured
your hearL
Cause Lheres no explanaLloncanL solve Lhe equaLlon
lLs llke you love me more Lhan l love myself


When a day ls sald and done
And ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL youre fasL asleep my love

lm Lhe lucklesL man allve

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