Lesson19 Seventhcase

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Kalidasa – Samskrita – Kendram, 18, Sannathi Street, Madurantakam, India

saMskRt baalapuYpma\ 2
paz: 19 AiQakrNakarkma\
Lesson 19 Locative case

The following prepositions are practiced in this case.

“in, on, at, among”

1) Birds live in the nest.
2) Monkeys stay on trees.
3) I will meet you at your residence.
4) Ram is the best among students.

Fill up the following in VI case and understand with the prepositions given above.

Xabda: ekvacanama\
ekvacanama\ iWvacanama\
iWvacanama\ bahuvacanama\
vaRxa vaRxao vaRxayaao: vaRxaYau
lata latayaama\
latayaama\ latyaao: latasau

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Stage 2: lesson 19 – Locative Case
Kalidasa – Samskrita – Kendram, 18, Sannathi Street, Madurantakam, India

Understand the meaning:

vaRxaoao on a tree, in a tree (hollow), at the tree (Singular)
vaRxayaao: on two trees, at two trees, at two trees, among two trees (Dual)
vaRxaoYau on many trees, in many trees, at many trees,
among many trees. (Plural)

etaina vaa@yaaina pzt .

kak: XaaKayaaM itYzit . A crow stays on a tree branch.

Kgaa: vaRxaoYau vasaint . Birds live on trees.

maInaa: jalao
jalao trint . Fishes swim in water.

janaa: gaRhoYau vasaint . People live in houses.

kRYNa: Warkayaama\
Warkayaama\ vasait.
vasait. Krishna lives in Dwaraka.

ma%syaa: jalaaXayao vasaint . Fishes live in pond.

Ca~a: ivaValayaoYau pzint . Students study in schools.

isaMh: gauhayaaM vasait . Lion lives in cave.

maRgaa: vanao vasaint . Animals live in forest.

The following words/verbs are used only with 7th case. Learn them.

p`vaINa: - expert kuXala: - clever samaqa-: - capable XaUr: - brave

ivaXvaisait – trust isna(it – love/affectionate

]icatyaa ivaBa@%yaa ir>sqaanaaina pUryat .
1 rivaXa=\kr: isatar p`vaINa: Aist . vaadna
2 Aanand: caosa\ kuXala: Aist . ËIDa
3 maata isna(it . pu~
4 XaXaa=\ k: XaUr: Aist . yauw
Visit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kalidasa/ & www.geocities.com/vcgrajan/kendram.html
Stage 2: lesson 19 – Locative Case
Kalidasa – Samskrita – Kendram, 18, Sannathi Street, Madurantakam, India

[maaina vaa@yaaina saMskRtBaaYaayaama\ ilaKt .

1) Man believes on God. .
2) You all are expert in Sanskrit. .
3) I love India. .
4) You walk on the road. .
5) He lives in Mahatma Ghandhi Street. .
6) There are fruits on trees. .
7) I live in Delhi city. .
8) Trichy city in Tamil Nadu state. .

[danaIM vaa@yaaina rcayat .

rajaoXa: svaNa-pru o
Kgaa: jalao vasaint
jalajaIvaa: vanaoYau vasait
maRgaa: vaRxaoYau

vaata-laapimamaM pzt .
raiQaka namaao nama: . sauroKo %vaM ku~ gacCisa ? sauroKa namaao nama: . raiQako AhM ivaValayaM gacCaima .
raiQaka tva ivaValaya: ku~ Aist ? sauroKa mama ivaValaya: p`doXao Aist .
raiQaka tva ivaValayasya naama ikma\ Aist ? sauroKa mama ivaValayasya naama “ ivaValaya:” Aist .
raiQaka tva ivaValayao kit Ca~a: pzint ? sauroKa mama ivaValayao maaikM i~sahsa`M Ca~a: pzint .
raiQaka tva ivaValayao kit AQyaapka: saint ? sauroKa mama ivaValayao iWXatma\ (200) AQyaapka: saint .
raiQaka tva ivaValayao kit p`yaaogaXaalaa: saint ? sauroKa mama ivaValayao ca%vaar: p`yaaogaXaalaa: saint .
raiQaka tva ivaValayao ga`nqaalaya: Aist vaa ? sauroKa Aama\ . ek: mahana\ ga`nqaalaya: Aist .
raiQaka tva ivaValayao k/IDa=\gaNama\ Aist vaa ? sauroKa Aama\ hirtM k/IDa=\gaNama\ Aist .
raiQaka %vaM ka: BaaYaa: pzisa ? sauroKa Ahma\ Aai=\galaM ihndI saMskRtM ca pzaima .
raiQaka %vaM ivaValayao kana\ ivaYayaana\ pzisa ?
sauroKa AhM ivaValayao gaiNatM iva&anama\ cair~M klaa: saMgaNakM ca pzaima .
raiQaka Astu . XaaoBanama\ . puna: imalaama: . sauroKa Astu . punad-Xa- naaya .

Visit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kalidasa/ & www.geocities.com/vcgrajan/kendram.html

Stage 2: lesson 19 – Locative Case
Kalidasa – Samskrita – Kendram, 18, Sannathi Street, Madurantakam, India

Slokas teaching Cases 7:

ivadoSaoYau QanaM ivaVa vyasanaoYau QanaM mait: .

prlaaoko QanaM Qama-: SaIlaM sava- ~ vaO Qanama\ ..
Meaning: Education is the wealth in foreign land, intellect in trouble, virtues in another world
and characters everywhere.

SatoYaua jaayato SaUr: sahs~oYau ca pMiDt: .

va@ta dSasahs~oYau data Bavait vaa na vaa ..
Meaning: A courageous takes birth among one hundred people, a scholar among one
thousand and good orator among ten thousand. But it is doubtful whether a donar takes

p`daoYao dIpkScand`: p`Baato dIpkao riva: .

~Olaao@yao dIpkao Qama-: saupu~: kuladIpk: ..
Meaning: The moon is the lamp in evening, the sun in the morning, virtues in all three world
and a good son to a family.

XaOlao Xalao na maaiNa@yaM maaOi>kM na gajao gajao .

saaQavaao na ih sava- ~ candnaM na vanao vanao ..
Meaning: Rubies are not found in every mountain, pearls on the heads of elephants, good
person everywhere and the sandalwood tree in every forest.

p`qamao naaija-ta ivaVa iWtIyao naaija-tM Qanama\ .

Iya naaija- tM puNyama\ catuqa-ao- ikM kirYyait ? ..
Meaning: A person who hasn’t earn knowledge in the first quarter of his life (1-25 years),
money in the second quarter (26-50 years), good deeds in third quarter (51-75 years) and
what will he in the fourth quarter (76-100) ?

Lessons are prepared and published on behalf of Kalidasa-Samskrita-Kendram Trust,

Madurantakam by V.C. Govindarajan. Your feedback to vcgrajan@yahoo.com or

by Kalidasa-Samskrita-Kendram, Madurantakam

Visit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kalidasa/ & www.geocities.com/vcgrajan/kendram.html

Stage 2: lesson 19 – Locative Case
Kalidasa – Samskrita – Kendram, 18, Sannathi Street, Madurantakam, India

Previous lessons are available (word format) in the following links.


Next lesson: Lesson 20 : Time

Visit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kalidasa/ & www.geocities.com/vcgrajan/kendram.html

Stage 2: lesson 19 – Locative Case

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