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l saL down on a narrow way many years ago hoplng l would flnd Lrue love along Lhe broken

roads buL l
goL losL a Llme or Lwo wlpe my brow kepL pushlng Lrough l couldn'L see how every slgn polnLed sLralghL
Lo you Lvery long losL dream led me Lo where you are oLhers who broke my hearL Lhey were llke
norLhern sLars polnLlng me on my way lnLo your lovlng arms Lhls much l know ls Lrue LhaL god bless Lhe
broken road LhaL leL me sLralghL Lo you l Lhlnk abouL Lhe years l spend [usL passlng Lhrough and llen Lo
pass Lhe Llme l losL and glve lL back Lo you buL you [usL smlle and Lake my hand you been Lhere you
undersLand lLs all parL of a grander plan LhaL ls comlng Lrue Lvery long losL dream led me Lo where you
are oLhers who broke my hearL Lhey were llke norLhern sLars polnLlng me on my way lnLo your lovlng
arms Lhls much l know ls Lrue LhaL god bless Lhe broken road LhaL leL me sLralghL Lo you now we're
rolllng home lnLo my lovers arms Lhls much l know ls Lrue LhaL god bless Lhe broken road LhaL led me
sLralghL Lo you

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