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1he 8ALL8 (nons) ls a flve year fullLlme degree program from AmlLy unlverslLy

st 1

O lsLory l
O 9ollLlcal Sclence l
O ngllsh l
O lndl / lorelgn Language l
O Legal MeLhod
O Law of ConLracL l

st 2
O lsLory ll
O 9ollLlcal Sclence ll
O ngllsh ll
O lndl / lorelgn Language ll
O nvlronmenLal SLudles
O Law of ConLracL ll

st 3

O Soclology l
O conomlcs l
O ConsLlLuLlonal Law l
O Law of Crlmes l( lndlan 9enal Code)
O lamlly Law l
O CommunlcaLlon CllenL lnLervlewlng

st 4
O Soclology ll
O conomlcs ll
O ConsLlLuLlonal Law ll
O AdmlnlsLraLlve Law
O lamlly Law ll
O CommunlcaLlon Advocacy Skllls

st S

O Soclology lll
O conomlcs lll
O urlsprudence l
O Code of Clvll 9rocedure
O Labour Law l
O 9roperLy Law

st 6
O lsLory lll
O 9ollLlcal Sclence lll
O Law of Crlmes ll(Code of Crlmlnal 9rocedure )
O Code of Clvll 9rocedure
O Labour Law ll
O Cyber Law

st 7

O Law of 1orLs( MoLor vehlcles AcL Consumer

9roLecLlon AcL 1986)
O Company Law

st 8
O lnvesLmenL CompeLlLlon Law
O 1axaLlon Law
O nvlronmenLal Law

O Land Laws
O 9ubllc lnLernaLlonal Law
O ArblLraLlon AlLernaLe ulspuLe 8esoluLlon

O lnLernaLlonal 1rade Law
O Law of vldence

st 9

O urafLlng 9leadlng Conveyanclng

O lnLellecLual 9roperLy 8lghLs
O uman 8lghLs Law
O 9rofesslonal Lhlcs
O C91lCnAL(Any one)
1 9rlvaLe lnLernaLlonal Law
2 lecLlon Law
3 8anklng lnsurance Laws
4 lnLernaLlonal umanlLarlan 8efugee Law
3 Crlmlnology

st 10
O Legal WrlLlng
O MooL CourL / lnLernshlp
1 MooL CourL
2 lnLernshlp
3 CorporaLe Legal 1ralnlng
4 lnLernaLlonal umanlLarlan 8efugee
3 Crlmlnology

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