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Book Summary : Retaining EmpIoyees Pocket Mentor Series

As a manager, what can you do to attract top talent and keep you company's high-performance employees? n
Retaining Employees, you'll learn ways to stay competitive in the war for talent by using creative and effective
retention strategies, including: Managing or removing common obstacles to retention, such as burnout and work-life
imbalance Developing programs to better meet employees' needs Hiring the right employees to improve retention.
About the Author
Timothy Butler is the Director of Career Development Programs at the Harvard Business School. His research
interests focus on career decision making generally and the relationship between personality structure and work
satisfaction in particular. James Waldroop is a principal and co-founder of CareerLeader, LLP. Until 2001, he was Co-
Director of MBA Career Development Programs at the Harvard Business School. Jim's work focuses on two areas of
interface between psychology and the world of business: individual management development (executive
effectiveness development) and career development assessment and counselling. Waldroop and Butler spent many
years helping business people work through the career planning and development processes, including developing
the nternet-based interactive career assessment program CareerLeader currently used by over 400 MBA programs
and corporations around the world. Waldroop and Butler are also the authors of four Harvard Business Review
articles and two books: Discovering Your Career in Business (Perseus, 1997) and Maximum Success: Changing the
12 Behavior Patterns That Keep You from Getting Ahead (Doubleday, 2000).

wral car you, as a rarager, do lo allracl lop la|erl ard |eep your corpary's r|gr-perlorr|rg erp|oyees? lr Rela|r|rg Erp|oyees, you'||
|earr Ways lo slay corpel|l|ve |r lre War lor la|erl oy us|rg creal|ve ard ellecl|ve relerl|or slraleg|es, |rc|ud|rg: (1) Varag|rg or rerov|rg
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ard |rleresls, (3 l|r|rg lre r|grl erp|oyees |r order lo |rprove relerl|or. Aooul Poc|el Verlors: Tre Poc|el Verlor ser|es ollers |rred|ale
so|ul|ors lo lre cra||erges raragers lace or lre joo every day. Eacr ooo| |r lre ser|es |s pac|ed W|lr rardy loo|s, se|l-lesls, ard rea| ||le
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lrese porlao|e gu|des erao|e you lo lac||e lre da||y derards ol your Wor| W|lr grealer speed, savvy, ard ellecl|veress.

Full description for Retaining Employees
O What can you, as a manager, do to attract top talent and keep your company's high-performing
employees? In "Retaining Employees", you'll learn ways to stay competitive in the war for talent by
using creative and effective retention strategies, including: managing or removing common obstacles
to retention, such as burnout and work-life imbalance; developing programs to better meet
employees' diverse needs and interests; and, hiring the right employees in order to improve retention.
"The Pocket Mentor" series offers immediate solutions to the challenges managers face on the job
every day. Each book in the series is packed with handy tools, self-tests, and real life examples to
help you identify strengths and weaknesses and hone critical skills. Whether you're at your desk, in a
meeting, or on the road, these portable guides enable you to tackle the daily demands of your work
with greater speed, savvy, and effectiveness.

ook description:
Retaining valued employees gives your company a vital competitive edge. But how do you begin tackling this challenging

This book contains information on how to:

- Stay competitive in the war for talent by using creative and effective retention strategies

- Manage or remove common obstacles to retention, such as burnout and work-life imbalance

- Develop programs to better meet employees' diverse needs and interests

- Hire the right employees in order to improve retention

An overview of employee retention --
Understanding the challenges to retaining employees --
Retention strategy 1: hiring right --
Retention strategy 2: making your company an employer of choice --
Retention strategy 3: retaining a multigenerational workforce --
Retention strategy 4: cultivating the right culture --
Retention strategy 5: helping employees avoid burnout --
Retention strategy 6: strengthening your retention skills --
Tools for retaining employees --
Test yourself --
FAQs --
Key terms --
To learn more --
Sources for retaining employees.

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