Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming Using C++

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Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++

Peter Müller

Globewide Network Academy (GNA)

August 31, 1997

• Preface
• 1 Introduction
• 2 A Survey of Programming Techniques
o 2.1 Unstructured Programming
o 2.2 Procedural Programming
o 2.3 Modular Programming
o 2.4 An Example with Data Structures
 2.4.1 Handling Single Lists
 2.4.2 Handling Multiple Lists
o 2.5 Modular Programming Problems
 2.5.1 Explicit Creation and Destruction
 2.5.2 Decoupled Data and Operations
 2.5.3 Missing Type Safety
 2.5.4 Strategies and Representation
o 2.6 Object-Oriented Programming
o 2.7 Exercises
• 3 Abstract Data Types
o 3.1 Handling Problems
o 3.2 Properties of Abstract Data Types
 Importance of Data Structure Encapsulation
o 3.3 Generic Abstract Data Types
o 3.4 Notation
o 3.5 Abstract Data Types and Object-Orientation
o 3.6 Excercises
• 4 Object-Oriented Concepts
o 4.1 Implementation of Abstract Data Types
o 4.2 Class
o 4.3 Object
o 4.4 Message
o 4.5 Summary
o 4.6 Exercises
• 5 More Object-Oriented Concepts
o 5.1 Relationships
 A-Kind-Of relationship
 Is-A relationship
 Part-Of relationship
 Has-A relationship
o 5.2 Inheritance
o 5.3 Multiple Inheritance
o 5.4 Abstract Classes
o 5.5 Exercises
• 6 Even More Object-Oriented Concepts
o 6.1 Generic Types
o 6.2 Static and Dynamic Binding
o 6.3 Polymorphism
• 7 Introduction to C++
o 7.1 The C Programming Language
 7.1.1 Data Types
 7.1.2 Statements
 7.1.3 Expressions and Operators
 7.1.4 Functions
 7.1.5 Pointers and Arrays
 7.1.6 A First Program
o 7.2 What Next?
• 8 From C To C++
o 8.1 Basic Extensions
 8.1.1 Data Types
 8.1.2 Functions
o 8.2 First Object-oriented Extensions
 8.2.1 Classes and Objects
 8.2.2 Constructors
 8.2.3 Destructors
• 9 More on C++
o 9.1 Inheritance
 9.1.1 Types of Inheritance
 9.1.2 Construction
 9.1.3 Destruction
 9.1.4 Multiple Inheritance
o 9.2 Polymorphism
o 9.3 Abstract Classes
o 9.4 Operator Overloading
o 9.5 Friends
o 9.6 How to Write a Program
 9.6.1 Compilation Steps
 9.6.2 A Note about Style
o 9.7 Excercises
• 10 The List - A Case Study
o 10.1 Generic Types (Templates)
o 10.2 Shape and Traversal
o 10.3 Properties of Singly Linked Lists
o 10.4 Shape Implementation
 10.4.1 Node Templates
 10.4.2 List Templates
o 10.5 Iterator Implementation
o 10.6 Example Usage
o 10.7 Discussion
 10.7.1 Separation of Shape and Access Strategies
 10.7.2 Iterators
o 10.8 Exercises
• References
• A Solutions to the Exercises
o A.1 A Survey of Programming Techniques
o A.2 Abstract Data Types
o A.3 Object-Oriented Concepts
o A.4 More Object-Oriented Concepts
o A.5 More on C++
o A.6 The List - A Case Study
• About this document ...

Next: Preface
P. Mueller

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