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Digitally signed by Joseph Zernik DN: cn=Joseph Zernik, o, ou,, c=US Date: 2011.11.

26 00:25:53 +02'00'

November 24, 2011 Zernik v State of Israel (6041) Screen prints from the online public access system of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel: Search for file #6041


General Details

b) Parties

c) Related Cases

d) Lower Court Case

e) Proceedings Notes: No proceedings at all are listed for the case. In other case management systems, review of the case, whether in the presence or the absence of the parties, is be listed.

f) Events Notes: 1. Events are not defined by law, neither are they defined in the system itself. 2. The Events listed below are: 1. Document filed August 30, 2011 2. Judgment issued September 7, 2011 3. Judgment mailed to the parties September 8, 2011 4. Judgment mailed to the parties September 8, 2011 3. The commencing record the Appeal itself, still fails to appear. 4. The dates, listed for mailing to the parties, do not match the data in the Certificates of Delivery (below). 5. The filing of the November 2, 2011, and the November 22, 2011 Requests for certified copies of the September 7, 2011 Judgment fail to be listed under Events

g) Certificates of Delivery 2273696 mailed to: Dr Joseph Zernik, September 19, 2011 2273697 mail to: State Prosecution, September 8, 2011 Notes: 1. The listing could not possibly be deemed Certificates of Delivery. At best, these are notes (unidentified by name of an individual, unsigned), pertaining to Service, but not Delivery. 2. The date of mailing to the State Prosecution could be deemed adequate for the September 7, 2011 Judgment in the case. However, the date of mailing to the Appellant, Dr Joseph Zernik, is well beyond 5 days, permitted by law, following the issuance of the September 7, 2011 Judgment.

h) Requests Notes: Both the November 2, 2011 Request (line 5), and the November 22, 2011 Request (line 6) for certified copies of the September 7, 2011 Judgment appear in the list. However, no decision was issued on either.

i) Decisions Notes: The only decision listed online is the September 7, 2011 Judgment.

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