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Egypt Map Rubric

This is the rubric that will be used to grade your Egypt Map Project. Be sure to read it very carefully so that
you know exactly what I expect from you.
Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score

1 2 3 4

Listed NOT Labeled

Labeling Listed MOST
Items Listed items listed on Labeled ALL
items listed on items listed on
on Project project sheet, items listed on
project sheet, project sheet,
Sheet (Part missing no project sheet
missing 4 or missing no
1) more than 3
more more than 2

Colored and
Colored and shaded
Coloring Colored and
Items Listed shaded MOST Colored and
ENOUGH items listed on
on Project items listed on shaded ALL
items listed on project sheet,
Sheet (Part project sheet, items listed on
2) project sheet, missing no
missing no more project sheet
missing 3 or more than 1
than 2

Some writing Most writing on All writing and

Neatness Most of the
on map is neat map is neat and coloring on
writing on map
and easy to easy to read, map is neat
is NOT neat
read, with 3-4 with 1-2 hard to and very easy
and easy to to read
hard to read read words or
words or messy areas
messy areas
Less than three All three All three
Less than three
elevations are elevations are elevations are
elevations are
shaded in on shaded in on shaded in on
shaded in on
map, not in map, but are not map and are in
Elevations map, in three
three different in three different three different
different colors
colors colors colors
Map has a key
Map has a key Map has a key
but is missing Map has a key
but is missing but is missing
three or more that contains
two items from one item from
items from key all three colors
Key key (either key (either
(either and their
elevations or elevation or
elevations or elevations
colors) color)

Written by Jenn Swaisgood. Last updated 04/21/07.

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