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The nervous system the master controlling and communicating system of the body.every thought, action and emotion reflects its is responsible for regulating and maintaining body homeostasis.cells of the nervous system communicating by means of electrical signals,which are rapid,specific,and and usually cause almost immediate responses. The nervous system has three overlapping functions: uses its millions of sensory receptors to monitor changes occurring both inside and outside the body.these changes are called stimuli and the gathered information is called sensory input. 2.It processes and interprets the sensory inputs and makes decisions about what should be done at each movement a process called integration. 3.It causes a response by activating the effector organs,our muscles or glands;the response is called motor output. ORGANISATION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: The nervous system can be divided into two principal parts.the central nervous system Consists of the brain and spinal cord.which occupy the dorsal body cavity

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