r-2 Bill

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e and b-tech regular 2nd shift (r-2) AND N-S CLASSES Session: 2010-2011. Teachers Name: Engr Hassan Mehmood Khan. Qualification: _______________. Technology: _______________. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Basic Pay Scale Running Basic Pay 60% of Running Basic Pay Minimum Periods as per Para 7(a) Classes given in R-2 per month Classes given in N-S per month Classes given in R-2 and N-S per month Excess periods as per Para 7(a) per month Per Week Per Month Month: April. Year: 2011 Institute Teacher/Visiting Teacher: _________. CNIC No: _____________________. BPS: _________.

NTN No: _______.

Contact No: _____________________.

Rate/Period (R-2) = 60% of Running Basic Pay Minimum Load/ month 10 Rate as per Non Subsidized Scheme 11 Amount to paid in R-2 12 Remuneration of remaining periods________ @ __________ as per N-S scheme 13 Total Amount to be Paid ( R-2 + N-S ) 14 6% Income Tax 15 Total Net Payable amount

Signature of Teacher: ________________.

Certificate Certified that Mr.__________________________ designation ________________ were given __________________ periods during the month in regular R-2 and N-S classes.

Signature of HOD/Incharge ________________________. Department ____________________.

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