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The fact that obesity is a problem among humans is well known. What is less recognised is the fact that pets are beginning to suffer from obesity, too. According to a 2005 study, approximately 60 per cent of pet dogs and cats in the United States are overweight, but many owners refuse to acknowledge that their pet is fat. Part of the problem is that it is difficult to spot because pets generally look heavier these days. Even weighing an animal may not help to determine if a pet is overweight because ideal body weight depends on various factors such as age, sex and breed. Instead, vets recommend a simple home test which involves feeling for the animals bones by running your hands across the chest. If there is a layer of fat that stops you from feeling them, then the animal is too fat. Pets gain weight for many of the same reasons that people do. They eat too much snack food and their portions are often excessive, as owners rarely measure or weigh them. There may also be an emotional component. Many owners feel that they are showing love by giving animals extra treats, especially when the pets are children substitutes. Finally, a more sedentary lifestyle often means that pets get less exercise. All this can lead to a variety of health problems for the animal. But the solutions are simple. Owners should control the amount of food pets consume by serving the amounts as recommended of food packaging, and cutting out people treats such as pizza and ice cream. Diet pet food is also an option. Pet must also get enough of the right kind of exercise. For instance, dogs can go swimming and cats can play actively indoors. Pet owners have a responsibility to care for their pets health. This does not mean spoiling them to death according to recent studies, keeping pets slim can actually increase their lifespan by up to two years.

1- Choose the best answer according to the text. *In the Western world today a. most people only want their jobs to pay well. b. many people want their jobs to be interesting. c. satisfying jobs are common. *The new concept of work a. helped to create the rise of meritocracy. b. did not affect people from old aristocratic families. c. allowed the most suitable people to get the best jobs. *Experts think that a. some people expect too much from their job. b. everyone deserves an interesting job. c. some disappointment with work is unavoidable.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Clases de refuerzo Beln M Gonzlez Daz.

2- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Find evidence in the text to support your answers. Early Christian societies. Owners may feed animals too much in order to express love for their pets. Slim animals often live longer.

3- Rewrite the following sentences using the words given, without changing the original meaning. *Weighing an animal may not help. If may not *Owners rarely measure or weigh amounts of food. Amounts of food. 4- Answer the following question. What can owners do to help avoid obesity in pets?

5- Find words or phrases in the text that mean the same as: Admit (p2) See (p2) Servings (p3) Regulate (p4) Omitting (p4) Thin (p5) 6- Write a composition of about 100-150 words in your notebook. Choose one option. *An opinion essay: Would you prefer to own a dog or a cat? Explain your reasons. *A for and against essay: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of owning a pet.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Clases de refuerzo Beln M Gonzlez Daz.

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