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1he Man Who Cant 8e Moved

Colng 8ack Lo Lhe corner where l flrsL saw you

Conna camp ln my sleeplng bag lm noL gonna move
CoL some words on cardboard goL your plcLure ln my hand
Saylng lf you see Lhls glrl can you Lell her where l am?

Some Lry Lo hand me money Lhey donL undersLand
lm noL broke lm [usL a broken hearLed man
l know lL makes no sense buL whaL else can l do
Pow can l move on when lm sLlll ln love wlLh you

Cause lf one day you wake up and flnd LhaL youre mlsslng me
And your hearL sLarLs Lo wonder where on Lhls earLh l could be
1hlnkln maybe youll come back here Lo Lhe place LhaL wed meeL
And youll see me walLlng for you on Lhe corner of Lhe sLreeL
So lm noL movlng lm noL movlng

ollceman says Son you canL sLay here
l sald 1heres someone lm walLlng for lf lLs a day a monLh a year
CoLLa sLand my ground even lf lL ralns or snows
lf she changes her mlnd Lhls ls Lhe flrsL place she wlll go

Cause lf one day you wake up and flnd LhaL youre mlsslng me
And your hearL sLarLs Lo wonder where on Lhls earLh l could be
1hlnklng maybe youll come back here Lo Lhe place LhaL wed meeL
And youll see me walLlng for you on our corner of Lhe sLreeL
So lm noL movlng lm noL movlng
lm noL movlng lm noL movlng

eople Lalk abouL Lhe guy LhaLs walLlng on a glrl
1here are no holes ln hls shoes buL a blg hole ln hls world

Maybe lll geL famous as Lhe man who canL be moved
Maybe you wonL mean Lo buL youll see me on Lhe news
And youll come runnlng Lo Lhe corner
Cause youll know lLs [usL for you
lm Lhe man who canL be moved

cbotos 2x

Colng back Lo Lhe corner where l flrsL saw you
Conna camp ln my sleeplng bag lm noL gonna move

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