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Format of Board resolution in case of CorporateslTrusts


RESOLVEDTHAT the Company/Trust be registered as Client wtth Suvridhi Capital Markets Ltd, member of The NationalStock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE) for the purpose of dealing in equities, derivatives, debentures, debt and other products and the said Member be and is hereby authorised to honor instruction oral or written, given on behalf of the Company/Trust by any of the under noted authorised signatories: Sr. No. Name Designation 1. 2. 3.
who are authorized to sell, purchase, transfer, endorse, negotiate and lor otherwise deal with/through deal through Suvridhi Capital Markets Ltd. on behalf of the Company/Trust.

RESOLVED FURTHERTHATMr. and/orMr. Directors/Trustees nd/ or Mr. a Authorised Signatory of the Company/Trust be and are hereby authorised to sign, execute and submit such applications, undertakings, agreement and other requisite documents, writings and deeds as .may deemed necessary or expedient to open account and give effect to this resolution. RESOVED FURTHER THAT, the Common Seal of the Company be affixed, wherever necessary, in the presence of any Directors or of anyone Director and Company Secretary, who shall Sign the same in token of their presence. For Chairman/CompanySecretary/All Trustees Ltd.

Specimen signatures of the Authorized Persons SrNo Name

Specimen signatures

The above signatures to be attested by the person signing the resolution for account opening on behalf of the company/trust

Signature of Client




Personal details of Guardian in case of Minor! Trustees in case of Trust! Proprietor in case of Sale Proprietorship Firm! Partners in case of Partnership Firm!WTDor MDand Authorised person(s) to deal in securities in case of Company! Authorised person(s) to deal in securities in case of any other non-individual Particulars
Name 1st Signatory 2nd Signatory 3rd Signatory

Residential ddress A with PinCode

TelephoneNo. Designation Qualification Experience Furnishat leastanyone: IT No.(PAN!GIR) PassportNo. VoterID No. DrivingLincenceNo. RationCardNo. EquityStake(%) Nameof the Bank Saving/Current No. Alc Addressof the Bank with PinCode

Photograph of the Signatory

,/ Signature


Suvridhi Capital Markets Ltd. 516, Kamalalaya Centre 156-A, Lenin Sarani Kolkata 700 013

Dear Sir,
I refer to the trading account to be opened with you in the name of

and declareand authorizeyouas under:

I recognize that a beneficiary account cannot be opened with a depository participant in the name of a sole proprietorshipfirm as per regulations. Tofacilitate theoperation of the above trading account with you and for the purpose of the completing the share transfer obligations pursuant to the trading operation, I authorize you to recognizethe beneficiary AccountNo. withdepository having DP 10 opened in the name ofthe undersigned who is the sole proprietorofthe firm.
I agree that the obligation for shares purchased and lor sold by the firm will be handled and competed through transfers tolfrom the above mentioned account. I recognize and accept transfers made by you to the beneficiary account as complete discharge of obligations by you in respect of trades executed in the above trading account of the firm.

Signature (please sign with stamp of the firm)

Further I, the undersigned, am the sole proprietor of the firm and am solely responsible for the liabilities thereof. I shall advice you in writing of any change that takes place in the constitution of the firm and I will be personally liable to you for all the obligations that the firm may incur in the course of dealings with you and undertake to personally discharge such liabilities.
The cheques/DO may be issued by me from my individual account or my joint account with some one else. This said amounts so given shall be solely I exclusively

for credit 10 the account of my sole proprietorship


MIs. . with Suvridhi Capital Markets Limited. I shall not lay . . any claim whatsoever in future against Suvridhi Capital Markets Limited for affording credit of such cheques
issued from my individual I joint account credit of which has been provided bySuvridhi the account of my proprietorship firm MIs. Capitai Markets Limited to

Yours truly,

Signature (please sign with stamp of the firm)





Dated: To. Suvridhi Capital Markets Ltd. 516, Kamalalaya Centre 156-A, Lenin Sarani Kolkata 700 013

Dear Sir,
We refer to the trading account being opened/opened with you in the name of and declare and authorise you as under:

We recognize that a beneficiary account can not be opened with a Depository Participant in the name of a Partnership Firm as per Regulations. Tofacilitate the operation of the above trading account with you and for the purpose of complying the securities transfer obligations pursuant to the leading operations, we authorize you to recognisethe beneficiary Account No. withdepository be opened as a joint account in the names of the partners of the firm.
We agree that the obligations for shares purchased and/or sold by the firm will be handled and completed through transfers to/from the above-mentioned account. We recognize and accept transfers made by you to the beneficiary account as complete discharge of obligations by you in respect of trades executed in the above grading account of the firm.




Instruction: Should be signed by all the partners of the firm.



AUTHORITY LETTER IN FAVOUR OF MANAGING PARTNER/(S) (To be obtained on Pre-Printed Letter Head of the Firm)


Dear Sir,
We the partners of M/s. office at

a partnership firm, having its office address) City

State and Mr./Ms.

hereby authorizes


to open a securities trading account in Capital Market Segment, F&O Market segment on behalf of the firm M/s. withtheTradingMemberM/s.SUVRIDHICAPITAL MARKETS LIMITED for sale and purchase of shares in Capital Market segment and/or Futures and Options segment He /She / They is/are authorized on behalf of the firm to deal in equities, and the said Trading Member. is hereby authorized to honor all instructions oral or written, given on behalf of the firm by him / her/ them. Mr./Ms. and/orMr./Ms.

is/areauthorizedto sell, purchase,transfer,endorse,negotiatedocumentsand or/otherwisedeal through SUVRIDHI CAPITALMARKETSLIMITEDon behalfofthe firm M/s.
He / She /They is fare also authorized to sign, execute and submit such applications, undertakings, agreements and other requisite documents, writings and deeds as may be deemed necessary or expedient to open account

and give effect to this purpose.

However,any partner/authorized signatory (ies) can issue cheques from bank accounts) in favour of SUVRIDHI CAPITALMARKETS LIMITEDfor credit to Share TradingAccount of the firm with SUVRIDHI CAPITALMARKETS LIMITED,eventhough his/their signatures may not be availableon the records of SUVRIDHI CAPITALMARKETS LIMITED.These cheques may either be from the account of partnership firm orfrom individual accQunt,the said account so given shall be solely/ exclusively for the account of the firm maintained with SUVRIDHI CAPITAL MARKETSLIMITED.




Note: Please affix rubber stamp of the firm for each signature.


Annexure 6

To, Suvridhi Capital Markets Ltd. 516, Kamalalaya Centre 156-A, Lenin Sarani, Kolkata - 700 013 Client Code No. 1.
(hereinafter Whereas the Hindu Undivided Family of referred to as 'the said joint family') carrying on business in the firm name and style of at or elsewhere (hereinafter referred to as 'the said H.U.F. firm'), have or desire to have Share Trading A/c. with M/s. Suvridhi Capital Markets Limited (hereinafter referred to as 'Member'), we, the undersigned, hereby declare:

a) b) c) d)

that we are the present adult co-parceners of the said joint family; that Sh. is the present Kana or Manager of the said Joint Family. that we are entitled to trade in shares and open Share Trading Account of the said Joint Family. that each one of us has full and unrestricted authority to act on behalf of, and bind, the said H.U.F. firm and all the present as well as future members, both adults and minors, of the said joint family, howsoever constituted from time to time. .

2. We confirm that the affairs of the said joint family and the business of the said H.U.F. firm are carried on mainly by the Karta/Manager, the said Sh. on behalf and in the interest and for the benefit of all the co- parceners of the said joint family. We hereby authorize Karta/Manager Sh. on behalf of the HUF to deal on Capital Market segment (CM), Futures and Options segment (F&O), or any other segment that may be introduced by National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE) or the Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE) in future and the said Trading Member is hereby authorized to honor all instructions - oral or written, given by him on behalf of the H.U.F. Sh. is authorized to sale, purchase, transfer, endorse, negotiate documents and / or otherwise deal through Suvridhi Capital Markets Limited on behalf of the HUF He is also authorized to sign, execute and submit such applications, undertakings, agreements and other requisite documents, writings and deeds as may be deemed necessary or expedient to open account and give effect to this purpose. We are, however, jointly and severally responsible for all liabilities of the said H.U.F. firm to the Member and agree and confirm that any claim due to the Member from the said H.U.F. firm shall be recoverable from the assets of anyone or all of us and also from the estate of the said joint family including the interest thereon of every co-parcener of the said joint family, including the share of the minor co-parceners, if any. 3. We undertake to advise the Member in writing of any change that may occur in the Kartaship/Managership or in the constitution of the said joint family or to the said H.U.F. firm and until receipt of such notice by the Member, the Member will be entitled to regard each of us as a member of the said joint family and as a partner of the said H.U.F. firm and all acts, dealings and transactions purporting to have been done on behalf of the said joint family or of the said H.U.F. firm, before the Member shall have received notice in the manner aforesaid, shall be binding on the said joint family and the said H.U.F. firm and on our respective estates. We shall, however, continue to be liable jointly and severally to the Member for all dues and obligations shall have been liquidated and discharged. We recognize that a beneficiary account can be opened with Depository Participant, only in the name of Karta as per regulations. To facilitate the operation of the above share trading account with you and for the purpose of completing the share transfer obligations pursuant to the trading operations, we authorize you to recognize the beneficiary Account No. with Depository DP ID opened in name of Sh. who is the Karta / Manager of this H.U.F. We agree that obligations for share purchase and / or sale by H.U.F. will be handled and completed through transfer to / from the above mentioned account. We recognize and accept transfers made by you to the beneficiary account as completion of obligations by you in respect of trades executed in the above trading account of the H.U.F. The names and dates of birth of the present minor co-parceners of the said joint family are given below. We undertake to inform you in writing as and when each of the said members attains the age of majority and is authorized to act on behalf of, and bind, the said H.U.F. firm.
Name of the Minor Father's Name Date of Birth





We have received and read a copy of the Member's rules and regulations for the conduct of Share Trading Accounts and we agree to comply with and be bound by the said rules now in force or any changes that may be made therein from time to time.

Yours faithfully.

(Full personal signatures of Karta and all major co-parcerners) 23

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