Employee Engagement-WIFI Model

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WIFI model to establish an employee engagement program :

Well-being (Kesejahteraan)
feeling good about the organization and having the organization care for you.

Information (Informasi)
having a clear vision of where the organization is going and what it wants to achieve and communicating this effectively.

Fairness (Kewajaran/Keadilan)
fairness can be seen in recruit the right people for the right jobs to ensure indviduals begin their working life in the most positive way.

Involvement (Keterlibatan)
organization with high levels of employee engagement recognize that communication is a two-way process

The impact of the WIFI model

Well-being Information Fairness Involvement

Employee feeling Trusted and respected Informed and empowered Valued as as person

Employee Gives of their best, goes the extra mile Is loyal, motivated and enthusiastic

Organization Becomes more efficient and productive Increases customer satisfaction and loyalty Increases profitability/Grows reputation

Employee Engagement Survey

45 questions
Section 1 10 questions (recruitment & training) Section 2 10 questions (supervisor style and colleagues) Section 3 10 questions (happiness) Section 4 10 questions (job) Section 5 5 questions (Pride)

Section 1: Fairness
1. The organization recruits and selects the right people to the right jobs 2. I receive appropriate training and development to help me do my job well 3. I have a personal development plan that helps me grow and develop my career 4. I have ample opportunity to develop my skills, knowledge and behaviors 5. I am given the appropriate level of authority to do a good job 6. I am satisfied with the opportunities there are to develop my career 7. The organization recognizes and develops people's talents 8. I receive appropriate pay and benefits for the job I do In the past month 9. I have received praise and recognition for a job well done 10. My manager reviews my performance with me on a one-to-one basis at least once every six months

Section 2: Involvement
11. My immediate line manager makes me feel my contributions are valued 12. I feel appropriately involved in decision making 13. I am able to voice my views to my manager 14. My manager listens to and acts on my views 15. Managers in this organization encourage two-way communication that promotes open and honest dialogue and understanding 16. Teamwork is encourage in my work unit/department 17. The organization promotes internal cooperation 18. I feel part of a family working for the organization 19. I trust my colleagues to do a good job 20. I am encouraged to come up with new ways of doing things

Section 3: Well-Being
21. My immediate line manager cares for me as a person 22. This organization makes an effective contribution to the community 23. This organization promotes an equal opportunities 24. I am not overload with work to do 25. I have appropriately stimulating and challenging work 26. The organization promotes the health and well-being of employees 27. I am happy with my work-life balance 28. The organization has appropriate family-friendly policies 29. I have the appropriate resources to do my job well 30. I can relate to the values of this organization

Section 4: Information
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Communication across the organization is effective The goals of this organization are clear I receive timely information to help me do my job well I have trust in the leaders of this organization I have a clear understanding of the vision of this organization The job that I do adds value to the organization I am clear what is expected of me in my role Senior managers lead by example I am informed at appropriate intervals about what our customers think about us I am aware of the values of the organization

Section 5: Pride
41. I am proud to work for this organization 42. I would recommend this organization to others as a good place to work 43. I care about the future of this organization 44. I would recommend to my friends and family that they do business with this organization 45. I am willing to go the extra mile on behalf of the organization

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