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Roll No. Submitted by Submitted to: Class: Session: Dated:

01151011039 FATEH MUHAMMAD Miss Sammar MBA IV 2010-2012 September 26th, 2011


1) Hays Factors of Job Analysis:

1) Accountability It has three dimensions: 1. Freedom to Act: The degree of empowerment to take action and the guidance provided to focus decision-making. 2. Scope: The business measure(s) the job is designed to positively impact. 3. Impact: The nature of the jobs influence on business results. 2) Know -How Know-How has three dimensions: 1. Technical/Specialized Skills: Depth and breadth of technical or specialized knowledge needed to achieve desired results. 2. Managerial Skills: The requirement to undertake managerial functions, such as planning and organizing staff or directing and controlling resources, to achieve business results over time. 3. Human Relations Skills: The interpersonal skills required for successful interaction with individuals and groups, inside and outside the organization. 3) Problem Solving It has two dimensions: 1. Thinking Environment: The jobs context and the degree to which problems and solutions are defined. 2. Thinking Challenge: The nature of addressable problems and the difficulty in identifying solutions that add value.

Merecers Factors of Job Analysis: The Mercer CED Job Evaluation System is one of a
number of systems that measure the value of individual jobs according to their function in, and value to, an organization. Mercer uses three factors for Job Analysis:

1. Expertise 2. Judgement 3. Accountability

Watson Wyattss Factors of Job Analysis Global Grading System (GGS)

Global Grade by evaluating the job against seven factors. Each factor (listed below) is described by a series of level descriptors for each band. 1. Functional knowledge 2. Business expertise 3. Leadership 4. Problem solving 5. Nature of impact 6. Area of impact 7. Interpersonal skills

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