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THE POE ORED dV: NET@EVSCNN GUARDIAN SYSTEM = A Gift of LO’VE . to the People of Philippines = \ Wh ; Bb. 1 *KRAi ~ANRIiT*xXBEL O20 ; LILI TS ae AS FT Ade oe Hg 2 ae HS tel: BiBLECROLY BIBLE) ne ppens ome Foul [[ONO.|. Bl mr ya eeotocteat susratmance™ aaa? THE EVSCNN GUARDIAN FUND {SMART SENSES™} — THE EVSCNN GU, WAN FUND is aiming IILENVIRONMENTAL VibUO SIMULATION COCNTIVE NEURAL Nerwonk SBLABISN the AVAUNET®, GUARDIAN SYSTEM. He attra esa tnssnae cuss aay MONITORING SYSTEM which aims, to provide EERGOEE we ssstarseee URITICAL DISASTER” MANAGEMENT ‘SERVICES that can help nations save their valuable aosets and protect the lives of their citizens % IRo. The dVa0N=T® GUARDIAN SYSTEM will employ the most __ advanced ENVIRONMENTAL VIDEO SIMULATION COGNITIVE NEURAL NETWORK ({EVSCNN for effective disaster management of crisis caused due to imbalances in the hydrosphere, the life support system of the EARTH o> pen TI mars Fol] lions of dollars and countless human lives are lost every year due to damages from catastrophe or natural disaster occurring in various parts of the World. tho records of those devastations are simply too innumerable, in Sur prosent, tho recent past and alee ancient history. TH lences of these disasters have been increasing «ve SS beh, of qorerepess of ts peter. Poosoeno aia Packer dia toite suSttaloheatinees in govarrreesal at {ttt panna, Sovernets, nal aon, concerned. about ‘these natural disasters, due to heavy Fea aes ANP acne Repack So MGRE commercia! operations, thereby AfFEC! the livelihood of millions of people under their care. PYRAMIDS Methane eruption blamed for MASS EXTINCTION Did amassive methane bubble from deep beneath the ocean trigger a mass extinction? ainalatel pions see Jiptonedatrhonce email toca lp “The erupting region would have ‘ole over, ejecting a large amount ot methane and atnor gases intothe atmosphere, anid flooding large areas of land:‘rnsu AS PLANET WARMS STORMS GROW STRONGER ut The result would have bean ‘euceCagey a Soom St cng on Noaseurens + Scientists see evidence that hurricanes and typhoons have intensified + Now, one of the top researchers in the field reports that worldwide, these storms are nearly twice as powerful today as they were 30 years ago + There Is a strong real-world correlation between the oces reed Ait ete ate oka to the heating tape Shes Sse and Shur once pee ee ttopkal cyclones. WEO BETTER GET READY etic

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