Ircnfaq MRC

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ircN 7.2x FAQ 2000/11/08 Q: How do I get ircN to auto-accept DCCs?

The DCC options are greyed out in /mis csettings. A: Use the mIRC DCC options to setup for auto accept: ALT+O then goto DCC. Q: How do I enable CTCP ignore? What does it do? A: CTCP ignore causes ircN to suppress the echoing of specified CTCP requests, though the requests will still be parsed and replied to. Note that ignoring standard CTCPs like PING or VERSION will cancel any CLOAK settings for that request. CTCP ignore can be set from the menubar; ircN other ct cp ignore If you have any questions or problems join #ircN@EFnet and/or post on the forum at

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