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Fakhreddine Zahi. Rue des eucalyptus. 7021. Zarzouna .Bizerte. Tel:21815746 E-mail : Dear Mr.

and Ms. Your advertisement for a field engineer listed on the employment website ( immediately caught my attention because my academic study and skills gathered thanks to my different trainings closely parallel your needs. As my CV shows, I am well qualified for this job. Initially, I would like to catch your attention on a very important point: Energy Engineering includes all industrial fields that contains partially or totally fluid mechanics, thermal transfer, boilers, steam machines, turbine, electricity production and all HVAC aspects. For that reasons, I find myself so concerned by the enhancement of all energetic systems and the way to raise the efficiency is for me the solution to solve our planet ecologic and economic problems. I believe that you will find additional information in the attached curriculum vitae that further demonstrate my capacity for performing the role of Engineering & Operations Graduates. It will be appreciated if you would give me the opportunity to discuss the position with you personally and discuss how my ability to work with diverse groups and projects would contribute to your company. Last but not least, I would like to thank you for your precious time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely. Fakhreddine Zahi.

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