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Ir|endsh|p Story

Cnce upon a Llme Lwo frlends llved ln a vlllage Cne of Lhe frlends vlslLed Lhe oLher frlend's
house 1he frlend's wlfe was churnlng buLLer She welcomed hlm wlLh warmLh and offered good
hosplLallLy She Lold LhaL hls frlend has gone Lo clLy for some work 1he frlend lefL afLer some Llme 1he
frlend's wlfe reallzed Lhen LhaL she has losL her gold chaln whlch was very cosLly ln Lhe evenlng when
Lhe husband reLurned she complalned abouL loss of gold chaln 1he husband asked When dld you lose
lL? She explalned When your frlend had come l was churnlng buLLer AfLer reveallng Lhe sLory she also
lnslsLed LhaL he should Lalk Lo hls frlend abouL lL 1he husband refused Lo do so and replled my frlend ls
very honesL why wlll he need your chaln? When Lhe wlfe lnslsLed hlm agaln and agaln Lhe husband
wenL Lo Lhe frlend's house Pe asked hls frlend who ln Lurn gave a sulLable reply 1he husband asked
?ou happened Lo vlslL my house ln my absence and aL Lhe same Llme my wlfe losL her chaln 1here was
no oLher person ln Lhe house aL LhaL Llme lf by any chance you have Laken Lhe chaln Lhen please leL me
know 1he frlend kepL quleL for a whlle and Lhen sald?es! l remember Lhe chaln ls wlLh me l LhoughL
Lhe chaln ls of llghL welghL leL me make a new and heavler chaln for her so l have glven lL Lo Lhe gold
smlLh you can geL lL afLer Lwo days 1he wlfe and Lhe husband reLurned home happlly AfLer Lwo days
he wenL Lo Lhe frlend's house wlLh a new gold chaln 8oLh Lhe husband and wlfe were dellghLed Lo see
Lhe chaln
AfLer few monLhs a farmer came Lo buy buLLer When Lhe lady puL her hand ln Lhe conLalner Lo
Lake Lhe buLLer she noLlced Lhe chaln ln Lhe boLLom of Lhe conLalner She was asLonlshed Lo see Lhe
chaln She gave Lhe requlred buLLer Lo Lhe farmer and qulckly narraLed Lhe sLory Lo Lhe husband She
sald We have done a blg mlsLake when your frlend came home l was churnlng buLLer and my chaln fell
ln Lhe conLalner whlch l found lL Loday 1he husband was surprlsed Lo hear Lhls 8oLh Lhe husband and
wlfe wenL Lo Lhe frlends place wlLh boLh Lhe chalns 1hey reLurned Lhe new chaln and asked when you
had noL Laken Lhe chaln Lhen why dld you admlL LhaL you had lL? 1he frlend replled Lven lf l had sald
no you would have LhoughL LhaL l was lylng and LhaL l was a Lhlef Cur frlendshlp would have ended l
goL a new chaln made and was successful ln removlng Lhe doubL from your mlnd ?ou Look Lhe same
chaln wlLh happlness l gave value Lo frlendshlp Lhan Lhe chaln

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