Computer Network Lecture One

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Computei Netwoik lectuie one

Network can be c|ass|f|ed through 3 th|ngs

1 neLwork coverage area LAn Local area neLwork beLween me and my frlend one neLwork connecLlon
WAn wlde area neLwork where large neLwork connecLed LogeLher more Lhan one LAn LogeLher MAn
meLropollLan neLwork beLween clLles
2 Work by whlch model peer Lo peer model where Lwo compuLers wlLh Lhe same prlvlleges connecLed
LogeLher llke wlreless access ln l1l CllenL server one machlne have daLa llke mall server and web server
3 1ype of Lopology or physlcal connecLlon 8us 1opology Mesh SLar 8lng Pybrld
D 1CCLCG centra| cab|e by 1 or connector
When one pc needs Lo send message all oLher C's hear Lhe message as lL work by broadcasL
lL's shape ls connecLor and Lwo LermlnaLor and Lhe Lwo sldes of Lhe neLwork as Lhey absorb frames aL end of
AdvanLage low cosL easy Lo seLup
ulsadvanLage low securlLy lf Lhe cenLral cable ls down Lhe whole neLwork ls down hard LroubleshooLlng
tar topo|ogy centra| network dev|ce neLwork devlce can be Pub or swlLch
Pu8 broad casL send message Lo all user excepL sender
SwlLch unlcasL send message Lo one user only
ADV and D|s advantage easy to troub|e shoot|ng
ecure when use sw|tch star
DI advantage s|ng|e po|nt of fa||ure h|gh cost
k|ng topo|ogy each dev|ce connected to one another |n c|ose |oop
Lach dev|ce send message when |t rece|ve token msg the one wh|ch send the token msg |s master C
1ransm|ss|on of data |s one s|de
No one can send unt|| the one wh|ch have token msg stop send|ng and g|ve the token msg to one another
Adv no co|||s|on |n the network so no |oss of data perform we|| under heavy traff|c
D|s ADV |f one dev|ce fa|| the who|e network goes down d|ff|cu|t troub|e shoot|ng

Mesh 1opology each devlce ls connecLed Lo Lhe anoLher one wlLh lL's own cable
So Lo deLermlne Lhe number of cable for any mesh Lopology [usL calculaLe lL llke n*((n1)/2)
n number of machlne Lo be connecLed
Auv Anu ulS Auv
8ellable Lransfer AdvanLage
ulS Auv hlgh cosL Lo reduce cosL lL can be parLlal Mesh

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