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Chronlc CbsLrucLlve ulmonary ulsease

Many Lypes anlobular and CenLrllobular
JhaL ls emphysema and lLs
W Alveoll are damaged so change from small
sacs Lo large lrregular pockeLs ofLen (reduclng
W Lung surface area ls greaLly reduced
W Causlng breaLhlessness (dyspnoea)
W 1lredness (lnablllLy Lo exerclse)
W 8arrel ChesL
W Chronlc ury Cough
Causes of Lmphysema
W Smoklng
W Agelng
W Alr olluLlon
W Chemlcals and Loxlns
W 8arely CeneLlc Alpha 1 anLlLrypsln deflclency
proLeln whlch proLecLs elasLln ln Lhe lungs
Lmphysema and Smoklng
W Smoklng causes 82 of emphysema among
males and 76 among females
W CurrenL smokers are 6 Llmes more llkely Lo
develop emphysema Lhan nonsmokers
W lemale smokers were nearly 13 Llmes as llkely
Lo dle from CCu as women who had never
smoked Male smokers were nearly 12 Llmes
as llkely Lo dle from CCu as men who had
never smoked
W Med|cat|ons
W Cxygen therapy
W u|monary rehab|||tat|on
W Vacc|nat|on
W Lung reduct|on surgery
W Lung transp|antat|on

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