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'Once a Navy Salvage Tug World War II ended But not for tugboat 194 for another year

With its work the debris of war arise from the depths and piers of the ports of Asia and the Pacific Free for commerce and the Cold War The governments need for it did not end They transfer her to the Coast Guard with the stroke of a pen Rename her from Bagaduce to Modoc Peacetime still busy time fishery boat inspections, the war or drugs ,rescue of boaters and pilots and freighters Some cases are towed in to be renewed people and pets to friends reunited some cases are people to be mourned some cases are assets to be tallied on the annual loss sheets One day a decommissioning ceremony after decades of service First the Coast Guard ensign then Old Glory hauled down. The board of awards of over half a century the Navy and Coast Guard crews earned From the wheelhouse side to a museum it is taken GSA auctions her to the highest bidder Just a mundane tugboat now The Coast Guard stripe gone but the white hull paint retained Current crew not knowing the history Spend time off duty texting or ipoding till the batteries drained On the riverbank passersby see a tugboat towing a barge Few know its history is large

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